04-350Return copy to: (e.c.)
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Presented By
Referred To
Council File # Qy�3 �
Green Sheet # o70s7�
Committee: Date
1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Velmeir Companies, as documented in Real Estate
2 Division File Number 24-2003, public properties hereinafter described aze hereby vacated and
3 discontinued as public property:
5 The property to be vacated is described as follows:
7 that part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park lying easterly of the northerly extension of a
8 line 15.00 feet westerly of and parallel to the east line of Lof 25, said Block 4
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to
accept and to file in the Ramsey County Office of Records and Revenue the dedication of an alley
easement required by and described in condition 2. below;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, subject to the herein stated exceptions and with the
accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of the
Saint Paul Regional Water Services and the Department of Public Works, made a part hereof by this
reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these
departments, does hereby waive the right to the utility easements in the vacated area described above.
20 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the
21 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions:
23 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $1,200.00 as an administrative fee for
24 this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution.
26 2. That, the petitioner, their successors and assigns shall provide a permanent public alley easement
27 providing vehicular and pedestrian access from the remaining existing alley south to University
28 Avenue across the following described property:
30 that part of Lot 25, Block 4, Brightwood Park lying westerly of a line I5.00 feet w•esterly of and
31 parallel to the east line of said Lot 25, and lying easterly of a line 35.00 feet westerly of and
32 parallel to the said east line of Lot 25.
ON- 3S�
, .
8 5.
12 6.
15 7.
18 8.
21 9.
That the petitioner shall construct, to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works under
an ordinauce perxnit issued by Public Works Street Engineering, the new portion of alley in the
alley easement described in condition #2 above.
That the petirioners sha11 be responsible for the reconstruction (including but not limited to, costs
for new curbs, sidewalks, boulevazds, storm drains, and signs, all to the satisfaction of the
Department of Public Works) of both ends of that part of the alley hereby vacated to properiy
eliminate the appeazance of a public thoroughfaze.
That this vacation sha11 not be filed with Ramsey County, nor shall the above described vacation
become effective until the site plan submitted by the developer shall have been approved by the
Department of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection.
That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated azea to protect the interest
of Northern States Power Company, d.b.a. Xcel Energy.
That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated uea to protect the interest
of Qwest Corporation.
That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated azea to protect the interest
of Comcast of Saint Paul, Inc.
That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harxnless
the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from a11 suits, actions or claims of any character
brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons ar
property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this properry, including but not limited
to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or
because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in
accardance with the law, whether by the petitioners ar any of their agents or employees.
29 10. That the petitioners, their successars and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this
30 resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution
31 and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in
32 all respects with these terms and conditions.
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
—�----� �------------�--
TE – TechnologyandManagesentServ 2¢FE� Green Sheet NO: 205794
Conpct Person & Phone:
Peter WhdelEarl Carlson i��g'�'�
6-8850 �Y
Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date):
� Deoartrnent SentTo Pefson
0 �Technoloev and Manaeement S �
A55ign I. 1 � iri Attornev Meehan Rilev i
Numbef I 2 i¢�hnoloev and Mana¢ement S i Deoartment Director
RouUng 3 avor's Office . Mavor/ASSistant i
Order i 4 ,Couocil I i
5 iCilv Clerk � Ciri Clerk
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
To consider a petition to vacate part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Pazk, and to accept an alley easemern, the dedication of which
is a requirement for the vacarion. Ref 1. Resolurion for consideration; 2. Perition to vacate; 3. Statement clarifying property to be
vacated; 4. Map; 5. Ownership Report; 6. Responses from utilties and departrnents; 7. Certificates of Intended Non-Use.
rtecommentlations: npprove (n) or rte�ea (rc):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civll Service Commission
�_ —_—
Persona� servue convacts must nnswer tne Fonowing G2uestions:
1. Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/frm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
F�cplain all yes answers on separete sheet and aNach to green sheet
� Initiating Probtem, �ssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The owner of adjacent properh intends to develop it for commercial purposes.
�°v�:..'o.�q°: fy�'c e �f+�.��
Advantages If Approved: �
The peritioner will develop the property.
Neighborhood groups oppose the development, feeling that the proposed design is not consistent with the chazacter or in the best
interests of the community.
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
The development would not proceed as proposed.
Total Amount of 1200
Fundinq Source: N/A
Activity Number: N/A
Financial information: $1,200 represents the administrative fee for the vacation.
Cost/Revenue Budgeted:
MARCH 24, 2004
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St. Antho�y P�rk Community Counci!
St. Paul City Council
Office o£ thc City Council
Suite 3l0 City Hali
25 West 4`� Street
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear St. Paul City Cmmcilmembers,
CVS proposes to constzuct a one-srory building o# approxiroately 13, 013 square feet on Uze northwest
corner of Snelling aad Uiu�crsity Avenue in St. Paul, Ivlinnesou. On Thursday, December I 1, 2003, the
St. Anthony Pazk Community Co�mcll unanimously approved the following resolufion:
Whereas design guxdeGnes benefit economic development and sense of place ali along
University Avenue and its coznmunities, therefure be pl resolved that
St. Anthony Park Community Couneil supports the redesign o� the proposed CVS store at
SneUing and University to comply Kath the Urtiversity Avenue Development P►inciples.
The Community Council [ecommends implementing stto�,2 utbdn design principles that will anchor
Snellin� and University as azx atuactive and viable locaaon fox businesses and residents.
University UNITbD, on behal£ o£ its membec organizacions and businesspeople, is appealing the recent
deczsion of the City of St. Paul Planning Commission to approve the site plan of Ihe Velmcir Companies
foz the constzuction of a drugstore on the propezry locaced at 1581 University Avenue Wes[. On Apxi12,
2004, the St. Anthony Park Community Council unanimously approved the followzng resolution:
Whereas the viabitity of University Avenue is a primaz concern �'or ouc District, �vhereas .. ... ,:
design guidelines bene6t economic development and sense of place all along Unirersicy
Avenue and its communitics, thcrcfore be it resolved that the St. Anthony Park Comnxunity
Council supports the redesign of the proposed CVS store �t Snelling and University to
comply with tbe University Avenue Development Xrittciples. St. Ankhony Park CommunSty
Council supports Univetsity UNITED's appeal of Uze klanning Commission's approval of
flie site plan for the C'VS store.
If you have any questions with regards to this resolution, please feel free to concac[ me ac 651-649-5992.
