242209 r OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 242;�09 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' LICENSE COP�TT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � Februar� 18� 1969 COMMISSIONE ATF WHII3EA,St Proper notice has been received as to change of officers arxl stockholders in the Mohawk Lar, Inc., 107 Cona� rd Street� holders of Qn Sa1e Li.quor License ATo. 7570� e�iring January 31, 1970� therefore, be it RESOLV�t William J. Larson� Sr. Vice—president; and Mary Jane �,arson� �eeretary and �reasurer; both relinquish their offices with the office of �reasurer being vacant and Charles L, Leach becoming Vice—president and Secretary; and Riary Jane Larson one of the stoekholders transfe�f.ng her stock to Charl�s J. I,each who becomes one of the stockholders with �illiam J. �arson� Jr,, the President� �e and the same i� hereby approved. � Sale Liquor Establishment Change Stockholders & Officers Informa lly �proved by Council 2-13-6s Orig. Appn. K-8793 FEB181969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas N�ya Carlson FE6 1 $ 1969 Dalglish Approved 19�_ Meredith r� Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedeaco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne 'PUBLISHE� FEB 21 1969 O . � � , E ' CITY'OF SAfINT PAUL Capital of Minneaots � � ���Gy q � �e a�ti�e�t a c�b�ic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH Fix�pROTECTiort WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGEA M. CONWAY, Deputy Commiasioncr DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lleenee Inspeetor Febru ary 13, 1969 Honorable Mayor and City �ouncil Saint Paul, Minnesota Cientle�ens (�irrentlg the �Iohawk Bar, Inc. 107 Concord Street hold tk� Sal� Liquor License No. 7570 ar�d mi.scellaneous licensEas, all ex�iri�g Jarivary 31, 1970. William J. Larson, Jr. recnains in the office cf the Presiderit. William J. Larson, Sr. Vice�residerrt; and Mary Jane I,ars on� Secretary and Treasurer; both relinquish these offices. Charles L. Leach becomes the Vice-+president and �ecre�ary. The office of Treasurer is leFt vacant. Mary Jane Zarson one of the stockholders transfers her stock �o Charles L. Leach who becoanes one oP the stockholders with �1i11iam J. Larson, Jr. Attached is Mr. Leachf s application and letters of information. Very truly yours, �� �,�� 1 � Licensa Inspector � �� � � . , a . , ..... M • . . � � . � MANSUR, MANSUR & MANSUR ATTORNEYS AT LAW > � 462 SO. ROBERT STREET ' SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55107 PETER M. MANSUR January 3� 1969 . MARTIN J. MANSUR EDWARD N. MANSUR 222'2781 The Honorable l�iayor and Council for the City of Saint Paul City i3a11 and C�urt �iouse Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 R� : �ohawk Bar, Inc. 107 Concord Street St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: :�tay this letter serve to inform you that Cnarles Louis L�ach, residing at 25 tvest t-ayoming Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107, is now the solz stocicholdar of th� is- sued and outstanding stock of Mohawk Bar, Inc. , an on- sale liquor establishment located at thz address above r.oted. Under the terms of the Purchase Agreerient, the stock has been plzdged by tne purchaser to guarantee the balance of tne purchase �rice. The �pp3ication for the necessary licenses for the year 1969 wili be in the nam�a of Mohawk Bar,. Inc. , and the soie stoc'�nolder, Charles Louis Leach. If ac�ditional information is necessary, kindly advise. I I Yours ver�y