242199 Orl;inal to City Clerk . : • ,� � � � 'C� 1��DINANCE 242199 � COUNCIL FILE NO •, PRESENTED BY � �,�� ORDINANCE NO -� �J � An ordinance granting per- mission to Northdale, East Oakdale, Oakdale and Woodbury Joint Sanitary Sewer Board to construct, operate and maintain an interceptor sanitary sewer in a portion of North Park Drive. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seetion l. That permission and authority are hereby given to Northdale, East Oakdale, Oakdale and Woodbury Joint Sanitary Sewer Board to construct, operate and maintain a public inter- ceptor sanitary sewer in a portion of North Park Drive within the City of Saint Paul described as follows: Begin.ning at a point on the West line of the NE 1/4 of Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, which is 1150 feet North o� the SW corner of the NE %4 of said Section 2; thence East at a right angle to the West line of the NE %4 of said Section 2 a distance of 253•35 feet; thence Easterly a distance of 565. 84 feet along a tangential curve concave to the North having a radius of 1432.40 feet and a • central angle of 22° 38' ; thence North- easterly tangent to said curve a distance of 263.35 feet; thence Northeasterly a distance of 773• 87 feet along a tangential curve concave to the South having a radius of 1240. 27 feet and a central �ngle of 35° 45' ; thence Southeasterly tangent to the east described curve a distance of 355 feet and there terminating. Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Northdale, East Oakdale, Oakdale and Woodbury Joint Sanitary, Sewer Board for the construction, operation and maintenance of the said public interceptor sanitary sewer upon and subject to the following provisions, terms and conditions: a. That said permittee shall construct said public interceptor sanitary sewer at its own expense and in accordance with the plans and specifications on file with the Department of Public Works, which plans and specifications are subject to the approval of the Gommissioner of Public Works prior to commencement of construction; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peteraon Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. Preaident (Byrne) Approved: - Attest: City Clerk ay �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' , . � ' - ' 2����!� �� � � � � �� Page 2. b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspection performed by the City and for the publication of this ordinance; c. That said permittee shall properly protect all excavations , both day and night , so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; and shall properly backfill and restore the landscape to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and at its sole cost and expense; d. The permittee shall, during the term of this permit, restore and repair all property, whether public or private, damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction, operation., main.tenance or presence of the interceptor san.itary sewer provided for herein; e. That said permittee shall construct a metering station of a type and at a location to be approved by the Department of Public Works, and in accordance with plans and specifications approved by said department; f. That the permittee shall furnish the Department of Public Works "as built" plans of the in.terceptor sanitary sewer upon completion. of construction; g. That permittee agrees to maintain and operate the interceptor sanitary sewer at its sole cost and expense, and shall notify the Chief Engin.eer of the Department of Public Works prior to making any repairs; h. That the permittee shall use the intercepizr sanitary sewer solely for sanitary sewer drainage purposes; i. That the permittee shall not use the � interceptor sanitary sewer to conduct sewage into the City' s sewer system until an agreement has been entered into between the City and permittee pertaining to the use of the City' s sewage facili- ties; j . That the permittee shall connect its interceptor sanitary sewer with the City sewer at a time and location to be approved by the Department of Public Works. The connection to the City' s sewer shall be bulkheaded water tight . . �`���.