B t iegaz�is,
�((^ w�
M issa
Executive Director
C: Brian Mclvlahon, University UNITED
Dave Gagne, Hamline-Ivlidway Coalition
Aonna Dnimmond, Planning and Economic Devclvpcxaent
Brian Alton, CVS
890 Cromwelt Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesoa 55114 L 651/649-5992 volce 4 651 /649-5993 faa " �
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Harnline Parlt Bullding � 1564 Lafond Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 551Q4 + 651-64G-19S6 � Fax 65I-641-6113 � districtl l@gofastnet
April 1, 2004
Mz. Tom Beach
LILPJSi[e Plan Review
City of St. Paul
310 Lowry Professional Building
350 St. Peter Street
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Tom,
The Hamline Midway Coalition Soard of Directvrs met last night in a special session to
consider the final proposa2s fxom Velmeu Develo�ment for the CVS Pharmacy site at
flte norHtzvest comer of University and Snellix�. The HMC Boazd voEed unanunously to
oppose the vacating oE the pubiic alley locafed within the proposed CVS Phazmacy site.
The HMC Board also voted unanimousiy iro support University UNITED's appeal to the
St. Pau1 City Council to overturn flte the Plannulg Comxnission's appzoval of fihis site
The I IMC Board memUers, after lor�, consideration, sevcra] rnmmunity meetir�as and
vazious sta£f ineetings with CVS represeniatives Uelieves that the proposed CVS
Pharmacy site plan does nol meet i:he broader goals zeprnsented by the City of St. Paul
Comprehensive Plan nor the specific objeeHves of various community pIans for �lvs
critically important nitersection, includ'utg our own Revitalization Plan for North Snelling
Avenue, completed in flte fall, 2001. In addition the CVS Pharmacy pro�osal conflicts
with the Snelling Crossings conceptual plan developed by Midway Chamber of
Commerce several years ago.. The "prototypical" desi�n offered Uy CVS Pharmacy is not
suzEable for fihat siCe, does not conizibute io iransit oriented development goaLs, will add
to tlle puUlic safety �robiems of the nttersection and will likely resvlt in z�arious traffic
problems wiflvn the Hamline Midway ne�hUorhood.
The C9ty of St. Paul and its neighbozhoods desezve better. We lalow CVS Pharmacy can
and does Uuild more a�propriate retail buildings eisewhere. We would expect the same
from CVS at this location.
C7'�-��t�'l �<
David W. Gagne
E�conomic Development Coordinator
Iiamtine Midway Coalition
Ded'uaaed to �waki�zg tbe Xamlaoae Mtdw¢y neigbborhood a&etter place to live and mork.
socmxt�t�t�� ia.i��rsim�wv�.
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April 7, 2U04
Cvuncilmcmixr Dehhie Mnntgomery
Officc of fhc City Crnmcit
15 West Kellog� Blvd.
suitc 31on Ciry Nan
St. Panl, MN 55102
Rf: Fuhlic Hearin* for C:VS Pharmacy al Sncllin�, dnd 'Jniversity
T)cnr Councilmcmber Montgomory:
Co+*v >nam�en
r�� co„, At tbe Acccrriber 4, 2Q03 meeting oF the Snell�ng Iiamline Community Council, the
M�Cwµ CO��Nf.tl� Eoard ot Uircctors votcJ to opposc thc sitc plan dcsi�n for thc CVS Pharmacy at 158J
Mw , : �� �� Univenity Aveni�e. Since December. CvS has ralesigncd their sile pl�n to
,,,�,�,,,,,,:,� incorpUratc svTnc of Ihc su�gcstions msdc by thc local conimuniry and in 1%chruary
o �,,, u ,�,,,„„ )OU4, tbe 1'I.mr.ing L:ommissipn appmvr.d ihc CVC sirc pinn.
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The Snellin2 iiamline C.nmmunity Council artrecs with Univc�si�y Unitcd that two
iinportant nnpA�ov�ments stiil need to be made to the site plan.
1. An enttancc on �Jnivcrsiry Avcnuc rhar is convcnicnt for Iransit ridcrs and
2. Transp�rrm �las� :�I Ihe ayc ir.vcl facing Llnivcrsi9y �vcnuc for the safety of
thosc i:isidc and our�idc ihc s�nrc
i>>c Snelling TTamline Cnrurnunity ('nuncil is cunccrncd that ihc current plu�i docs not
'''''' wn(orm to the City's Comprehensive 1'lan. the City's 7ransportation Plan, the
�.;_�,��� o„a<M„ rcccmly aclop�cd Sncliing-J cxington TQp Plannina SNdy, or the U�ivenity Avanne
�Nbei�C�t Derwqqt
Development i'rinciples. We enc<>urage thc f:ity G:ouncil to crnuider the Vansit-
uriented nature uf thc Snellin� anJ llniversiry corner. We hope the membe�s of the
City Council will scc chc valric of providing an cntr,�ricc to thc xtorc and h�ansp:irc:nt
windows on Universiry Avenuc. t�oth i�nprovr.rncnis wi81 help gEnerate ihe urb<in
suher thaa suhurban fecl the corner dc�crvcs.
Vcry truly yours.
Travi� Snidcr
Boan1 I'��esident
cc:. Councilm�mbcr.Faylicnlnav,Wnrd4
Nr. Tirian N:'eMahon, University United
Mr. Firian Alton, CV$ Altorncv
WM 651-6/•4/.1-1085
� �o -r - �° ^q ' �a �
I(we), the undersigned, constituting a majority of the owners (or their legally designated representatives) of ihe abutting properties do
hereby petition the Council of The City of Saint Paul to vacate its interests in ihe properry(ies) legally described as follows:
Lots 1 through 5 and 24 through 28, Block 4, Brightwood Addition
I(we) request tlus vacafion for the following reason(s). (Indicate whether you will be builcling on the site.)
To redevelop the site to allow for construction of a new retail building.
have attached sis
Contact Person
ofthe site nlans of
Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee
and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of
the vacation:
Brian D. Alton �e Steve Mangold
hone: 651-290-0301 hone: 952-883-3240
ddress: ddress: Velmeir Companies
McClay-Alton, PLLP
951 Grand Avenue 7900 International Dr. #200
St. Paul, MN 55105 Bloomington, MN 55425
ternate Contact Person
aille. Ck1eY HSil'1SOIl ame.
hone: 651-457-3645 hone:
ddress: ddress:
Loucks Associates
7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300
Minneapolis, NIlV 55369
,,. .. - . �
� -; . _ �
Signatures of Owner(s)/Representative(s) of Property(ies) Described Below:
,� m�"� ��'^ ��K °� J�`" '� Lots 25 throu h 28 Block 4
U�� P h H i"��4h Bri htwood Park
Lots 1 throu h 5 Block 4
Bri htwood Park
Lot 24 Block 8
I, ���P h�✓�S rt ,� xG. n c� [� , am the petitioner, or one of the
petitioners in the above matter; and I do hereby swear and verify that each of the
signatures on this petition was signed in my presence by the person described in the
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 i�
dayof p �lu��r"
, 2003
,�� , �� �
Petitioner 5��� �� g �� � Notary ����iV 17. A+-ron�
My commission expires I-'_ ? ZOOS
A �� EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2CC5
hov O5 03 01:14p McClay Rlton PL�P
Signatures of Owner(s)/Representative(s)
651 290 2502
of Property(ies) Described Below: -
�e��'` R��� "U XC�n.l�.F"
I, Ste�a#�g�i�, am the petitioner, or one of the petitioners in the above mattez; and I do hereby sweaz
and verify that each of the signatures on ttns petition was signed in my presence by the person descrihed in the
.. -,.-� -
� EXPIRESJAN 31,2G'^,5
' _° >
Notice is hereby given that the petition of Velmeir Companies to vacate that part of the alley in
Block 4, Brightwood Park (NW corner of University and Snelling) as more fully described on
file and on record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heazd and
considered by the Saint Paul City Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the
3rd floor of City Hall and Court House on the 24th day of Mazch, 2004 at 5:30 P.M.
