242194 i Ori�inal to City Clerk . . . � ORDINAN �CE 242194 , � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ��� � � ���2"��'� ORDINANCE NO � "/' f°Z "� - An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Sai3�.t Paul Legislative Code, per�taining to Use Districts, Height Dis- tricts and Rezoning of certain properties in the Gity of Saint Paul, as amended. THE GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seetion l. That the Zoning Gode, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain pro-. perties in the Gity of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "B" Residence- District to G�mmercial District, to-wit: Lots l, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 2, Snelling Park to St. Paul, Minnesota; situate on property located on the south side of Concordia Avenue between Snelling Aven.ue and Asbury Street in the City of Saint Paul. Secti,�n 2. This ordina.n.ce shall take effect and be in � foree thir�y (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. . MA� 51969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson •- Dalglish Meredith l In Favor , Peterson �� -� Sprafka v Against Tedesco � � lg�� Mr. Preside e) Appr _ tteat: . C' e a or � Form approved Corporation Counael By PUBLISHE� �R 81969 February �, 1969 Roger B. 5hort, P.E. Vice President 310 North Sttelling Corporation 31Q North Snellin� Avenue �t. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Aesr Sir: Tt�ank you for your lettex of February 3, 1969, wit� reference to the rezoning of L�te 1, 2, 3, 4 aad 5, Block 2, 3ne41ing Pexk Addition. In order that the City Council ma� be �dvieed es ta qour pos�tion, it h�s b�en forwardea to th� Gttp Clexk for t�e ateenGion of th� Counc�l. Yaurs very truly, James .�. A��l�lieh Co�mmissiorne� of �'inance &e: R-6l+2 Heaxing: Februsry 13, 1969 c.�c, �'il ey Cle�k Duplieste to Prtntcr ORDINANCE ����� � COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ��� �l�z o��inu�.ce af�e�ding the ��011Z."�_r'� �iO�L'� {:�1r`��7t,E',i S J� ��:0 3 J1 f i�clu�iv�, o� tt�� ��aint �'��.a3 �e;,�,i�Zative Co�e, ����rt�.i�iin�; �o U�e :i3istricts, �ieight ;�is— tr�.ets �nr�. :�t��onin� of certai;� ��ro�erties izi t;�e Lity o�: �;4 int �r��L�1, �.s a���enc�e�. nl}ii:.-� �J�TiJ.,y'v1L 'Vi 3ii� ��3.M. LIi'�� :iil.fc.�Ti ��>i�At_T.L.I �FiJ'i,��..`i 0����iii�l.'Yi ;�ection �.. '��a�at t�a.e �aa�in� Co�e, ��Z�.�tey� 60 to ���, i�ie].usive, o� �ax� �s€�int �aul d�e�is�.ative Coc?�, �,�ertai�ir��; �to �Tse; _,ist�icts, '=���;ht ',istxic�a �az�.�:I `Lezo�.in; o� ce�tain ���ro— ��rtae� ix� t���c Cit�r o:� C�zint �aul, �� ilI13E11Ci@i�.� �e anc� ttze aa�e i�� :�vre��y :��,a�t.zei^ �.��ezzde�l so us ta i��one the :�ol�.o�vin� s�escri�ec� ��op�rt� ��or�� "�3" .��.e:;iue�ce Di�t;�rict to Co�.�aercial �1St:C'lit� �O—g�3'tY . TaOta �. � `�� j� f3 �31ik �� i�1.0','.i. �.;' �i�.elliza� A'ai k to St. PAUl, ?,,�i�an��;atx�; �:i�txat� o� �ro���t� locatec� on the south �i�� o� Corzcorcti� !�ve�iue bc�t;,c;er� ���el'lia�g .�wenu� a�.d Asbury �treet i�i �t��ae �ity o:� `���.i.ait �atil. �>��c�io�� �. ��as or�linanee shall ta:l�v e��ect a:�u ��c i� �orce thir�:Y {3a3) �iays ��o�n anci a�'ter its na��a�;e, �a���oval and �azblic�ztiorx. �k.. ' ���^.� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson •�"J Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson C Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Bvrnel . . r � �� �� � ' . , . . . , , 2�� ' =.. ' • CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �-c- . � 7� J _ , , PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The` signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) � ' Date: � : /�J� ����'� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR A�TD CITY COUNCIL �� c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Purs.uant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within L00 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) j� � � � ,� ".� � ' �J � i � �� / �� � ��� ' from ' Distr'�'c t ^ District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and or operating the following; ( escribe briefly the proposed facility) ��'t� • �"�-►�-�-e - C r/- !� �` � � � RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT B CK ADDITION Subject Property; : /� .c� �' � ' � �� ,'� .i ,� � Y� �' i' �. %S" Z' � � � v �, r� .r ,u �-�' � i� �y , I� I� � t" . °S . � J �]� .'7` i 1 11 -ry�'�� �;e� /`�d , ����c t�. . f' '-C''L�1'U� � � i >�ts ,j 7.