��9 .: ��� � � Page 3. to preven.t any ground water in.filtration from entering the City' s sewer system until an agreemen.t has been entered into between the City and permittee; k. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees from any an.d all damages , claims , losses, judgments , suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the construction, operation or main.tenance of the interceptor sanitary sewer within the limits of the City of Saint Paul ; 1. That the permittee shall not proceed to construct the interceptor sanitary sewer unless and until said permittee shall have fully complied with the provisions regarding insurance and indemnification contained in the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construc�i:on dated April l, 1959, Section. numbered 1.44 of said specifications, as amended, applicable to contractors. For the purposes of this ordinance, the aforesaid section of said specification.s , numbered 1. 44, as amended, shall be read as though the word "permittee" was substituted for the word "contractor" , wherever the same appears in the aforesaid Section 1. 44, as amended. Said Section. 1.44, as amended, of the Specifications �or Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by re�rence as fully and as completely as if set forth herein. verbatim. Proof of com- pliance with provisions of the aforesaid section shall be in such form as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may direct and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1.44 shall, after submission to the Corporation Counsel, be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. Section 3. That this permission and authority shall be deemed for its operative effect upon the acceptance of the same and the concurrence thereof evidenced by resolution passed by Orie,�al to�ty Clerk ', • � ' ,� � �ORDINANCE COUNCIL �ILE NO �421�9 . PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ���`� �� Page 4. the governing bodies of the individual members of the Joint Sanitary Sewer Board and the Joint Sanitary Sewer Board and the filing of a certified copy of the same with the City Clerk not later than sixty (60) days next after the official publication of this ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Mp�� 18 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the CounciL Carlson Dalglish Meredith .�In Favor � Peterson (� � Against Sprafka Tedesco r. residen y App � 18 1969 A teat• � C' y lerk ayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By pUBLISHE� MAR 2 2 1969 i �. .. i r . . � � . � , �� • . �. � . .. � �`-'�i"'.r�+ci - j Mayor Attea�: � Clerk � � . `, The m�ti�n �or ti�e adaptiQ�" mf 'th�i fdreg�inq resAlutio� ` was seconded by' COuncilman Olander ' �nd upm�i vote �eing taken 'thereon, th� fallowing vated•�in favor ,th�f z Or�7ille Bielenberg., James Chaffee, Fred S��ng, 'Stanley 0lander Robert Wolters�iorff , and the following v�ted against the same: NONE ' Whe�eupon said resoluti�n was declared to be duly passecl and adop��d. : **** *,r** **** � STATEiOF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNT� OF WASHINGTON) I, the undersign�d, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk ',of the Vi�lage of Woodbury, hereby attest and certify that: 1. As such officer I have. the legal custody of the original record frcnn which the attached and for�gc�ing ex�ract was transcribed; 2 . S have car�fully compared said extract with said � original record; 3 . I find said extract to be a true, c�rrect and _ camplete transcript fr�a the mriginal minutes I 0f a m�eting of �he Wocdbury Village C�uncil on the date indicated on said extr�ct, including any resolutic�ns adopted at such meeting insofar as they relate to the interceptor st�wer line t� be constructed on North Park Drive in the City of St. Paul; 4. said meeting was duly held pursuant to call and notice thereof as required by law. WITNESS my hand and seal of th� Village of "?Gilmodbury this T day o� March, 1969. - _ , Clerk V J • s .