Dated: February 26, 2004
Shari Moore
Deputy City Clerk
(Mazch 1, 2004)
� � � .
�, �« .����p .
From: Brian Alton <brian@mcclay-alton.com>
To: "'earl.carison@ci.stpaul.mn.us"' <earl.carlson@ci.stpaul.mn.us>
Date: 2/23/2004 8:16 PM
Subject: Alley vacation University and Snelling
CC: "Jim LaValie (E-mail)" <jlavalle@velmeir.com>
Mr. Carlson,
The property to be vacated is the aliey adjacent to the lots described in the
petition. Please indicate this as necessary. I understand that the petition is
being fonvarded to the city council. If you need anything further regarding
this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.
Brian D. Alton
McClay-Alton, PLLP
951 Grand Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105
Phone: 651.290.0301
Fax: 651.290.2502
_ �
OCT 16 2003 16:13 FR CTIC — E�UITY 952 826 3814 TO 9126662B9711„ 09 P.02
9855Wut'18thStreeyEdmPrauie,Minnesota55344 (952)8263000
Order Number. OO1b68232
A seazcb of our tract indicies and of the public recordc in the Office of the County Recorder,
and in ihe Office of tbe Registraz of Tides, and a seazch of Certificate of Title Numbei
(see eg�l , in Ramsey Covnry, Minaesota, as to the followimg described
See attached Ixgal Descriptioa.
disctoses ihat
See attached for last recorded conveyance informatSon
(is) (are) the grantee(s) in the lut rerorded cameyanca of said property,
The follovring items are noted for your information:
Terms and conditions of that cenain Adolph Richard and Grace M.$tasky I.iving Trust
Ageement dated Juae 5,1989, recorded Tune 20,1989, as Documeat No. ?A97129.
Note: Fee utle to che subJ'ect propexty is vested in the Adoiph Richazd and Grace M.
Elasky Revocable Living Tnut Agrcement dated Iune 5, 1989 (Parcel A)
2. Terms and conditions of that certain Contract for Daed by and between Ahmed Demmaj, a
sinvle persoq as Purchaser and Midwaq Smozgasbard, Inc„ a Minnesota eo�poration, as
Sel�er ("Vendoi") dated September 29,1992, recorded October 23, 1992, as Document No.
2680464. The Vendor's lnterest in the above Contiact for Deed was conveyed to Adolph
Ricfiazd Elaslry and Grace M. Plasiry, Tnastees of the P.dalph Richazd and Grace M. Btasky
Revocable T,iving Tmst dated June 5,1989 pursuant to that cextain Assignment of Conh�act
for Deed dated Oc2ober 21,1992, recorded Oc[ober 23,1992, as Document No. 2680465.
Note: On the date of the execution of the above Contract for Deed the fee owner of the
sub7'ect property was qdolph Richard Elacky and Crrace M. Elasky Tiustees of the Adolph
Richard and Grace M. Elasky Revocable Iav�'ng Trust dated June 5, 1989, not Midway
Smorgasboard, Tnc, a Minaesota wrporafion Tt�e Company xequires a deed coaveymg the
interes2 of Midway Smorgasboazd, Inc
3. Terms and conditions of Lease dated February 75,1971, between PeterC. Andrews, his wife
Harriet Andrews, and Marika Andrews, a widow andunremarried, Lessors, and MidWest
Federal Savings and T.oan Associationo£ Minneapolis, a corporation, I essee, recorded
Real Estate Tax Information
See attached for real esute tax information
(T'his does not iaclude a search for Easemeats, Coveaants, and Resuictions.)
(This does not include a search for levied or pending assessments. I£ such a search bas been
requested, it is done by separate certiScaIIOn Independent of tlus report,) °�"°��
OCT 16 20H3 16:14 FR CTIC - E�U[TY 952 H26 3014 TO 91ZB66289711��09 P.03 ��
G's ; _^ 'i s
,lawary2,1974 in the office aF the Coumy Reeorder as OocumarR No. 7874005 and filed Januery2, �`�<' "��' �-� -._ i
1974 in the Wflce ofihe Regl�af of TIde6 a6 DoCUmwlt N0, 544616. -
Assigned by Midwest Federdl SaNngs and Laen Assaclatlon oF Mfinmpo(Is, as Aasiprror, to Apoilo
Propeties, Ina, a Mlnrresota corporatlon, as Assignee, byASSignment af Lessee's Irrterest dazcd
Oecem6er26,7973, tecordedJanuary2,ts7alnthe�FfiaeaftheCauntyrecorderasoocumefttNo.
t67a0a9and fBedJanuary2,1974intheafficaoftha Rvgis�arofTalesasOOCUmerttNo.594617.
Further assigned by Apolo Propenies, Inc., a Minneso� corporation, as Aasgnor, to Green Tree
Corporation as Assqnee, a MNnasoW corporation hyAsslgnme'rt ai L.assee's Irrterest d�ed
Oeto6er 30,1975, rcrntded Nwember 7, 7975 in the ofifce Ofthe Coumy fleaortler as Documer4
No.192a975 antl filed NoVemher 7, t9751n the oifica Cf thv R¢gistrdr oFTitles as �oCUment No.
Furtherassigned by Green Tree Corpoiatlan, a Minneaota mrparetion, as Assignorto Midwest
Federal Savings and Lcen Associetian oF MinneapoPs, as Assignee, by AssignmeM M Lessee's
Irrteres[dated9eptember3o,i977, recerdedNWember3,t977L�the WfieeoftheCoufrty
Recorcleras Oxument No.19&9600 and tiled November3, 7977 in the off'�ce af the Registrar of
TiNes as Oocument NO. 6aB084-
Assignme�rt of Lassea'S tmerest in Buiding onty, 6y Mfdwest Fetleial Savings and Loen Association
of Minn�polis, to MidunRed Building Company Limrted Pamiership, a Minnesota iimi[etl patcnership,
Hy Qult qaim Oeed da[ed Aupust 2& 1986, flled December 21, 1988 in tha offica of the Registrar oi
'fitles as Oowmprt No. BB6028.