truly, MANSUR, :�ANSUR & �SUR i � � � �C/ I MJM:pam M i:in -J. ��Ia sur I I . w . . � Mr. Daniel McLaughlin, License Inspector February 5, 1969 City of Saint Paul Departm�nt of Public Safety Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re : Mohawk Bar, Tnc. Dear luLr. McLaughlin: Tr7e wish to advis� that William J. Larson, Sr. and �Iary J. Larson are no longer officers of the above named corporation. lir. CharZes L. I,�ach has purchas�d into the corporation and now serves in the capacity of Vice President and Secretary of this company. -�--.-„ V�ry truly yours, ��u i�,',�i;,� _,��� ��� L>>j� MOHAWK BAR, INC. �!;� F�'3 �:.��J � � ��� j�7 i t+�'� -, y. . {�' �� �':�°V�'�L ' �' � � � /"j���'����i(�C� ` r ' `"�' �� 4� �?/ r, ,.:?c. or P�;r� s��ery �� , ���?„��I ����'� William J. Lar n, Jr. Przside �'v/��,'�f�r. 1�1'��J� ~aV t��1y� / l � �Y / G-� � ;-�' Cha les L. L�ach, Vice President , and 5ecretary. I y � CITY flF SAIl+1T PAUI, DEPARTA�NT OF P(TBLIC Sl1FSTY ZiCENSE DNISIdN Data �/�, 19� "'""'"'T' 1• Appliaatiam. �or •- C� � ( LiQense 2, Na�s of applioa��t - 3. Bueinese addris�s�ZC��,�LV�r� Resa.denoe, � � ) /����,�,i�y 4. Trade name, �.P ,az�r �(�'�l_i�t ,��la(� �NG� � � 5. xetail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor �ederal Tax Stamp �/ �rill be uesd, 6. t� �rhat floor �oaated , Sr Number o� roomns used� f ?. Betw�sex► �at croas streets �6'�GUN� fI' I�3�+�� �''¢dlNtiieh side of �treet �I'/o, _ _ __ . . .... 8, �,re premiaes ndw occupied i�QSlPhat buaineae� i Ho�r long .,�__r..,..,. . _ _ . 9. �,re premi�ea nqw un.00aupied�Haw long vaaant P�evious use �dR�HA s�' ..� s��.� 10. �re you a new craner t�o_S,! ve you been in a similar buaas�e�a bePore ���� _�� .s ii�here ����j�_(�/�ar�.a y e r,� ilPhen ..���( , �4�Z , 11. Are you going �o operate thia businsss personally E/,os , Ti If not, �ho wi�,l oparate it 12. Are you i.n any othar business at ths present time �p ......_„_ .,....._ � 13. YIave �hare been any Qomplaints against your operation of thia type of p]aoe �p T �Phex► 1Rlhere 14. II�ve you ev�er had a�y licsenae revolaed��fhat reason a�i date 15. Ars you a aiti�n o� tha United State� U�g l�ativ�e Naturalized �,. .""""„"""' 16. '9�ere �re re you b orn , S't' Pdc.Q,� Da te of b i r'th I/— /�—,� � r 17. I am ✓ max�ri�ed. �dy (wi�a'a) (hueband•s j nam� and addreas is N G�e � 18. (If married fe le) n�q maiden name ie 19. Ho� lung have ou lived in S`t. Paul ��5 ^ � 2Q, Havg �rvu ev�ar blsen arreated��Violatioa o� what oriminal lavr or ordinanoe�� •�1.��✓ �'��;;,c� S��no�� L ��'I�w; a5w�o�e �t0 �- G1��+ �3r+-P_St`e „ - --- - --- 21. Are you a regie��tered voter in the City �f St. Pati1 � Yes �o, (Ans�r fully a � aompletely. Thase a �lications e►re t2�orou hl ahecl�ad and an falaif csa�i3on—�11 be cauae far enial. � . � , , 22. I�umber of 3.2 p]aQes within two blocke ��2 23. Cloaeat intoxicating liquor plaoee Qn Sals � B� OPf Sale �LFo55 �,e- Sts�e� f 24. Neareat Church (, /�j Nearest 3chool ��1 25s Number of booths Tables �c _Chaira 6� `Stoola o2 0 26. 1Phat occupation have you followed for the past five y�sars. (Give namea of employ�ers and dates so employed.) G�6iv�t�ki�l-5 Nili� (C. �-e. �,�� �— l�fd„T�' ��z� �a,�- f��y - /9d 7 27. Gige� x�e►mes and addrease� of two persons, reaidents of 3te Pl�ul, Ma..nne, who oan gi�e infora�tion oonaerning you, rtame M a.0 ;� N1 a,�,�u� Aaare�s �/,�,� �� �ob�r f— Na�s �la�j:fi ,T�.SucL 1 A�ddreas ��2� �y!?D a��--�'c G� �-v c�'. Sipsa�ure pp ican State of �ia.nsaota) )as C oun�y of Ramsey ) (�' ,L,.