� . i � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . ' . . . . . .. . EXTRACT Ol� MINUTES OF METTZAIG _ ; OF THE. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF. TSE ! VILLAGE 4F WOODBURY ! WASHIDTGTODi COUNTY, MINNESOTA ; I3ELD MARCH 26. 1969 A regu�.ar meeting of the Viilmge Council of the V�.11age of Wbodbury, Washington C�unty, Minne�€�ta, was held at the Woodbury Village Hall in said Village on March 26, 1969, at 8:00 p.m,; � Th� follcswing members were present: brville Bielenberg James Chaffee �'red Strong Stanley �lander Rp�ert Wolterstorff and the f�llowing were abseAt; NONE **** **** �:*+�* Council�an Chaffee then introduced the fol�.owing- resolation and moved its adoption: � , RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ACCEPTING ORDI1�1'ANCB NO. 141�2 OF THE CITY OF ST. PALIL GRANTING PERMISSION TO TH� WOODSURY� OAKDALE, NORTHDALE� AND E. OARDALE (�iTONL) JOINT SANI T,ARY SEWER BOARD , TO'CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN INTERCEP�QR SANITARY SEWER IN A PORTSf�T OF NORTH PARK DRIVE. Wi�REAS, the Village ef W�odbury is a member of the Tr10N� Jmint Sanitary Sew�r Bcard, a�nd WHEREAS, the W(�iE Joint Sanitary Sewer Soard has her�tofore commenced construction of the WONE I�terceptor Sewer linb, a portion of which will run through North Park Drive loe�ted in the City of 3t. Paul a�nd, � �PHEREAS, tk�e City mf St. Paul by n�eans of Ordinance Ne. � 14132 has granted permission and authority to the WONE Joi#�t Sanitary Sewer Board to cona�ruct, operate, and mainta�in a ptiblic interceptor sanitary sewer in a pertion of North Park Dri�e within the City mf St. Paul subject t� the pr�visimns, ter�as, and conditimns set forth in Section 2 of said ordinance. NO�i�T, T�EREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village C�i�tncil of Ithe Villag� of Woodbury, as fol.lows: 1. That said Ordinance No. 14132 pertaining t� the canstruction, operation and maintenance .; �f an interceptor sanitary sewer in a portion �f North Park Drive in the City mf 'St. Paul. may be and hereby ia accepted and approved. 2 . That the Village Clerk may be and hmreby is authorized to forward a certified capy •f this resolution ta the City� Clerk of the City mf St. Paul. ; I /;;� i ,�/'�,/� � ` l/'� . lr Mi��`t?� Edward J. L e ann Att�s�s `--� �;---. � `-,.l�! � �1)l ����.��;�� C1E�rk Lorraine Toner, Clerk The mv�f.on for the adoptian o£ the foregoing re�solut�c�n w�s s��c�nd�d b� Cm�ncilma�n Mastermat� �nd upon v►ate bei,ng tat�en there4n, th� following vo��d in £�vor �he�eof: All voting aye �nd the follc�wi.ng vatec� against th� �ame s None Wh�r�upcn a�id resolu�tion w�,� d�clared to be duly p8ssed and ad�ap�ed, ��r,�er ���,� **�r�r 3T�iTE pF k+ll�PiESC�TA ) )ss. �O�7�TY t)F WA�HI�tQTt'�t' I:, the und�x�ign�d, being th� duly gualif�.ed and acting Cl�rk o� th� V�.].la:g� Qf ��kdale. hereby sttest �nd certi�y that: I. Ae suc�i �ffic�r Z have th+� lega�. cus�ody af th� �riginal rec�rd fre�m which thc� attached and foregca�.ng extract w�� ta��►a��crib�d� � , y h�v� c�refully campared �aid ex�ract wi�h �aid ��ig�,nal r�ce9rd:� ; 3 . I fi.nd �aid �actrac� t� be a true, corr�et �nd cram�+l$�e tran��r�,pt fxoin tZ�� rsri.gin�]. minutes �� a raeeting o� th'e. Qakdale �3.11aqe Councf.l on �he d�t� �.nc�fea��d _4n ���d e�ctract,. f:.n�lud�.�g �ny �e�aS.'ution� �d�p��d �t �ueh meeting ins+���z as �l��y re]:�t�e ta th� inte�ceptv� s�va�r line to b� e��st�uet�ed on ��irth Pa-tk �"rive in the City af ��. Pa�u l; 4 o s�id �n�eting wa� duly h�ld �ursuant t�r �eali and na►tic� ther�af a� requir�d by law. ,������� �.�r haend and s��l a� the Villsge of Oakdale thi� �' d�gr of l�ia►rch, 1:969. �" � ; , �% _ �?