Assignme� ef Ground Lease by Mfdwes[ Federal Savings aM Loan Associatiai oF MlnneapWls, as
Asslgnor, to MldUnked Budtling Company LlmNOtl Parcne�5hlp, a Mlnnecora Ilmhed pertnerahlp, as
Assigrwr, dated August 28,198fi, ttled Oecemhet2l, 7986 in the affiee of the Registrar of Titles as
Oocumant tJo. 886(129.
Ame�ded byAgreementAmending I.�sedated May 12, 7999, filed Decem6er21,1988 inthe office
W the Registrar d'fltl� as Doeument No. BB6033. .
(eTfects PamrJS �, 2, 3 and 4 of Parcel B)
OCT 16 z0B3 16:14 FR CTIC — E�U[TY 952 826 3014 TO 912066289711..09 P.04
LcgdDcsaiption.Contmued 4 `4 �n _„ ^ �, -` •
GT. File No. 26682,42 � - . . ... �
PARCEIA: Lots t, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Block 4, Btlghnvoai Parlt, qemseyCounty, Minnesata
Parcel 7: Thaz part oF the Ncrchms2 �uatter of Seetlon 33, Township 29, Range 23, qamsey Courtty, Minnesota,
bounded and described 35toilw5, towit Comnenciny in tha cantw lina oF University Avenue in me Ciry
of St. Paul, Counry of Ramsey, Sta[a of Mlnnesota, as sald UnwershyAVenue Is now establ4shed by 2he
standard survey oF said City and as gradcd and imprwed, azthe point where said ceMer line is
intewecteE bythe cen[as line ot SnellingAVenue as trow established by the standard survey W said Ciry
and as graded and improved, which aeid potnt is at the Southeast eomer of said Norcheast quarcer;
thenceWeatonandatangsaidcerrcerlineofSaidUn(versitypvenueadis4nceoft46.33feet; thence
North on snd along lhe Wat halndary INe of Lat 271n BIOCK 4 oF erlghtwopd perkto 3t.paul, Minnesota,
eccording to the piaz thereof onfli e or of record in the office of ffie Register M Deads in and for said
Coumy and Shate, as seid West 6oundary Itne Is raw establlshed, faeU antl determined 6y 2 iron pons
set in Me grauntl, ene s� atrhe NoNhwest comer of said Lot 27 and tlie other one set at the North
boundary Iine of said University Avanua 114.35 teet South of theflrs[ one, a tlisance oi t 6t.85 feet to the
center Itne of the eliey that runs East arc! West ffimugh said elock 4, as said alley is dadicated and
.estahflsned by said pafi �ence East alony Me center Ilne W sald alley a tlisnnce ot t46.4t fee[ m the
East boundary line ol saltl Nonheast Quarter, thence SoutE+ along the East boundary Ilne of sald
Nonhaast 4uarterta ehe poin[ of 6eginninp, in Ramaey Courtty, Minnesota excepcing therefrom the
following dvscri0ed portion, nemtly: That part of the Northeast Quatter of Section 33, Township 79,
Range 23, bounded and descri6ed as follave, to wlt Commencing in the ce�rter line of Universiry Avenue
in the City of 9kPaul, Counry of Ramsey, Srate d Mfinesote, as seid UniversltyAvenue is now esta6lished
by the staMard survey of said Ciiy, end aa graUetl antl improved, at a point 746.33 feet West otthe polnt
wheresaidcenterlineofsaltlUniversityAVenuaisirrtersected bythaeenterlineoESndlingAvenue,as
now es[abliehetl bythe standercl suNey of sald CRy ard as gtadgd and improved, whleh saitl poin[ of
intersection is the Soutnrast corner d said Northeart �uarter, thence North on and along the West
boundary line of Lot 27, in BIocK 0. oF Hrighhvood park ta SLPad, Mlnnesota, as said West 6oundary line
is nevu es�bl"ished, Hxad �,d determined bymHm Iron posts s� in the grountl, one set az che Narthwest
comer ef said Lot 27 and the other one set atthe North bountlaty Ilne of said University Avanue, 714.35
feet South of ihefirst one, a distance of 181.85 iert mare or less to the cmrter line of the ailey that runs
East anC West through said Block 4, sa safd ailey is dedirated antl established by said plet thence Eas[
on and elong2he cen[er llne oF said alley a dtstar�ce oF 44 feei; thence Southerly arid parallel with said
cerrter line of saW Sneaing Av¢nua a eista�xe of 7e185 taet more or 7ess to said center line of saia
UnNersityAvenue; ihetxa Wect pn and along sald centerline oF said Universityavenue a disWnce of 4a
feettothe patnt oF 6eginning.
Registerod Prope�ty
CenlHca[e of Title No. 3907fi9
Parcel 2: That part oFthe Northeast Quarter of Section 33, Townshlp 2g, penga 23, Ramsay Counry. Minnesota,
bourulad and doacribed as fWw+s, to wii: Commencing in the eenter iine of UniversityAvenue In the City
d S'[.Paul� Counry of Ramaey. State of Minnesoffi, as sak! Univereity Avenue is now estaWished by the
stanCard eurvey ot seid Clry, and as greded and fmpraved, at a polnt �ae.33 faet West oF Ne point where
said cwderline of said Universiry Avenue (s Urtarsected byihe ceMer Ilne of Snelling Avenue, as now
establfshed by the srandard eurvey of seid CAy and ey �aded and improvetl which said polnt of
. intersectton isthe Southeast cprner of sald Northaeet puart2r, thence North on and along the West
boundary Ilne of Lat 27, 81oek 4, Brigtrtwood park tp SLPauI, Mint�asota, as saH West boundery line Is
now estabfished, toced and determinetl by twa iron posts 6et in the ground, one set at the Notthwest
comer of gald Lot 27 a�d iha otherone set at the North bountlary Iine of said Un7versiry Avenue. 1i a.35
feet South of the tirst one, e distanca of 187.86 feet, moro or less, to the c�ter Ilne of the alley that runs
East and West, through said Blodc 4, as said aliey is dadlcated and estahltshed 6y saaid plet; thence East
on antl along the center Iine of aeltl alley a distanee of 44 feet thance Southeriy and paraflel with said
eemer Iina W said SneUing Avenue, a distance d 187.85 feeC more or lese, to saitl cerrter lir� of said
UniverslryAVenue; thence Wvst on arc! along satd cemerline M saltl UniversityAvenue, a distance of 44
feet W the polM d beeinning.
Register¢U Property
CeNfiq[p of Tttle No. 390769
Parcel3: Lot?S,91oCk4,inBrlghtwoodperk,accordingtotherecordedplettherepfonNeandofrecordfnthe
vtflce of the Reglster of Deetls ln and for pamseyCounry, Mlnnesota.