�� � �e�c being first duly avrorn., deposea and says upon oath t he has read the foregoin.g �tatement bearing his aignature and knawe the con�enta thereof, and that the ae�s is ti�ue of hie o�n. lrnowledge except as to thoee me�tters therein s�ated upcm infoz�m�tion and belief and as to th�se matters he believea tham to be trueo / � Signa ure of App icant Subsaribed and s�rorn to before �s ' this J � dAST Qf . �dr 19� �` No bli Count�rs ,innesota � My Ccrm�aission expires ' (Note� These statement forms are in duplic�te. "Both copies must be fully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Lioense Di4is iona�� ■AR711�1 �..1AAP1St3R Nt*?aty P�.'.:::�. Gr'.ata Cou�Y, Mann. h4y Cort�mission Exp#►es Aug. 1, 1970. • dFFIDA,VIT BY APPLICANT � - � � • F(�t RETAIL BEPsR OR LIQIIUR LICENSE Re: �,Se�le_ �f'���r- Lican�e l/ '' Aama of applioant ���5-- -��d.G�l� Bu�inesa addxeae 1�����YGe%� � dre you the sole asmer of this busineaaR�G�Qf not, is it a partnership? r - 0 orporat ion.4 i , other� �.�...� . . t�thers interea ed in buainess, ix3.clude thoae by loan of money, proparty or vthex�wri.se: Name�� �� �.�.t-�son� ��-. .Aadress s.�,E2.,�r ����-ct� ��ad Hc�r ,�iv�ae� �'or I.�ez,� �" .�...�GS• o� Co�ept... r- If a corporation, gfve its name K 1� _ ��hr��____,f���___.���� .� Are you interested in any w�►y in any other 8etail Beer or Liquor buainesa? ��O da aole o�rn.er? Partner? Stoek�older4 Otherwise? (Through lo� of ma�ey, eta. Eacp].ain) Addreas of auch bueiness and nature of interest in �am� Signature of applioant State of Yiane sotaa� �sa CoLmty of �maey t ,�,_ P �G �i be3.ng first-duly aworn, depoees and says upan ��i L i'� ; �• L� ,,., oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bear�g hie aignature and kp.owe the aontenta thereoP; that the sam� is true of his own lazaarledge, eacept ae to those mattera therein sltated�upan inform�tion and belief and as to those mat�ers he be- lieves them to be true. ' � Signa�ure oP a pplicant Subscribed �nd avrorn tu tye�ore m� this � day �f d�- 1. 19� Notary blic, o , inneao di �� My e o�unias ion expires 19 r�a�nN �. a��;��S�H f+ebtary �u':Jl;, [`y�� P;aurtty, Mirtn. alA! Ao�mtsainn Exi� Au& l. a9Z0. . i � _ � •. . , S'PATE QF �TI�JT;F.SbTA } j SS COUNTY ^vi Rt�,MSE'Y � f���'/`°S �. `e�G ` being first duly sw4rn, doth depose , and say that he makes this affidavit in aonneetion ti�rith a�plioation for ...... . . t ;.�< " p/1� Salot' lic�uor liesnse (" p�/ Sals" malt beverage lic��.se j in the°�City of _ 3tre►te oY Idin�e o�a Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resider.t of the aixl has reszded therei.n for 3 f years, �L moriths, and is St�te now and has beeru. for the �ime abave mentioned a bona fide resident of said �[ and that he now resides at P10. � �,�/Cl___________ _ ._ ��1 j . 3�fdAi�, T�;inn.esota. � :..�; .+ ° Subsoribed anc� ajworn to before me � thia day!, of r�!d-� 9 df' : Ato�ta � Publ' , y ounty, Minne sota z fo� Ivly cormnission ex�ires Ed'i��CTI?i .;. ".;�"."�':','FY i'JOtar� "'�'��'s. -�ota County, Mtr.n. � My Cotn�r;��ss+u�� �K,s�teo Aug. l, 1970. � � Fsbruary 13, 1969 C°o°a�r�o����a�atety _ PubliC Satety Hldg. Dear Sir: Atte__.ntion: Mr. Daniel McLewghlin The City Couoacil today informaliy appraved the change oP ottiaers and stockholders in the MohaWk Bar, Inc., 107 Concord St., holders of On 8ale Liquor License No. ?570 and miecellaneous licenseg, ell ex- piring Jan. 31, 1970. Will you pleaae prepere the custo�sry resolution aovering this m.tter? Very truly yours, City Clerk ng �