D001268vnginai- ciry caerk Copies- Fin. & Mgmt Services MAY 2 9 1gg? Public Works Accounting Engineer Contractor CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE • MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Each Each Lin. Ft. Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Pound Cu. Yd. Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as DAVERN-EDGCUMBE STORM SEWER & PAVII�iG C95-2T628-0784-29217 known as activity no. 29217 Richazd Knutson, Inc. City Project No. 95-5-8105 & 95-P-8086 Contractor, is composed of the following: Construct Outside Drop Additional Traffic Control at Davern and Montreal Construct Retaining Wall Excavate Void Area 6" Solid Line - White Poly Perforated 4" Solid Line - Yellow Poly Perforated Remove Tree (10"-24") (FUP) Remove Tcee (Ovex 24") (FUP) Rebuild Manhole & Catch Basins (FUP) Relocate Connection to Manhole #318 Relay 40' of 24" R.C.P. to Manhole #319 Relocate Catch Basins at Lower St. Dennis Repair Damaged and Undermined Curb Reconnect 15" Sewer to Manhole � igh Eazly Concrete (FUP) ock Excavation (FUP) Repair Retaining Wall Remove Existing Catch Basin Miscellaneous Street Repairs Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs TOTAL 1 ] 1 1 1,923 1,791 1 1 6.5 1 1 1 1 1 18,003 4 1 1 1 1 $2,450.00 $5,924.12 $412.50 $400.00 $7,480.47 $4,423.77 $300.00 $450.00 $1,072.50 $276.09 $1,504.61 $3,374.36 $615.59 $134.10 $1,080.18 $300.00 $255.00 $1,699.50 $2,830.45 2 296.50 $37,279.74 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 37,279.74 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named on the contract, known as Activity No. 29217 , and which amount is to be financed from: Assessments CIB s� Water Surcharge Clawback Water IDR APPROVED AS TO FORM 19_ Assistani Ci Attorney �� � 19� igir5 er Division Manager Director, Department of Public Works 19 19 �j ��IC��L� �f�C�fc�S�� � � ,��/ .�9 $2,450.00 $5,924.12 $412.50 $400.00 $3.89 $2.47 $300.00 $450.00 $165.00 $276.09 $1,504.61 $3,37436 $615.59 $134.10 $0.06 $75.00 $255.00 $1,699.50 $2,830.45 $2,296.50 U�l DepaKment ot Finance and Manage Services f� >_�'`, i°r� �@ � �o S Administrative Assistant to the Mayor No.: D �IZIIDQi Date: � � + —� / � • • DEPARIMENt/OFF'ICE/COUNCb DATE 38485 Public Works Construction �^TE� 6/20/97 GREEN SHEET NO. INI'f1AL/DA iN1T1AL/DA COMl+CI PERSON & PHONE � qEppRyMENf DiRECIpR TE � CITYCOUNCQ. � Daniel A. Haak 266-6084 ��+ � �m' s� crn c�.eauc -� MU5CBEONCOUNCILAGENDABYWATEJ � A ��� a ��� G � BUDGEf DQ2ECl'OR & MGT. SQ2l7CE5 ORDER MAYOR (OR DIR. � ASSLS'fAP717 � T�TLi!= TO'IaIL f OF SIGNA'NAE PAC�3 ? (GRdPAiy LOCKI(ONS FO& 3GFAISIRE) � Fd Wam � DEP3'. ACCOUNl}Wf ACIiON RE9UESIED Provide compensarion for exu�a work performed by the Contractor at the request of the Engineer. DAVERN-EDGCi3MBE SE4VER & PAVING; City Project No. 95-S-8105 & 95-P-8086 ,�n^ ���� Coniractor: Richard Knutson, Inc. � j RECOMMENDA'110NS: Approve (A] or Reject Qy p�gp� SE&VICE COI1112AC'fS MIIST APISWER THE FOLIAWING QIIF.STIONS: P[nxNtNG coMhasstoM _ CMC SEav[cE cAbmSISSIOx I. Has this pason/&m ever worked �mdu a contract for tl�is department? cm coarnm�ree �S NO — — 2. Has this peison/1'irm eva been a city employee7 A �q� YES NO — — 3. Does this person/firm possrss a sl¢ll not norsally possessed by any current city _D[S1RIC1'CpUNCIL _ employee? SUPPOR35 WELCH COUNCILO&1EC19VE? �S NO Lhplaln aA yes answen on separate sheet aad attach to green sheet INI17Ai1NG PROBLEM. 