Registaed Property
Certifiea[a oFTNe Nc. asot 65
- OCT 16 2003 16:14 FR CTIC — E�UITY 95Z 826 3814 TO 91Z066289711.�09 P.05
LeQal.Auatphuu'COntla➢ed ,. '_ "_
" GT. Fde No. 2868232 ' � . . "
Parcel 4: Lot 26. Bbdc 4, ln BrlghnvopU Park, accvrdinpta tha rec�rded piffi thereof on Ne and of recortl In [ne
ofNce aFthe Regiatei ot Deetls in aM for Pamsey Courrty. Mmnesota
Abstreet WopenY
Parcel 5: Lot B, 8bck 4, in Brightwovd Parlc, aceording ro the recorcled platthereof on fli a end of record in the
office of tha Fogiater of Deetls fn and for Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Absvacc Property
Parcei E La[ 8, HIOCK 4, in Brightwood park, according [othe recordod platihereof on Ne and of record in the
oRice of the Regiater M �eeds tn and fir Ramaay CouMy, Minnesata.
Regfatered Property
Cettiflcate ofTitle No.175727
Percel �: �ot to, Blodc 4, in 8rtghtwood park, acco�diry to the recorded platthete� on file end of record in [he
afFice o} ihe Regleter oF Deeds in and forAamsey Courriy, Minnesots.
Re9istered Praperry
CettHicate of TNe Na 175757
OCT 76 Z003 16:14 FR CTIC — E4�ITY 952 826 3014 TO 9120662H9711�,09 P.06
PARCELA: Addph Richard Oasky and Grace M. Qasky, Trustees dthe Adolph
R'ichard and Grace M. Elasky RevocaWe LNinp Rust, dated June 5, 7989
PARCEL 6: AmerlCdn 8ank M SL Peul (&Sto PerCelE 1, 2, 3 and 4)
Thv MldwayNazlOnel BankOf SL PaW (e8t0 ParcrJs5, 6 and»
OCT t6 2863 16:14 FR CTIC - E��ITY 952 B26 3014 TO 91Ze66289711„ 69 P.67
Real ectete taxes payeUle In 2003 are 520�30200 and are half Wid.
BasetaxS19,21G29, No'rFiomestead.
Property Ide�Scatlon No_ 3329231d 0088 (Lots 12 & 3 of PAACELA)
Note: Therearenodalinquen[taxesoFrecoid.
Reai asmtetaxes paya6le in 2003 are $850.W ar�d are half paid.
Baset�38D1.8a,Nan-Homestead. '
Propercy Identi6ca6an No. 33 29 23 74 0069 (L�4 oF PARCELA)
Nota Thereare no dellnqu�rt taxes of record.
H�1 estate ta7ces payahie in 7AU3 are SR14.00 and are half pald.
Basvtax5955.9G Nun-Homes[ead.
Property Itlen'tdication Na 33 29 23 14 0070 (Loc 3 of PAACELA)
Note: Therearancdellnquerntaxesofrecoid.
Reel escete mxes payable in 2003 are $79,920,00 and are half paid.
Base tmt 518,635.00, Nun-Homestead.
Property �denll6q6on No. 33 29 23 14 0096 (PareeJs 7 m 4 W PARCEL 9)
Nae: There are no dellnquem taxes aF recard.
Real estate taxes payeWe in 2003 are 363200 and are half pald.
Base tax 5450.96, Non-Homoatead.
Property Identiflcation No. 33 29 23 14 0073 (Parcel 5 oF PARCEL B)
Nota: 7hare are no delinquent taxea of reeorrl.
R�I es6te tazes payable in 200.3 are 5594.0� antl are half paid.
Base tax �454.96, Non-Hcmestead.
Property IdeMffication Na 33 79 2314 007A (Pam.el 6 of PARCEL B)
Note: Therearenodolinquenttaxesofrecord.
Ree1 astate taxes paya6la in 2003 are $59a.00 and are half pald.
Base taK $454,ge, Non-Homestead.
Proparty IEentiHCation No. 33 29 23 14 4075 (Parcel 7 of PARCEL B)
Note: There are no dallnquent taxes ci record.
OCT 16 2003 16:15 FR CTIC - EQUITY
Order Number: 2b6g232
952 826 3014 TO 91Z06628971I��09 P.63
CHICAGO TTIT,E IIdSURP,NCE CAMPANY, an abstractor registered under the laws of the
State of Minaesota, hereby cextifies tbat it haz made seazches ia Ramsev County in
compliance with Minnesota Title Standazd N�ber 82 and 5nds no unsatisfled jud�eaa, no
t�nca b.sfied Notices of State Taz Liens, no uacatisfied Notices of Federal Tarz Lieas and no Norices
of Banktuptcy a e inc the names shown, except as shown hereon
Searched To:
Adotph Richard Elasky, tnutee May 14, 2003
Grace M. Elasky, trustee May 14, 2003
.�merican Baak of SG Paul . May 14, ?A03
The Midway National Bank of St Paul May i4, 2003
Providian Naaonal Bank
Ahmed Demmaj
Dated: December 15, 2001
Docketed: December 15, 20p1
Case No.: 62�C4-01-I1464
Amount; $14,261.80
2. Judgment:
Discover 8ank
ahmed Demmaj
Dated: Oetober 7, 2002
Docketed: October 7, 2002
Case No.: 62-CS-0�69D1
Amounc: $7,571.84
Name Search Continutd
The liabiliry of CFucago Tide Insurance Company is for reasonable caze in making this seazch and
shatl, in no case, exceed the least of:
a) the actualloss of the applicant; ar
b) the sum of $100.00,
Tbis is aot a title insurance policy and should not be relied upon as such. For full protection, a ritle
insuxance poliry should be secured.
Dated tlus 14th day of _ Mav , 2�J03 at 7;00 AM.
BY= � �-�-.�-.x-,�
` (Autho ed Si tory)
cEa: vx
OCT 16 2003 16:15 FR CTIC — EQ�ITY
Midwast Lagal Na(wprk, Inc.
Ahmed Oemmaj
Oatetl: Augus[Zp.2002
Docke[ed: Augusi20,2�02
C350 No-= B2-C8-02-7914
AmoUrtt: §10,871.00
4. Jutlgment
River City FUmncW LLC
Ahmed DemmflJ
Oned: May 20. 20�3
�acketetl: May20,2003
Caea Na: 62Cp03003026
FunoUnr. 576,83254
95Z BZ6 3814 TO 9120662897t1„ 09 P.09
rat Tf1T(ll PqpF qQ :e.v
12 2:25PM;pW25L :651 714 66�4 F 1/ 1
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,._ ,. Reply io, Vacation . ui _. Real Estate Division
q _�'
File # 24-2003 �' Pn��e� z66-saso
# of Pages 1
'From: ROSS 1.8YSOII
Qwest Corporation
390 Commerce Dri�
F�� 266-8855 � Fa�¢#
that part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park lying easterly of the
the west line of Lot 24, said Block 4
�-,� � �, �- �.