��� �/��. �ler�C Lorraine Toner, Clerk BXTRAC'T tl�' 1►��N�3T�S 4LA' �IEE�'ING t�F T#iE VILLAGE Ctl'�U�tCIT� �F" THE VI�GE QF tJA�A� W�SSTMGTt?1V Ci3CfI�T"�', MI�Qt+TESt�TA H�LD MAItCA„125, 7.969 A r�gular meeting of the vill�ge Cc�uncil of the �il�.aq� e�f t3akda�le was heid �t �he Dakdale �ilisg� Ha11 in ���.d VilYage on 1�larch 25, 1969, �t 8s00 �p.�n. Th� fQilawing memb+�r� were pr+e�ent: Mayor Edward J. Lemmermann Couacil�en: Allen Dornfeld Allan Goggin Marvin Masterman Paul Yoc�m and the following wer� absen�s None � ***�a *��e�r ��a,�� Councilman ��� then in�r�adueed the fol}.�awing resolu�ion and movea its► ac�@P��Dn= RESOLU`,�Z4N RPi�RC��i'I�G A�D ACCEPTTI�G 4RDIL�TA�tGE �tJ. 14132 tJF TfiE CZ`�Y 4F �T. BAtTL GRANTING PEFtMI S SZ C'� '1't3 THE WQ�'3US�I�t�L# ��ALT,. NQR'��ADALL� A,B�D L. OAK�A�+E (lbftl��} Jfl�I�1'TT �iA�32TARY SEWE� B�ARD Tt3 eC�+T�TRLIGT�. QPE�ATE A�3D 2�iATl�TAI1� A�T �NTERCEPTOR S�i.QZT�iR'Y' �E[�f�R t�1 A Pt?�'tT�� ��' NC9RTH PARK DRI�E. W��S, �h� Villag� of 4�kdale, formerly the Trn�m af p�kdale and Tc�rn af �tr��th�d8le: i� a m8mber of the W(�`E JOint Sanita►ry S�vrer H�Qard, an S�SR,B�AS, th�e WQ�iE +�c�int Sanft�ry Se��r B�ard has here�ofore commenced canstzucti:oa o€ the �!'tllai� 3.nt�rceptor sewer iine, m porti.4n of whieh wi1}. run th�augh t�oxth Park Drive loc�ted in t'h� City of St. Fau1 and, ���5, �h� ��,ty flg �t a Paul by mesns of Ord�.nance Dlra. 14132 ha� grant�d permi��iofi and �u�h4�ity to the waDTE Soint S�►nitary Sawer Svard ta construct, opera��, and z�aintain s public interceptor �anit�ry sewer in a pc�rtion of �7arth Par3� Drive within the City af St. 3?aul �ub�ect ta th� provisimns, terms, �nd cond��i�n$ �et forth in 5�'etimn 2 of said ordtiinance. rrc�, ���t��, B� xT ��Q�v�n. '�y th� a�xaale vi�.lag� ��unci3. �s �olls�w�: �,. Th�tt �aid Ordinanc� No. I4132 pe�tsining to the con�truc�ion. €aperati.on and m�3.nt�nance of an interc�ptor ��nitaxy �ewer i� ar pQ�'tion of Nt�rth �a��k �rfve in th� Ci.ty ag ,t, paul may be and hereby is accep�:e�l �ind �pprvved. 2. That tYt� V�.11�g� C�.�rk may be and hexeby is authori��d ta► forward a certifi:ed cmpy �+f this re�oluti�n to the �ity C].erk, of �he City of St. Pa�al. ,+"'� t •" 6t� e t;J`^*� ,� �1:., � �� 4v �b EX'1'RACT C3F i�4�lQUTES (3]� Mklfi'�'�11i'C , Qta` THE Tt�t BO�tI'3 +QF' StJFEItVISC►RS 4F THE TG,k�1 nF �AST 4AKI)ALS WASFiT�tG��P7 CJUNT'�'�. MINATESQTA A �egu�,ar m+e�etin�g t�f th� Tuwn Bc�rd of Superui�ors e�f �he Tcawwt� caf E��� �al�dal� wss h�ld at ' th� Tv�wn Ha11 in said Tc�m on March 25 , I96�, 3t eight p.m. . The fcallcc�wi.ng member� we►�+e pzesent: R« Watson, 1�. &ier, and L. Raleigh and th� f�►1].r,�ring were �sen�a None ���� ��r,�+� ,�r�r�ir Memb�z L. Raleigh thc�n inttoduced the �ollowing reso�.�tion and ma►��d f�� admpti�n: RES�LUTS43b� APPRQVZI.QG AND ACCSPTZ�G ORDTN`A�E BtO. i4I32 0�' TF�E �ITY C�F' ST. PAUL GRANTZI+iG P8RA4ISSYt� Tt� TI3E �t'X�T)Bt1RY� ff�1AFCDAI+T�, t�TC�RTHAA�,E �► �. a��►� �+ic��) ac�z�rr s�i��R�c s�� Ho�,� Tc� eoz�s��vc�c, �DPERATF. � l�AI�TTAI�` AN a�rEAe��c��, :�TTAR3' S�R IM A P4�tTIQI+i OF Nt3R�.'k� FARK DRIVE. �1H$RE�iS, th� Tflwn af E��t Qalcdale f� � member af the WQNL �'oint SaAa.t�ry Sew�r �Qard. and WHER�A�, t�+� WQNE J'rrin� S�anitasy S��r BQard laas h�reto�ore ea�mme�ced �onstructivn a� th�a W�3�� ir�terce�trar �ew�r line, � po��ia� ca�' wh�.c�► w�1i x�n thra�gh North Park �1riv�e loea�ed in th� eity of St. P�ul, �nd WHER��, �k�� Git� of S�. Ps�l by m�an�s of arc3in�►ne� No. 14132 has gr�nfi�d pe�r�ias3.on �►nd au��thcarity �� the �t�iE. Joint 3anitary Sswer $va�rdr to �can���ruc�a opera�e, and mai:nt�i.� a pub].ic intereept�r s�nit��y s��r in � gQrt�.on o� Nflrt'h Faarl� Driv� w�.th3.n th� �it� af St. PBU�. �t�bj�ct tt? the p�'�V��351.[�2l8� tern�a, and cc►n�:i�3c�n� ��� f+���h i� 3ect�,vn_ 2 0� �aid '�rdnnanee, �,QQ�+P, TF�R�'�R�, B£ �T:R��p��A, by th�e Town Boaard c�� the Town of Ea:�� W�leda3.e, a� fQl:lca�c�s z, That ���.d t?�d�.n�ance Nc�. 