1SSUE. OPPOF2T[1NITY (WHO. WIUIT, WHEN, WHERE. WF3YJ: The Contractor was directed to perform extra work not included in the original contract. ADVANfAGES IFAPPROVED: The project can be built to acceptable construction standards. The Contractor will be compensated for extra work performed at the direction of the Engineer. DISADVANCqGFS IFAPPROVED: None RECEIVED °��� - g 1997 ��TY CLERK DIS.4DVANTpGES IFNOTAPPf20VED: The project could not have been completed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ R7.27A 74 cosr/x�xoE sunG�ID (cmc� oxg) O xo � FUNDING SOURCE �sessments. CIB. SRB. Water Surchazge ecizvrrY ri[rs�Ex F7NANCIALINFORMATION:(E7�WN) _ _ _ Clawback, Water IDR CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFEICE OF THE MAYOR City Clerk No: �� ( Date: —► - � t.j -(]—{ —�—•--+-=-H- ADMIN(STRA7IVE ORDER, Consisteni with the authority granted to Ihe Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City ChaRer and bas� cr, the request of the Director of the Department of Planning & Economic Development, to amend the 199 budget of the Co�unity Development Block Grantfund. The Director of Ihe Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the toilowing manner ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVIS(ON Current Budget Acquisition Contingency P6-100-37801-0558-61999 P6-100-94002-0558-00382 $146,000.00 $0.00 ($146,000.00) $146,000.00 Property Management P6-100-37802-0596-61003 P6-100-94002-0596-00383 Citizen Participation P6-100-37805-0547-61013 P6-100-37816-0547-61013 P6-100-37817-0547-61013 P6-100-94002-0547-00384 Finance Department � 100-37817-0558-61085 100-94002-0558-00387 Dayton's Bluff NHS P6-100-37812-0547-61099 P6-100-94002-0547-00388 Housing lnformation Office P6-100-37817-0558-61108 P6-100-94002-0558-00405 Contract Services P6-100-37802-0579-61112 P6-100-94002-0579-00406 CDBG Audit Expense P6-100-37817-0216-61117 P6-100-94002-0216-00407 Selective Ciearance $1,841,724.14 $0.00 $301,008.56 $397,577.94 $780,881.72 $0.00 $80,790.00 $0.00 $1,381,805.55 $0.00 $1,067,716.00 $0.00 $175, 000.00 $0.00 $111,318.96 $0.00 ($367,597.72) $367,598.00 ($77,419.51) ($82,623.02) ($147, 976.33) $308,019.00 ($21,65Q.0�) $21,650.�0 ($91,425.35} $91,425.00 ($164,400.03) $164,400.00 ($100, 504.23) $100,504.00 $22,072.36 $25,000.00 P6-100-37801-0551-61140 $1,060,000.00 ($93,928.16) P6-1Q0-94Q02-0551-QQ40& $0.00 $93,928.�Q • AmendcC Change Budget $0.00 $146,000.00 $1,474,126.42 $367,598.00 $223,589.05 $314,954.92 $632,905.39 $308,019.00 $59,140.�0 $21,650.00 $1,290,384.20 $91,425.00 $903,315.97 $164,400.00 $74,495.77 $100,504.00 $133,391.32 $25,000.00 $966,071.84 $93,928.00 General Administration P6-100-37817-0558-61179 P6-100-94002-0558-00409 �nning Administration P6-100-37816-0558-61179 P6-100-94002-0558-00410 Public Service Salaries P6-100-37805-0558-61179 Handicapped Accessibility P6-100-3781 Q-0565-61198 P6-100-94��2-0565-00412 Taxi Refueling Station P6-100-37803-0565-61201 P6-100-94002-0565-00413 Red School House P6-100-37803-0565-61209 P6-100-94002-0565-00414 Housing Development Opp Fund P6-100-37801-0589-61231 �-100-94002-0589-00415 Single Family Rehabilitation P6-100-37812-0581-61273 P6-100-94002-0581-00418 Vacant Building Homestead Asst. P6-100-37801-0549-61283 P6-100-94QQ2-Q549-00419 Rehab Loan Service Fees P6-100-37812-0584-61292 P6-100-94002-0584-00420 Kent-Sherburne Revitalization P6-100-37801-0547-61301 P6-100-94002-0547-00421 Chiid Care Program P6-100-37805-0547-61313 P6-100-94002-0547-00423 $5,055,512.00 $0.00 $2,100,000.00 $0.00 �,. .:: �� $1,060,000.00 $0.00 $111,381.79 $0.00 $150,000.00 $0.00 $567,600.00 $0.00 $11,963,811.06 $0.00 $5,640,000.00 $0.00 $75,0OO.Oa $0.00 $65,000.00 $0.00 $814,322.00 $0.00 ($668,710.66) $499,167.00 $169,543.87 $0.00 ($43,488.00) ($390,393.71) $366,323.00 ($57,986.29) $57,986.00 ($3,655.00) $3,655.00 ($27,390.00) $27,390.00 ($1,541,910.85) $1,541,911.00 ($1,717,992.07) $1,717,992.00 ($12,072.01) $12,072.00 ($7,254.51) $7,255.00 ($167,540.61) $167,541.00 rnational Market -100-37801-0547-61323 $268,438.00 ($646.31) P6-100-94002-0547-00424 $0.00 $646.00 `►Jt�o i Z�q $4,386,801.34 $499,167.00 $2,269,543.87 $0.00 ;i�� $669,606.29 $366,323.00 $53,355.50 $57,986.00 $146,345.00 $3,655.00 $540,210.00 $27,390.00 $10,421, 900.21 $1,541,911.00 $3 $1,717,992.OQ $62,927.99 $12,072.00 $57,745.49 $7,255.00 $646,781.39 $167,541.00 $267, 791.69 $646.00