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extension of
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
We wilt approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �y
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..�
�lJFC �?�S S/yNe-r�Cun�T �cC./i*�C�S ;o..l
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AA-ADA-EEO Employer
Reply to Vacation
File # 24-2003
/�.Bt-Of'1�'SI' �of�� �
ro: Earl Carison •F�om n..=.., r��._:
City of St. Paul Xcel Eperg;y
Real Estate Division Sitin & Land F
Phone f� 266-$850 P�� � t_� i
Fax a 266-3855 Fax �Y . —'� a'
t6at part of the allep in Btock 4, Brightwood Park lyins easterly of the northerly extension of
the west line of Lot 24, said Block 4
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . []
We wi11 approve this vacation subject to the fallowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QX
For the Following reasons, we cannot approve this vacaCion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
.SVaJECT To /�5'E2.V�ripn/ m� E"�5��
iN f'.4Yo2 �F XC�"�- ��✓E�2 � y T� �or�i'a,pr�TE
�i�srrz�,sur�a�v ��4C/G I TJ�'S � c,��p tvrr�� r�
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AA•ADA-EEO Employcr
d1— /S o9'
L0 39tid 213HSI� LZLSE89ZSET66 9S�9i b00Z/Si/i0
Dec.19. 2003 1:41PM Xcel Ener;v Ri�e St. 3rd Fl
ro: Earl Carlson
City of St. Paul
Reply to Vacation Inquisy Real Estste Division
File # 24-2003 Phone!t 266-8850
o. 0196 i P. 1
�Fmm: Dan Woehrle
Xcel Energy
Gas Division
F� # 265-$855 I Fax #
that part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park lying easterly of the northerly extension of
the west line of Lot 24, said Bloek 4
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
We will approve this vaeation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
Xcel Energy owns and operates a gas main in the subject alley with services ta many
buildings including #1581 and #1601 University Avenue. Xcel Energy requlres thet the
developer shall assume all casts of relocating existing gas facilities, and shall dedicate
easements as m2y be required for continuity of gas service to the development and to any
other customers currently served by gas facilities within the above described area,
Call Gopher State One-Call (951-454-0002) prior to any excavation.
/f7� p � December 1B, 2003
� � /F
Signed NfckJ. Boosalis, PE Date
Xcei Energy - Gas Distribution
A.4-ADA•BEO Employtr
MCI Network Services, Inc.
Earl Carlson
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
�+�ri . ,. :�;�i:
REoiC =SFAr@ �i�/(St(�r,
OSP National Support!
Dept 42864 Loc 10"7
2400 Nmfh Glenvilie
Richerdsoq'FX 7�082
Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota
MCI ID: 91-2004
Dear Sir or Madam:
MCI has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project.
For your records, in reviewing the area in question, it has been deternvned that MCI daes
not have facilities within yow project area.
You shoutd address correspondence concerning any future projects to the atternion of
` OSP National Snpport/Investigations at the above address.
If you need fiuther assistance with this project, please do not hesitate to call.
ohn Bachelder
OSP Nationai Support I Investigations
(972) 729-b016
Easement-No Facilities.doc
t! ofPages 1
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 24-2003
To: Earl Carlson
City of St. Paul
Rea1 Estate Division
Phonet! 266-8850
Faxu 266-8855
�From: David Urke
DistriM Energ,y
District Coolin�
Fax #
that part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park lying easterly of the northerly extension of
the west line of Lot 24, said Block 4
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
We will approve this vacarion subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
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n�° ��.,
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AA-ADA-EEO Employer
JANUARY 23, 2004
Department ofTechnology and Management Sen+ices
Real Estate Division
140 Ciry Hall Phone: (651) 265-3850
Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855
Randy Kelly, Mayor
January 22, 2004
JAId 2 � 2004
David Urke
District Energy St Paul Inc and
District Cooling St Paui Inc
76 West Kellogg Boulevazd
Saint Paul MN 55102
TMS TTepaahnent File No. 24-2003
Dear Mr. Urke:
The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the perition of Velmeir Companies
for the vacation of that part of the aBey in Block 4, Brightwood Park lying easterly of the
northerly extension of the west lme af Lot 24, said Slock 4.
The purpose of this vacation is to: develop fhe abuttiug praperfies for commercial purposes.
Will you please advise me of any exisring utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before so I can prepaze
a report to the City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will fmd a reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side of
this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Earl Cazlson at 266-8850.
Eazl Carlson
Real Estate Technician
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 24-2003
Real Estate
a af Pages 3
ott Rupp�rt
� ��: �.
' F _- .� 1- _ _
that part of the altey in Block 4, Brlghtwood Park ly�n� eestarly of the northerly extenslon
of tha west Iina of lot 24, sald Blook 4 i
We have no objectlons to this vacation �
We wlll approve this vacatlon subject to the foliowinglcondltlons:
Fnr the followlnq reasons, w� cannot approve this valcation:
Comcast would llke to retain its utility rights to our ae�ial plant within vacated area.
Attached �is a nnap showing our facilities. j
Any relocatlon cost of Comcast facillty would be lOQ%i pet[tloner responsibility.
Scott �C.pp�rt
Constructirnc Services
�B c��s�x�
�r��, araCssiiz
Pfwns 651.493.51d7
smcc 2�PPa�ea6le.cameasc.cmn
s k ''� :�c h-
Robert G. Sandquist, Directm " ' " ' - ._
Randy C. KeZly, Mayor
Earl Carlson
St. Paul Real Estate
140 City Hall
From: Linda Murphy
St. Paul Public Works
800 City Hall Annex
Re: TMS File No. 24-2003
Paul St. Martin, Technical Services Engineer
25 W. Fourth Street
800CiryHalZAnnex Telephone:651-266-6150
SaintP¢u1,MNS5Z02-1660 Facsimile: 651-298-4559
Vacation of part of alley in Blk 4, Brightwood Park
For new CVS Pharmacy at NW corner of University & Snelling
Date: February 12, 2004
The Department of Public Works has completed a review of the above referenced vacation
proposal and has the foilowing requirements:
1) The City Surveyor has discussed some survey issues with Snelling and University Avenue
right-of-ways at this corner. It has been decided to leave this right-of-way issue out this alley
vacation request. The petitioner's site plan shows that they do not intend to encroach beyond
their property boundary on either the Snelling or University Avenue side. So we aze fine with
leaving the situation as is.
2) The petitioner shall dedicate a minimum of a 20 foot wide alley easement across Lot 25 to
continue the alley out to University Avenue; and construct the alley in said easement under an
ordinance permit issued by Public Works Street Engineering. See attached maps.
3) I see no reason to vacate the portion of alley abutting Lots 5 and 24. In fact based on the site
plan they have submitted, we should also retain the portion of alley abutting the west 25 feet of
Lot 25.