14}.32. p��ct�iming tca th+� conatructidxi, op��at#:mn and main�en�nc� of an in�erceptor �anitary sew+e� �.n � p�rtioz� of �orth P�rk T��iv� in the City of St. Paul may b� and h�reby is acoeg��d and approved. �! . '�hat the Town C1erk may b� and hereby is autha►r3.�ed fiQ Fc��rd a certi£ied eo�y of thi� re�olu�ion to the City Clerk of the City of St. Pau1., � �� �� � � EXTRACT OF MINUTSS faF' I�3E�TZATG O"E�' TEiE WOODBURY, QAKDAL�r L�i4RT�DALE', E. OAKDALE JaINT SAi�IITAR'Y 3EWER BfJ1ARD WASHINGTON C't�Y,. MTt�1�TLSUTA H�LT� MARC�i 2�. �.96 9 A me�st�tng of the W�odbur�, �akdale, No�thdal�, and Eas� �a�d�le (W�NE) Joint Sanitary �ewer Soard was h�ld at the 6�akdal� V3.11age Ha�l1 in safa �iil.aqc on 1!�arch 25, 1969, at 5:30 P•m- The �Q1lowing member� we=e pr�$ent: M. l+dasts�a�x�: R. 1�a�san (?. Bie].enberg and' the f ollc�wing were absent s �,��� ��** *ar�,� M,emb�r Hiel.p�:'k�7�g then introduced the following r�solutior� and moved it� adoptiana RLS�LUTIC� piFPI�,E�VTNG AND ACCSPTING ORDINANCE DTfJ. 1413 2. C1F T� CITY E)F �T. PAUL C��TING FERMI33If�1 TU TFIF W40T3BtIRY� 4AItDALE, Lhii')�tTHDALE, � �. a��� twcn�) sQS�rr s�xx�rA�x s�R so�n TO �4���3CT, QPEF�ATE A�'A MAT�OT�ILJ �AI�T INTEFGCEPTC>R 5;�+7ITAR3�' S�ER IDT A P4RTSC�1�+1' QF N4RTH ;FP,�tK DRZVE. �F�AS, *he �q�33E Jvint Sz�nit�ary 3ew�r Bc�ard has heretofore comm�ncea cQnstruc�i�n caf the WE�NE 3;ntercept4r �e�rer 1ine, a pc�r�ion Q� whieh wi11 run thrmugh Nc�r�t2�, Park Dr3v� locnted in the Ci.ty o� St.• Faul and, �� WHL��EAB, the Ci�Gy of St. Paul by means of Qrdi:nance No� 14132 ha� granted germi�ssic�n �nd autharity to the ��E Jr�int San�.tary 5ewer Pl��►rd �v eon�truet, �pera�te, and maintain a pubiic int�rceptox sanitury sewer �.n a por�ian of NortY� P�rk Driv� within the City of St. P�u1 subject t4 th� proviai�ns, terms, and canditimns �et �o�th in �ection 2 of �aid ordinanee. t�pTr�� T�RE�'�RE,; BT� IT RESOLVE�, by th� G�TtJ1�E Jo3nt Sanitary S�w�r Soard as� follc�ws: 1. Th�� -s�id Ordinance NQ. 14132 pertain�.ng tc� the coastruction, ogeration and main�enance of �n in�erc�ptQr sar�itary �ewer in a pvrti�n q�f: North- P�xrk Dr3.ve in the City of St. Paul m�y be; ,snd her�my 3:•� ace8�rt�d and �pFrov�d. 2 , That th� Board Cler}c m�y be and hereby 3s authori�ed to �carwszd � certiEied capy of this res�lution tv the City C1erk af the City af St. P�u1. 1 ._._ __.._____ _ __.. . , ,_. � ` ��'-�c� Chairman AtteSts .�--� � ��7 ;�-- : I ' r� , �-, .' - .-� t / , , _ �� `�, � , C erk The moti�n fwr the adapt�.4n of the foregminq re,s�►lution was secc>nded by Memb,�r �8�8�� �nd upc�n vote b�3ng taken �hereon, �he follawing vo�ed in favc►r thesrec�f: `M. Mas�erman R. Watson 4, B�elei�berg and the following vcated against th�, sam�:a Nc►Ae Whereupon said resolution w�� decl8�r�d to be duly paffised and adcapt�d. �*:� +ir*�� s**�k STATE C1F' MINP�SSt'YI'A � �s�. C�VNTY �?F WASHINtaT�) Z, th� undersign+�d, b��:f.�ng the duly qualified and actir►g Clerk �f t�e Wocadb�ry. Qakd�3e, t�orthdaie, and East Qakdale Joint San�ts�cy �ewer H�trd, h�r�by s�test a�d certify thats 1.. �A,� �e��h offieer T hav�e the legal eustody of t'he or3�.ginal recart� �rom whieh th� attached and �or�go3.ng extra�t w��i ��atts�r3.b�d s 2. I hav� caref�_ully cornpa���ed �sid ex�r�ct with said ar3.ginal r�cordr 3. I �ind s�id extr�e� tv b� a true, cmr:rect and c�upl�te trsns�rip�t f�om the or�.gir►al minutes �f s �eeting of the Wt�E Jmint Sanit�ry 5ew�r Ho�rd can the dafi:e indi�at+�a on said ex�ra+ct, incluciing �ay r���].�tf�on� sd�pted at such m�eting irtamfar �s th�y� re3.�t� tc► `the intierceptor ffiew�r line to b+� c�na�truct�d �►n North Par9� Drive i� �he �ity o� St. P�tul� 4. �aid ��eting wraa d�iy h�I.d pursuan� to cali .and nm�i.�� thereaof �s. required by ]:�. t�I^� hand and; �e�l of ��id WO�tE Join� Sanit�►ry "��'�';i 9 . Sewer Haard t'���� !��L��=�tw�,�, �rf,,e�$�i_ of.�farch, 19fi9. „�.�:,�,,: ; `! r ,.. ; .„ 1. ., - r 1` rt,.. -� d -- � . : ,. �� r� �=-% �' . r -_ , _ - , . ; ,.�, .