242196 Orlslnsl to City Clerk � OR � INANCE 24219s COUNCIL FILE NO � /`7 / PRESENTED BY s� ' /�'�' ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 3250, entitled; "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6, in Grade 24 under the heading "Manua.l and Maintena.nce Group", the title t'Tree Trimmer I"; and by stri.king out of Section 6, where it appears in Grade 28 under the heading "Manual and Maintenance Group", the title t'Tree Trimmer", and by sub- stituting in lieu thereof the title "Tree Trimmer II". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period followi.ng thirty days after z�s passage, approval, and publication. Approved: vil Service Commissi ner . MAY 1 3 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Carlson �Bn}g�ieh---- „ ��. ,.� ���:�.�� T ��� r , •`'"'�` ��� ��,, �..�°� - n Favor �� :� , .�,.� Meredith Peterson �� U Against Sprafka - � ������ MAY 1 3 1969 � `��.�i�_.4:�. A oved: ` n7 `ii Yreaide •A st. � . City lerk ..-� �til►Q or �� � orm approved Corporation Counsel / �uetts�E� M�Y 196� ` Dnplieate to Printer ORDINANCE � ` �� COUNCIL FILE NO �����a PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / �� .An ordinance amending Ordinance N�. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinax�ce �elating ta the Civil Service �3ureau of the City c�f S�axit P�uI, a.pproving and adopting rulee and regu�.atio�� therefor, " a�praved Auguat 20, 1914. a� amended. T�3E COUNCIL �F TIE�E CITY OF SAINT PAUi. DO�S C1RDAiN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approvad Augu�t 2�, 1914, as amended, be and the eame is hereby further axnended by insexting i� �ectiozx 6� in Grade 24 under thc heading "Manual a�:d 1Vlaintenance Group"� the title "Tr�ee Trirnmer I"; and by striking out of Section 6, vvhere it appd�re in Grade 28 under the h�ading "Manual and Maintenance Group", th+� title ��Tree Trimmer�', and by �ub- stftuting in 2ieu th.ereof the title "Tree Trimrner II". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and b� in force on the fir�t day of the firdt gayroll periad foilovrving thirty d�ye after it s pae�age� appxoval, a�d publfc�tion. A�apraved: v�l r ce Commiseioner 4.�:' `; ;,}, Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the �ounciL Carlson �� -�,lal�liah Meredith In Favor Peteraon � Against Sprafka Tedesco t° � 4'��°�'� �`t�,��� r �..,,��. Mr President (Byrne) r,,. Approved• Attest. . _ . _, _. ,� • City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By �'eb. ?_�r l�i� ; I � i ------ �i ���n. J�� J'. �i��h, '---=-- -.,\�� , i z3%�.I,."t"k':'X",eC1 — �I`�3C3IIY.'��. Lt��t�8. � ;, " �~�\ �:?�_t3,�' ��s�Z': / � , i '�tr� City Council t�day�� d, ove:� � ��f�rx�ti t� th� �'ar�Qana:I Ct�naittae C. F. 2�21�i . .,� �C�19'i' p�srt.eining �o �tY� title� o�' Tr�ae Trim�r I s�sfl Z�. �/ , ..-------� \ %' /����\�_� *�```,, r`�/ �`, �!�"Y �'��'' 3►`�'�'a� � ! ) j' \�\ �',%�� �.�.�+",r�' 4i�!!'�"�. ��/�,� _ ,l, �_�.� ,�� _ ,�,,A- ��; ��n� �s.�'��, c��.�� � �.,�� �� �s�e�c�c�r o� I�a►r�].. � , \ �l� , � e ; f. ��''�. , ��--_._.� ,� `�. .____._— .., `� � � / I st ` 2nd� Laid over to .� � �- , � 3rd and app —Adopted Yeas � ! b Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �\ Carlson �`a Dalglish 2����� , '-Dalglis�r— Meredith �Meredith Peterson �eterson Sprafka � �prafka � Tedesco desco � Mr. President Byrne �r:�.Pr��i�8►:►!!' .�y� ,,�;'';;;` - �O 11'Ir. V ice President �� ' �'��'.'/ \- � b