AA-ADA-EEO Emplayer
Responsive Services • Quadiry Facidaties • Emploqee Prade
�, -
4) The petitioner shall be responsible for the reconstruction of the east end of the alley, which
will be necessary to properly eliminate the appearance of a public thoroughfare, including but not
limited to, costs for new curbs, sidewalks, boulevards, storm drains, and signs, all to the
satisfaction of the Department of Public Works
attachments: memo & maps
copy: Larry Ackerman, Gary Erichson, Pete Gailagher, Bill Hagland, Dave Marruffo,
Mike Murphy, Ila Shah, Bill Tschida
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# of Pages 1
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 24-2003
To: Earl Carlson
City of St. Paul
Real Estate Division
Phone# 266-8850
Pa�c a 266-8855
�From: BiIT Tschida
Water Services
400 Commerce B
# " -
:� £
'�` .-�
that part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park lying easterly of the northerly extension of
the west line of Lot 24, said Block 4
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
� /
�, /
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
Department of Technology and Management Services
Real Estate Division
140 Ciry Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855
Randy Kelly, Mayor
December 15, 2003
Bill Tschida
St. Paul Regional Water Services
400 Commerce Building
Deaz Mr. Tschida:
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E� �iirassars G�e
TMS Department File No. 24 2003
The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Velmeir Companies
for the vacation of that part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park lying easterly of the
northerly extension of the west line of Lot 24, said Block 4.
The purpose of this vacation is to: develop the abufting properties for commercial purposes.
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before so I can prepare
a report to the City Council on tlus matter.
For your convenience, you will fmd a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of
tius notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Eazl Cazlson at 266-8850.
/��� �
Eazl Cazlson
Rea1 Estate Technician
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
kofPages 1
Reply to Vacatzon Inquiry
k'ile # 24-2003
Fsa 1i
Earl CarLson •From: Commander
City of St. Pau! Traffic/Accident Unit
£state Division Z00 East ilth Street
266-8850 pnotrei+
266-8855 Pax � ' .
that part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park tying easterly of the northerly e.�tension of
the west line of �.ot 24, said Block 4
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We will approve this vacation subject to ttze following conditions: ........
For the Eollowing reasons, we cannot appzove this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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2 �/7�d�-'"""�
AA-AAA-EEO Empioyor
01/12/2004 14:59 6512286241 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 01
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 24-2003
to. Earl Csrlson 'From:
City o£ St. Paul I�Yre
Reai Estate Aivision J.00 ]
piwncp 266-8850 �"��
F�cu 266-8855 Fax #
that part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Yark lying easterly of the
the west line o£ Lot 24, said Block 4
Wehavenoobjectionstotlrisvacation ...-•-••-•-�•••••-•-•�-•••••••
We will approve this vacation subject to the following condirions: ........
For xhe following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
r �
Signed Date
o4Pegts ]
extension of
.......... ❑
Aw-nDA-EEO Emptoyer
Page 1 of 1
Earl Carlson - Alley vacation at University and Snelling for CVS
�, � �
From: Tom Beach �'� � -� � `° �
To: Carison, Earl
Date: 1/22l2004 10:02 AM
Subject: AIIey vacation at University and Snelling for CVS
LIEP has not objections subject to the following conditions:
- The property owner must provide an access eaesement across the site out to Sherburne and/or lJniversity
- The site plan for the proposed CVS pharmacy at this location is approved.
Tom Beach
350 Saint Peter Street #300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
651-266-9099 (fax)
tom.beachCa�ci.stpaul.mn.us (email)
file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\ecarlson\Local%20Settings\Temp\G W } 00002.H... 1 /22/2004
Department of Technolog,y and Management Services
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Randy Kelly, Mayor
.;GE: �1:�
� ._..
December 15, 2003
Gina La Force
Library Administration
90 West Fourth Street
Dear Ms La Force:
Phone: (651) 266-8850
Fax: (65I) 266-8835
z � -
TMS Department File No. 24-2003
The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Velmeir Companies
for the vacation of that part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park lying easterly of the
norEherly.extension of the west line of Lot 24, said Block 4.
The purpose of this vacation is to: develop the abutting properties for commercial purposes.
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before so I can prepare
a report to the City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with faac transmittal memo, on the reverse side of
this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Earl Carlson at 266-8850.
,�!!, , �
Earl Carlson
Real Estate Technician
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
H of Pages 1
-� ., _ ...
To: Earl Carlson •From: Gina La Force
City of St. Paul Libraries
Reply to Vac2tion Inquiry Rea1 Estate Division 90 West 4th Street
File # 24-2003 �one a 266-8850 Phone #
Fac # 266-8855 Faac #
that part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park lying easterly of the northerly extension of
the west line of Lot 24, said Block 4
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .%�
We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
l 3- I �- a �
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
DEC-22-2003 09�29 ST PRUL PRRKS REC 6512927405 P.01/02
..,.... .
ro: Earl Carlson •From:l5m Agness ~�-
City of St. Paul Parl:s & Recreataan
Reply to Vacation InGuiry Real Estate Division 300 Ci Hali Annea
File # 24-2003 v��=� 26�-saso pn�x��
Faxtt 266-8SS5 Fax#j "`
that part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park lying easterly of the northerly extension of
the west linc of T�ot 24, said Block 4
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For thc following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
I 2 �� O �
AA-ADA-EEO &mployer
JAN-08-2004 10�10 PED 14TH FLOOR 6512283220 P.al/04
ro t ��
� To Earl Carlson •arom: Paul Dnbruiel
City of St. Paul Y. E. D.
Reply to Vacation Inquiry R.eal Estate Division 1100 Ci Tiall Annex
File # 24-2003 Phone iJ 266-8550 enonC n
• r'ex tt 266-SS55 Fax �
that part of the alley in Slock 4, Brightwood Park lying easterly of the northerly extension of
the west Iine of Lot 24, said Block 4
We have no objections to this vacation . . . - - . . . • . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : 0 /
We will apgrove this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u
For the foliowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
i i
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r ��D
AP.-ADA�EEO F.mploycr
JRN-08-2004 10=12
.x • .
Interdepartmental Memorandum
6512283220 P.04/04
nA�: � 2- r 5- 0 3
ro: 1� 3�onw ww�.M.a�.0 �3
�4- ( { a.� I � ,
RE: Vacation Request No. �y � Zoo 3
The attached vacation request was recaived by the Plazuung Division o�t."��'0� PIease
review and return comments or recommendations to me by , so that I may ptepaze
the Aivisions recammendations.
ZONING SECTION: Is this vacation proposal also tied to a rezoning or 1•ariance request?
YES NO If yes, explain below:
��ur�in� s��4- hqvt no 010� t�f �uv�s � �� s V 0.cct fe7 ucst
a5 ��9 �i,t aGlty�,U'�'t 0.CUCI is rna�ntai,.q,�( 'fvc' 'KC� �4S
�1'G � s w� Lo} a�► �,,i 1„ i,ti � s r �+ P� rt a F�e cdc.�. t.s�,c2rn c�t .