�� � ��-� ��-� lerk x��I� ���� ��� _ '696T ° ; 3p d�P�'�" ���I� ��eP�i�f� '�sr�� �o ua+�c►s au� �a� ���� pue pue�' �� l�.±����+i `�et h�q ���'�ribvx, s8� �aaar�t�� �����u pue t�e� a� au�n�s�c� pq�� ��np� �.e�, bu'�a�� �p"�Q� "ir g i��d '��_ �a T�'F� ��I� u� �n:�iQ �}�red u����T uo �►a:���x�suaa �c� .o� ,���'�T.,.?�a��s �:�xa�.;��a`�a��z-� '�c��, �� a����.� ei�u� sae ;x�+��a�u� �aL�`���:���°;u��ts ��e pa�da��e �ua..��ntos��t �u� �u�pnT.;�u'�` '����i�x� p��s;. u� p���a���itr�' g��e� �u� vo p�ea� wbos `��fi� 3Q �����►�;'��,�� , . $s�n�'�� t�¢u�b�x�o, eu�' �mx� �drt��su�r�� ���ertt�ia�tri� : : pug ��a,�z4`� ``�ri�r� � e►� +�� ����a� 'p=�s�:P'�'�� � • � � ,.sp,�'�«�a';z' r��t���s� ` p�e� ��'F� :��e��.xa p�ees p��edw�►��r���n�a��ta �h�t�' I • Z . r�ac��.���u�x� ��,� ����as�a�bu��B��+�� pu� pa�����;e au� "u��uM mrt�ar,� ;.p.����►� �eu-�bg.�t� ' a�t� 30 �pn�eno. Zs�ra:T a��; ��r�� ;; ����;�°�+� �9�►s s� : �;Z, _ _�8�� fi�1F��z�� pup �ea��� �qa�;��u, ��"��PX,�p:��eg, '�o' ur�� .�u� �o �sa�� bT���� Pu� Pe�F3�Frtenb AT�p �y,'� b�'�'eq` 'pa►u�i��rx��iu� a�u� `I , � � , t{l�1.'l,���S�d'�l �C? �Ll�CD�� •s:�s�� ` `� �r�as�i�c� �o $��s� ��w�� ���� .����� .�����r�ag �ue pa�sed �CZnp aq o� paa����p ��a� uo��.�Zca�,s p�es� vodn�zs�� auo� a-�m�ffi �►u�. ��u�ebra <pa�c�n bu�r�o"['��� ��t� Pu� K6�s�g2i __"�_ ��e '�ap� +W 'uos�eM '2i - ,:�Q��x��{� atone� .uz pa�:an Bu�ca►o��cta ��� 'uc���r�c�� ua�t�� bu�aq a�a� �adn pu€ .�aPB. `W � ��qu�� �q ,paputa���r ���► �zo��t��o�a.z bu�cab��ro:� eu� �Q' uat���P�e �'�� �o� wo��ou� ec�,'� ` '. .:,. - ���T� � --�-,., �- 'c�� � =��a��Y uetuar c:% a;r��G�.7� C� � �� �� ��g� 2. b. That �aid p�rmittee ehall pay the epst of angineering �.aa�l in�pectian per.�ormei� by the City and �'or the publ�.eation of thie or�inax�ce; c. That said permittee �hall properly proteet all �x�avations, �oth day and night, sa as to avoid all C1AlriA�Q or in�ury to persons or groperty; and sha11 properly baakfill anc� res�orE th� lan�.scape to the satis�'netion of the Commissioner o�f Public S:rorizs anr� at its sole eost ar�cl e�pense; cl. The permittee �hall, during the term of thi� permit, restare and repair a11 property, whether public or pri.vate, dam�.g�d or whieh may be da�naged du� to the construetion, operation, �ttaintenanc� or presenoe o�' the i�.terceptor sanitary sewer provided i'or herEin; e. That saiei permittee aY�all construet a m�etering stat3:on o� a type and at a location to be appreved by the Depr�rtment of Publia ��'orks, and in �.ecord�n+ae with plsns and speQi�'icat3.on� approved by said departmen�; Y. That the permittee sha.11 �urnish the Department of Public ��'orl�� "a�s buiit" plans of �he interceptor sanitary sewer upon comgletian o�' construction; �. That permittee agrees to �taintain and operate the int�rceptar sanitary sewer at its sole coat ancl expense, and slhall no'ti�y the C11ie� �ngineer of the l3ep�rtment of PubliQ a�'orks p�i'or ta ma.king any repairs; h. That the permittee ,�hall us� the intercep�bar° sanitary sewer solely for sanitary sewQr drainage purpases; i. �'hat the permitte�s shall nbt use �he interceptor sanitary sewer ta conduct �ewa�e into the City' a se�,rer �yatem until an. agreement has been enter�d into between the City and parm3tteg pertaining to the use af the City' s sewa�e Yaeili— tie�; j . That thE permittec� sha7.1 canxtect its interceptor s�nit�.ry sewer with the City sewer at � time And. loeation to bE �.gproved by the Dep�r�ment of Publi+a l�orks. 'Phe canneetion to the City' s .sez�e�r shall be bulkheacled s�ater tight ����.