242197 • Otisinalto City Clerk • s • ORDINANCE � 4219� COUNCIL FILE NO r" J PRESENTED BY ����`� ORDINANCE NO / An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibi.lities and the minimum qua.lifications for the various classes of positions i.n the Classified Service of the City, T' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Tree Trimmer I _1_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peteraon Sprafka Againat Tedeaco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk a r / �� Form approved Corporation Counael B �-/�/�� Dnplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ;���;���.;�� COUNCIL FILE NO - /� -r J PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section Z. 7'hat ea�.d ordin�aance, as amended, 1ie a�cl the �arn� is hereby further amended by etriking c�ut the title and epacifications for Tree Tr�rnrner, and by +aubstituting in lfeu thereaf the Pallowing title, and �pecificationB for Tre� '�"riznmer IT -�- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor ^�� Form approved Corporation Counael By Laplicate to Prfn4er ORDINANCE �`������ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ��� Section 3. Thf� ardfnance sha13 take �ffect and be in for�e on the firet day of th� firet payroll pe�riod following thirty da�ya a�ter it� passage, approval, and publi�ation. _r�_ �,v?��.�' ���t� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C uncit Carlson s�'i�� � n Favor Meredith Peterson [� Against Sprafka Tedesco M r. President (Byrne) Approved: �� ' Attest ``` City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Blplieate to Printer �,��-y�� _ ORDINANCE 'l �� ` COUNCIL FILE NO / PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �'�` /!�� An ordinance amending E3rdinance No. ?607, entitled: "An ordinance �fxing the duties and re�pon�aibilities and the minimum qva2ifications for the wariou� claesee of position� i.n the Claesified Service of the City, " approv�d February 13, 1935, a� amended. THE CUUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' S�T P.A.UL DC?�:S ORDI�IN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. ?607, approved Fe�bruary Z 3, 1935, as amended, be and th� �azxie i� hereby further amended by inserting in ite al.ph�betical order the foliowing title, and specifications for Tree Txi.mmer I -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By � - � Ori=lnsl to City Clerlc . . ' � ORDINANCE 24219� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � / "� � Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. �5_ MAY 1 3 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the ouncil Carlson Meredith Tn Favor � Peterson 0 d Againat Sprafka Tedesco MAY i � 19&9 �� �'��'<($ �;�'Y��i�tr � - � �_y , APPr ed: Attes �3r ,, l2're��c!� � City erk d t q May �� orm approved Corporation Counael By PUBLISHE� �IAY 17 196 . • Ori�lnal to City Clerk � � � ORDINANCE ����� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��� Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specifications for Tree Trimmer, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following title, and specifications for Tree Trimmer II _3� Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Councii Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesoo Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By I , ' � • 24�19`7 `1 it'.° .:i c?:��,s�. 1'`'�1 C�--� �'l �•. FT � ,�1 S . ..,._.r_. '.�.Ll.��'.'i._.. .�.�� / . / � 1����{��- �_ _ __. _ _:�. .� -���.:.. . ',SJ'o t�:�'c_ . , -.. .