Planners are to return the reviewed vacal•ion request to Allan, Torstenson
(Zoning Manager). ✓ J'n.�
/• $•oK
,(�,�� � %� J��l'� �,�
1Z/17/03 04:41pm P. 081
H uF Pagu� � �
r�,� F,�rl Curlson •��o�n;I�� �r
City of St. Paul Aistrict x3 Council
Reply to Vacation Inquizy Reat F,state Division
File # 24-2Q0� ���� 266-SS50 PlwntB ,., ., -- -
s�;� 2GG-33�5 Fax# '�' �" -- -'" � �' �
Wc havc no objecuons Yo this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
; Wc will approvc d�is vacation suhject to the foll�wing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
', Por dic following rcasons, wc cannot approvc this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
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AA-ApMGliO Gnp(pyer
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1Z/17/03 04:41pm P. 00Z
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Y, -_ _� ..,� .: ,.
�errian� Park
Comr�unity Council, Inc.
t573 Selby Avenue - Suite 311, • St. Paut • Minnesota • 5�104
www.merziam-park.org - ccmerriam@7agiliti.net
tel: 651.645.G887 - fa�c: G51.977.9991
16 December 2003
Mr. Tom Beach
LIEP Zoning OfFce
310 Lowry Professional Building
350 St. Peter St.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Mr. Beach:
At the December 10�" Merriam Park Community Council board meeting, the council voted to
approve the following motion:
"To reguesfa public hearing a�n the proposed CVS building, in concerf erffh Hamlfne-
Midway and Sne!ling-Hamline Com�+unify Coancils, ff passible."
The Council would like to welcome CVS to the neighborhood but has concems about the
proposed building design, such as the wall without windows along University Avenue; the main
entrance being i� the bacic facing a largo parking lot, and the fact that it would be a onc-sSOry
building. These design elements are out of step with Transit-Oriented-D�valopment and Merriam
Park's community plan.
Residents in Merriam Park and neighboring communifies have spent manyhours assisting in
crafting design goals for this area. The proposed building is not consistont with The
neighborhood's goals forUniversity Avenue.
A public hearing would a11ow an opportunify for more residents to know what CVS is proposing.
We wi11 be contacting the Hamline-Midway Coalition and the Snelling-Hamline Community
Council members to support a public hearing request. Thank you for your assistance.
kZoI4 No strom
Merriam Park Community Council
cc: Dave Gagne. HMC
Anneliese Detwiler, SHCC
Brian McMahon, University UNITED
Councilmember Jay Eenanav, St. Paul Cify Council
Brian Alton, Aftomey
Dr. James Marti, MPCC
OF THE COt72QCIL OF 3'HE In the Matter of
CITY OF S_AL�iT PAL7L Vacation File � 24-2003
The imdersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or companp, that iT does
not intend to exercise its utility ri�hts in the realty deseribed belou-:
that part of the alley ia Block 4, Brighiwood Park tying easterly of the northerly extension
of a Ime 15.OQ feet westerl� of and paraIiel to the east line of Lat 25, said Blaek 4.
except as here noted:
I3eparimept ofPublic T�TOiks
Its le IT�/ �'iV �
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undeX�tftc laic9 of [he S�te oPblim,uesoYa
.0 votary Public
My Commisswn ExpNet,pn. 31, Pq6
� / ��i��<<�'J'./l/
Nqtary Pub[i , tue � C�, Ivfi sota,
My commission eio'ves ���Q�
** Please retarr� this original copy to 740 G�ii�r� Hall, St. Pau1, lti�N 551(�2 **
.AA-ADA-EEC7 Emplayer
THE'�IO�?�tYRA$E;� I�:3I'(3R A2vTD 14��BF�^
OF TF� GOUNGIL. O�"'I'f� In2he 14fatter o#
CIT'Y O�.SAf�iT Ftki�L Vacatian �`ile # 24-2UO3 ..
The tmctecrsigtaed herebp certiFtes, on l�hatf offlie incliea#ed dep�ent or co�tgany, that �t does
abt iafead to e�cise its �Ey rights in the real�y flescn'beci below:
that p� nf ths a�ley in �31oc_k 4, Briiiigh€wood Park iy�g easterly ef fhe aorthe�lx exteusian
Qf a line ��:{k0 feet �ester� a€ and par�llel to th� east �iae of Lot �s, saii3 Block 4_
except as here noYetl:
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' ��N'�3111 �+:��t",t)ll21 �g$�"�tiBt'V2E�S
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'33ir:foc�am5in�3"sastee�cwus,sckistnd�edged�.-b3foram�this 18th dav-of February /��/
yy Stephen P. Schneider � General Manager
of Saint Pau1 Regional Water Servicega..Municipal Corporation of the Citv of
��� Saint Paul
tmd4rtiz�lalt�� aYlhe St�e aL`�liohcsota.
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aa-��-�c� ��nta�
Interdepartmental Memorandum
To: All Council Members
From: Peter White ��(�`�Q�
Right of Way Engisr�er
140 City Hall
Date: March 2, 2004
a °
I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on 1��h ���f��;to consider
the petition of Velmeir Companies.
The purpose of this petition is to vacate the alley abutting Lots 1-5 and 14-18, Block 13, Oak Ville
Pazk (SW of Maryland and Arcade Streets).
This property is located in City Council District'��, Planning District �`.,��:
cc: Shari Moore, City Clerk's Office (for publicauon)
Interdeparhnental Memorandum
To: All Council Members
From: Peter White
Right of Way Engineer
140 City Hall
Date: February 23, 2004
Subject: T1VIS Deparhnent Vacatiou File No. 24-2003
I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on March 24, 2004 to consider a
petition to vacate that part of the alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park lying easterly of the northerly
extension of a line 15.00 feet westerly of and parallel to the east line of Lot 25, said Block 4,
The purpose of the vacation is to develop the area for retaii purposes.
This properiy is located in City Council District 4, Planning District 13.
The subject petition is in proper forxn and has been signed by the requisite nuxnber of property
�ry4�C"�°", . �.���
e �� � � ����
MAP (attached)
Notices sent by:
City Council Ward # 4
Plauniug District # 13
File No. 24-2003
that part of the alley in Block 4, Brighrivood Park lying easterly of
the northerly extension of a line 15.00 feet westerly of and parallel
to the east line of Lot 25, said Block 4
Velmeir Companies
The Council will conduct a public hearing on this vacation on
Wednesday, March 24. 2004 in the Council Chambers on the
third floor of City Hall. Public Hearings begin at 5.30 P.M.
Ca11266-8850 and refer to the file number above. City staff will be
available until 430 in Room 140 City Hall to answer any last-
minute question on this project.
Real Estate Division
Dept. of Technology and Management Services
Room 140 City Hall - Court House
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
AA-ADA-EEO Employer