�+tJ Page 3. to px•event �ny groun�i water infiltration from entering the City' a� �ewer system until an agreement has been entero€� intobetween the City anc� Qermi�te�; 1�. That s�.id permittee expressly agr�es �nrl unclertak�e to �ully inc3emni�'y, hold ha�ml�ss and defend the C3.ty a� Saint Pau1, it� agent�, of�ivers and emplo�ees from r�ny and all damages�, cl�ims, los��s, ��xcigm:�nts, suits or e:�pen�ee arisin� out of or oacasianed by the canstruation, operation or t�ain'tenance of the interceptor sanitary sewer within the limits o� the f�ity a� Saint 1�aul ; 1. T�iat �h� permitte� sY�all not proe�ec� to aonstruct the intereeptor s�nitary sewer unleas ana until saic� permittee ShA�� have �'ully complied with t�ie provisions regarciing in�uranQe and in�emnifieation: contained in the City af Saint Paul, Dept�rtment of Publi� �dorks Specifieations �or Stre�t an�l Sewer Con�truc�ton dated �,pril 1 , 195�, 5eetfon z�umbered 1.�4 of s�id specifia�tions, as �mended, appliQable to contraetorg. For the purposes of this ordinance, t�e a�oresaid seation of s�i� speei�icmtions, numbered 1.�4i as amended, shall be read as though tlze wor�! "pErmittee" was �ubstitut�d for the word "vc�ntraQtor'� , t,rheraver th� same appeare fn tl�d �.�'ares�id S�etion 1. 44, as amenrled. Said Section 1.44, as amended, �f the �pecifications for S�reet �nd �awer Conatruction in the City o� S�int Pau� i� hereby i�aeorporated herein by re�rencE ag fully and as eompletely as if set forth herein v�rbatim. Proo� of oom— plianee with grovieion� aY the rx�oresaid seetion shall be in sueh for�n aa the Cornoration Counsel o� the City of Saint �r�.ul m�y dir�ct and tne doQUments required by the a�'oresaid S�et3o� 1.�4 sh�ll, af�ar submieasion to the Carpor�tion Counscl, ba �iled in tha o�ficQ of the Co�nptroller of the City o� Saint £'au1. SECtion 3. That thi� permission and authority shall �� deeux�ci tor its operative e��Qet upan the �ec�ptanee o� the same an�l the conaurrence thereof evic�e�.cecl by resolution paesecA i�y Dy�plicate to Printer . '". � � ' � � �ORDINANCE 2421�9 � COUNCIL FILE NO '. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- I ���� � Page 4. the governing bodies of the individual members o� the Joint Sanitary Sewer Board and the Joint Sanitary Sewer Board and the filing oY a certified copy of the same with the City Clerk not later than sixty (60) days next after the of�icial publication of this ordinance. Section 4. This ordinanee shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and a�'ter its passage, approval and publication. � �. � ���� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson , Dalglish _In Favor Meredith � Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco � � $ ��fi� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By r Duplicate to Prtnter -. • ' - ��ORDINANCE ��2 �9� COUNCIL FILE NO . PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO `��� � � t�n ordinanee granting per- mission to Northclale, East Oakdale, Oakdale and ��oodbury Joint St�.nitary Sewer Board to construct, onerate and maintain an interceptor sanitary sewer in a portion of North Park Drive. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby given to Northdale, East Oakdale, Oakdale and t�oodbury Joint Sanitary Sewer Board to construct, operate and maintain a publie inter- eeptor sanitary sewer in a portion of North Park Drive within the City of Saint Paul described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of the NE g/4 of Seetion 2, Township 28 Atorth, Ifi,ange 22 l�Jest, whieh is 1150 feet North of the SW eornor o� the NE �4 of SA1C1 Section 2; thenee �ast at a right angle to the West line of the . N� %lf of said Seetion 2 a distance of 253•35 feet; thence East�rly a distance o� 565.84 �eet along � tangential curve concave to the North having a radius of 1432. 40 feet and a central angle o�' 22° 36� ; thenee North- easterly tangent to said eurve a distance of 263.35 ��et; thenee Northeasterly a distance of 773.87 ieet along a tangential curve concave to the South having a radius ' of 1240. 