-:ri:,t: :�, � ., ��:� Lf �.i.,�rt =-,.�. ans i;o �e�io�_r?. -the wolk 11':�T �j � 3.' ,"., t:.... ., '�s'l ,.72?.:�� f�`^:a.Cl.?J�r .stil� i:�� �321Ci maiz�'I:�.inifZu ,_c:; . Z�_ t � . �:����� _�� ^'��t:�t� :�;�t�k ,ZS ,as�rne�'i� __: �. __ o� ti�� .- ��c� __~^:.'., �O J5`'1:.'C '!'_1 'i�ilt�. �:'_�ll��� �� I172;.1� i�l'3t:1i1''!y zllCl i'31a.'l11'C�1T1121� tIGG-'$, r``?J ..._."I:;I- '9'p ;�.:Z1 t 1 Yl� cL i7;,. '.���Y 1.1 i.�:�I?.�: �I�G�l:S o - �1. ,;'.. 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'(:�'7,.'.:'_e:Z11Y?.Ly �]'LL":;i,C1I1�, fi1�ll2�y �11Ci rl�ain�4ainin� i.iF'.t?S; �l.'1C� i.p - ::5.'Li)"=':� 1'^'_�ctC:.Ga. 1;:'C�i1C �7.S c$v?�12C'��: .....:lt,_i',t.=:C O� 'i'�O�ic �,G_'i0:; _.=�C1' rt�0 <:I.:��lat 1?1 ��1TY'.::.Cl1I"'�,, �)_"121.L71�;;,, ��3.'2;.C111n� 121C� 17131ri�:1lrilri� t2'CC$� 1 0 �.s:ist i:,. �,J.�z�.t:in� <..lc� 1:'::�•'Zili�in� tree:s, ��� �'_�e ca,�acity o:� a j�ari.er�� `I'o ;li_nb irc��:; usi.L� v�.rio�is cl.imbin� apparatus< �:- ,_ o cic.�an anc' �+:'i?.l c;�.�,riti;$ ��rld ���:info.�:.� trces wittz bolts r :.1,il�.? 4'cL�`1 i:`.: '' o i:l.l tre:s� �.i0 :1::E, 1,�0v:%�1' ��:.LVJS. Si:t1.I�1T:3 C�1::�MP?'S� S'i.71.':1..�j`��^Tfi! TOIJC'.ST ...�t'i-i? �;i';.1Ci:S, 3.Tlt�. (?�'i"1C'� l^,'I_�l'C(;1 C,'C�Ul!?2"Y]C.'I7'�:� � 1. _ ..'�ii�i:-�;u�;:� �ualiiic�t��nso Li�;.�t��-�rac'.r �clr.caxio.�.,: �T:�.s•� ?�c ui�dex� 30 years of a�e, �2� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 Court Hou:�,56102 JAMES J. DAL6LISH, Commiuioner LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Dsputy Committionsr Phonr 223•4646 April 30, 1969 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk - BUILD ING Dear Mr. Marshall: The City Council, in March, referred an ordinance setting up Tree Trimmer I and II classifications which was re- ferred to the Personnel Committee. The Personnel Committee approved the ordinance at its March 6 meeting so it may be processed for passage. Sincerely yours, o , James . Dalglis Commi sioner of Finance �O i r `�.'i ti l:_ �-�` c?.:�s�:� �?�I�L r T�z��;���!:�:��P. �:,: / 1 � � . . .. . /� �i2��1;�c -,p('? ;•?gti11-,�Sli�l�.l".ia �,`; rJiic'��-- ::u;��i•��isioti, to t:im, b�°ace, :,�Zl, an1 maintain ti°ees; i�i�.C�l �O 7?'I.'1O:'s.:� i.'C:i'1�C•:]. ��'•!U3'�� uS a5S1���w.C', I'�7.��:'�-3"i1�.tT5 O:f tiJOi_•1: ��3:�:.rG�i'_.`:)::tii, ?�O C11:Z'_�_ t�'C::`�, ll..`-iii7.� Ic:'..�r�'��5� :CC�t1^�t aT1C�. Sc1�G�Cj� �7BL�:5: !.O 47'1:2"? 7I2a �-�i��i-.1:� �i;�,5� �o ��:t,�_ ��r, �-;,i.�i;, ��i��l cl�ai_�f�ct �t�•^�s i�r tL-�.v coral:rol of in�ects �.:�d �'�i�..��s•::e '�'o _'nll �:,;�s. 'Q'o ��•im t��•a��ci;c;;� --:'o�.� ��c��%��r lin�s� `iO :�."1:1{ �I7Ci. ;�r;:'�L�'1�l-' �.'�,'�^,5,. '�'o c.l��n �tn� :�ill c^.vit��.s :�lcl ;�ei.»_o-•ce u�c.ns �✓ith bo1.�;s �.ncl cabl�s� �i O 1 i.�^ j�!?yT.7 d T ,���:�':���i �1'LE S�!�i C 1.1�: '..'a S i �l � � �. y _ stur:��� �i��;ers, pr�3yer�r .-���Y'�, _.__�7, �FIC:��.^S 1C1?1(:�^. cCl'l�.x l�'?�C�ZSL :]21Ci othe� :telatLCl ;::�u�.;.,r�e�i:. _._iit:.i�a�u�:: ��.�.wli;ic<?tic�:s, ;`�i�-rtY,�. �aF1� ec,z�c=;tior_ .��c? �ne }rea�`'s ��:.�erienc� as a Tree `�'i 1;_:,�Y'.^-.:i � i?� F-^�Ylll'�7et1.C'12't: _Ll.o ,� � � , .� Ist ' 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app dop+ed � / � Yeas s b Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �Carlson oe�9�;sh 24�19�` —�-- Meredith `Meredith Peterson ' �Peterson Sprafka " `�prafka �,J Tedesco �edesco Mr. President Byrne �y,�:;tri°esic##ent�Hy►#�e �,+Y � �,.�-� � .� .� .�...� ��t�.""' l �l