-�c JVm. ��ZtG�' ��11�,��.- /1"a 'l���,�,,�, 7 y� r r '+ ���� �f n' /� �� �� +' ` �'�g N� ,IV�`'CGG �d/�`��t.,. .l�.��'LZ�ZS�u-� � Y fi�'.,�"�' . ��p '� ��l�u,,.' /� :��22-�.t-`, � Z/� r� �� f ,`. � ..:: �� ,�� << <� � >i �i /��'/ - �; � � � ��f r.� , �.�� �� � i-- , � /'3 �- `' ''� / 5"4� J c;� /,� � �[. ' ��5�-�- 1� Y il' `i �� /� j `/' G�`� � / �`C� �- l � ?.- �' 'r �� State of Minnesota ( �t�nt y of,Rams� (�/S��� � Daniel F. o�an being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 2 pages• ► that the parties described above are�the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties o described. Subscr�.bed and sworn to before me - ' � this �9th day of November� ��$ � ��.✓ � Address: � c�� � ��' - Telephorie No. 7 Notary lic., �Ra y County, Minn. �� �' 7 7 7 / My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 . O��ice�:,a� the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 MARY RODGERS. ` `�`� -�i0lary Public, Ramsey County, Mlnn. '. ,'� ` _ � ,�'�" 1dX C�ommission Expicts Juna 2, 1915 � `t� � .� � � '�- i tir r � , r � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' ' • � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date: f�i �/�U TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL /� c/o the City Clerk, ftoom 386 City Ha11 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body t �rezone the follow- ing described property: (legal description and street address),��`-'1.�� � t.1� `�` S `��"� � , �-���� ��.� ' . ' f rom ! � � ��(,�t�D�Z�� District � istrict, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: � ����� (describe briefly t proposed facilit ) �.�x� _ � �i ��. � ��� � �� RECORD OWNER SIGNATU LOT BLOCK ADDIT ON Subject Proper y; .�c�r �r� 3/ ' � .�, �� . � , .S'...� �sr sr' j�,�'y � + �� �� � � � . �� /���- � i a,,,,,_--�- :��,-.ti c�,,�,�, � �2.. � ,, � / `� _/ I G_..-t�."'1/t- —� ,f L2'�/ �'„� �;, '1 / .L� !� `� �, S,- � � �,.f �� �r � - ;_;�;,, c2 t,�;,,,;�,.`,� ;�-- � �,, � v� _� �r S �� � � ' /��� �-�-�c ,� �c��, --� - � 7 � �" d'ti-� /SS�� � .� L�-� `� cru/ I 7 l� '` �,�� Stat of Minnesota ( `Co ty of Ramse� �' /�ss '/4� 'V Danie� . Dolan being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 2 pages• , that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties s described. Subscribed and sworn to before me � � this 19th day of November, 1968 - �� � Address; /� Telephorie No, a��',_ �� 7 fi Notary ublic, R sey County, Minn. My com ission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 MARY RODGERS. �, .- Office vf the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. �°�-� • ' AI�Commission �xpires lune 2, 197� �� �� " 'yp,tty, _ �- '�i„ BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 February 11, 1969 ���2�9�� Mr. Harry E. Marshall City C1erk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in rasponse to the petition of Daniel F. Dolan to rezone fram "B" Residence to Commercial district, property located on the south side of Concordia Avenue between Snelling Avenue and Asbury Street. This property is further described as Lots l, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Black 2, Snel.lin� Park Addition. The petitioner proposes to use this property as a site for a Mr. Steak restaurant. Suc� a use is not permitted in zonina districts more ��stricti�re than Commercial. This matter was considered at the January 16, 1969 Boa�d of Zoning meetin�. The staff reported tha�C �Che Aroperty has an area of 26,750 squ3re feet with a fronta�?e of 200 feet along Concordia Avenue and is presently occupied by five residential structures. The Comprehensive Plan recor.►mends this property with a larc�er area for industrial use. Interstate highway I-94 exists to the north o.f. the site with an entrance ramp from Concordia Avenue be¢innin� at th� east end of the site. Traffic movement probl,ems exis-C at this location as motorists turn from Snelling Avenue to Concordia Avenue and the I-94 entrance ramp. The City Traffic Engineer has indicated opposition to rezonings which would add additional traffic movements within this busy inter- change area. One letter in opposition (attachecl) was no�Ced. Mr. Daniel Dolan, the petitioner, noted that his proposal is for a family-type restaurant and emohasized that it would not be a drive-in. He 31.so indicated that the proposed restaurant would not have a l.arge take-out business and -that the hours of oDeration would be from 11:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. � After additional discussion, the Board of Lonin� voted to recommend annroval of this netition to rezone from "B" Residence to Commercial. Very tr ly yours, �� _ � . , ._ KU , �(.