27 feet �xnd a central angle of 35° 45' ; thence Southeasterly tangent to the east described curve a distance of 355 feet and there terminating. Section 2. That the Commissi.oner of Publie l�orks is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Northdale, East Oakdale� Oaltdale ana �doodbury Joint �anitary Sewer Board for the construction, operation and maintenance o� the said public interceptor sanitary sezver upon and sub�ect to the following provisions, terms and eonditions: a. That said permittee shall eonstruct saici public interceptor sanitary sewer at its o�vn expenae and in accordance with the plana and specifications on file ti�ith the Department of Public «orks, whiel� plans and speci�ieations are sub�ect to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Worka prior to commencement of construction; Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalgliah In Favor Meredith Peteraon Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Atte'st: Approved: _ City Clerk Mayor ^�� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � MUNICIPAL OFFICE AND 6ARA6! • S61 TOWER DRIVE • NEWPORT, MINN. 36065 • 7�9-5168 r � �� 000BUav � f MINNESOTA � L� � / �� Apri1 11 , 1969 City Clerk �ity cf at. Pau_l 17 �':�iest ��ellog;; Llvd. St. Faul, i�Iin:�.�sota 55101 Dear �ir: Please find enclosed :ti extract of r�inutes ot' the TTillage Co ncil of Zloodbury taith r�f,�r�:Yice '�o the ap;�,rcvi:�g c:r:d acce�;tina of Grdinance :vo. 14132 cf the ���ity of �t. Paul. Yours truly, �� � ����-�� W. R i�rueger Vi i la;-e Clerk ti,,�R'ri:cm . ���� E o �a�ZC�a� .. �' � . , � �'�� �� . �� �a�iln9ton eounty ' 9 9 9 c�a�cLaLe L�¢fve ,! �auzE J�at�, dl/linnesota 55119 April 3, 1969 City Clerk Ramse�► County Court House St. Pavl, Minnesota 55101 Re: Approval of Ordinance �14132 of the City of ST. Paul Dear Sir: Enclosed ia aa executed copy of the following resolution passed at our regular council m�eting on March 25, 1969, accepting the following resolution: RESOLUTIOAI APPROVI�TG AND ACCEPTING ORDINANCE N0. 14132 OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL GRANTING PERMISSION TO `THE WOODBURY, OAKDALE, NORTHDALE AND EAST OAKDALE (WONE) JOINT SANITARY SEWER BOARD TO CONSTRUCT, OPERA.TE AND MAINTAIN AN INTERCEPTOR SAAtITARY SEWER IN A PORTION OF NORTH PARK DRIVE. Sincerely, � � INE TONER� CLERK VILLAGE OF OAKDALE Enc: 1 ��arck� ?_�, lgu9 Mr. Ja�aes F. I�mmer� Rttor�y at I�►w �-----_� ��xberg b I,eu�t3s� � 3ti�.],water, �tinn. �. Dea� S ir: /� Ertcicsed sra evpgaa of an a�sce d b�* the 3t. Pav1 �ity Csa�t�ncilt CC�Ci1 H2e No. 2 , O�i�aCe No. ��+7.32s gr�ntit�g permission to N�xthdal tf�xuia�.a, Os���ele� and �PooBbury Ja3.nt ��nit . Bo� o ��etruet, Q�erate and maiutaib_an i�x e� cep�s�r ita �er in a �art�or� of �i+.n►th Park Ar3ve. k'� cell your �pec a��er�tic a ��e�iQn 3 0�' the aardia�aaee tt�at requ�.res th�t c r�ifiad ie� of` r�solutia�+a of' �ae�p- tance tr�'�im pve s t��' t� �adi�f.d�3 �nb���t vf the Joih� �anitsr�r �r A� ti�C Ja►in�t Sanit+�ry �4�e� �oard� seit 'b� fi in this +aftic+� �bt later ��ac� 6t3 da�►s si��er; t� p�b2fcat of �l�.s su�dir���za. Ae sa t ir� Pbs�. of S�ctfon � oP � ardia��n�e, x� alao ��€e�e �t�e �um ot �36.9t3 �o �ave�� thg as�+at of � pub2ica�ic�tt-�ot'$tt� o�rdine�ce. Yen'Y tru.2.Y Y�u`�s k. City �e�k AOJ��g Co�py ta: t�. Jc�setp� C. �r�ex�.i.k �nestrco, R�ts�ne, :�r�3.�r1i2� � Aasociste�m, itac. 1�$1 �tis ��. 3t. P�.u2, I�.nn. � � W,;NE r:� S�AL� 999 O�kd�1e lirive � �, ��1 ING St, Paul, Nlinn. 5�1i9 FIGHT C`."� . . ;� • ` l µr �:s�':: • Mr. Ha.rry E. Marsha.11 ' �l �� `` • City Clerk City of St . Paul City Hall 15 W, Kello�� Blvd. St . P�ul, Minn. 55102 fi�. it. .axk � 2450 Birch Bark L�ne , r;` �`°� �. '"� = . `` 6� ,�� . �t. Pau-1, Minna 55109 �` p j� -.,l, " '°; � ' fi � � � _ � �-> � • � �, _ � � � � �,. _:� ^ _�' City of St. �'aul office of the �i�y Clerk St. I�aul, r•4inn. 55I01 � � . � � - ' '�� � /l / i I , S I st " ' . ' . . ' 2nd ` , .,l ; Laid over to ., �!� 3 � . 3rd and app -� � —Adopted �� ,. � „ ,i Yeas Nays Yeas ``; Nays . \ � � v -� . `Carlson Carlson '� °�^-'`�..� f __p� �at�gtfslr— �alglish �eredith c � �eredith �, ;* ���� ' � _..._ . eterson ���9�eterson �SSprafka � -`�prafka ��� �` edesco " �edesco '� � � I�T: President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O