% �" . Peter J. i e�t S�cretary PJt�:cv CL S � �'° ,�- a Z.F. #6676 `�� � � � Es1cl.osure (1) letter ° � � eo Harry E. Mars6all �lT'' oF Albert B. Olson w City CCverk and �`` s� Council Recorder Commisaioner of Regiatratio�t ° awl�ry�: -� . � " ",�°' , �s, �c OPFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS �,� 388 City Hall v� St.Paul,Minnesota 65102 � ,��� �', /r� �t:��� .��_ January 14, 1969 �''� ������ '� � "�\r: �, .� ,r_ �F ,,� �,,'° - , w;,,._,. -�, ,- �'� - 1 ,p . �5.^, :<�� �`' �,� Ct-`'': �r t�FF� � ��. � Zoning Board Coanerce Bl.dg. St. Paul Gentlemen: The City Council re�erred to you the attaehed letter of Irving W. Schrader, 675 N. Snelling Ave. , 3n opposition to a petition oP Dan Dolan to rezone property at the southWest corner of' Asbury and Roblyn. ery truly yours, �y1 Cit ' ierk � AO/ng � � • ' , � . , . � . � Janusry 6, 1969 City of 9t. Paul % City Clerk�s Office 386 city xau St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: File zF# 6676 HONORABI� MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: I received notice that the Board of Zoning will hold pablic hearing at 2:00 P.M. on Janu�ary 16, 1969 on a petition of Daniel F. Dolan to rezone from "B" Residential District to Cammercial District property located at the southwest corner of Asbury Street and Rob],yn Avenue known as: Lots 1, 2, 3, 1�, and 5, Block 2, Snelling Park Addition. I strongly protest thie change of zoning �raa� residential to ca�nerical property as the value of mQr residential property in the area will be depreciated. The effect on the neighborhood will be detrimerrtal. Com�ercial business in this area will ereate a congestion ot' traffic. It will be no3.�q and annoying to the residents. The outside lighting on the property will be disturbing and we will have the constaat problem of litter and debris. I live near Henry�s Hamburger Shop on University and Herschel and the street and grounds are contirnially littered �rith pa,per cups, napkins, and refuae. The noise of the traffic is very annoqing. I vigorously urge that this petition to reZOne from residential to commercial property be denied to Da�iel F. Dolan for the peace of the present oecupants of the area. 9 tr�tly yours, � 4�/�'�i���!��� G I W. Schrader 675 orth snelling Aveuue St. Paul, Mix�nesota 55101� ,� � � Harry E. Marshali c�TY �F Albe� B. Olsoe � City Clerk and F��w °; Counoil Recorder Commisaioner of Reeistration o �'`� ' 3�° � ;,s �,= Y OFFICE OF TNE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OP RECORDS 88B City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 5510� November 22, 1968 � Co�►e�ce���ldg. St. Paul Gentlemen: There is now pending before the City Council a petition to rezone Lots 1, 2� 3, 4, 5, Block 2, Snelling Paxk Addition, to Coimnercial District. Daniel Dolan is the leading petitioner. The property is described as 1544 - 1560 Concordia. Very truly yours, r �� ��. City lerk ng �� , � � ,. �'� 1 ' �, � � , . ' f I �----. -- ,.. �����-yyy ���nvv� �- - µ '- ,. r �� `� �. , . . �. � ' � ' . _ _. � I ..,..�—_Y�_.i.������a�_v.______".«�a_.__�_._.��__.�:._.s-.3.aa_�.._czr.om� - � Ha��y E. Mars6all �tTY �F Albert B. Olaoo City Clerk and F`*4� t. ; Council Recorder Commissioner of Regist�ration o =� � . , � �e;3�a;�s3 �S �1�` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS S8B City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota. 5510� Dec. 5, 1968 Zoning Board, Commerce Bldg. Gentlemen: The City Council referred to you for recorr�nendation the attached petition of Daniel F. Dolan to rezone Lots l, 2� 3, �+ and 5, Block 2, Snelling Park Addn. located at the southwest corner of Asbury St. and Roblyn Ave. to Commercial District. Very tr y yours� . ���� , Ci Clerk � hp � . � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � ' ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL • MINNESOTA 113 Court House,b5102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commiasioner LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Deputy Commiuioner Phone:223-4646 December 5, 1968 To the Council City of Saint Paul G�ntlemen: I have checked the attached petition of Daniel F. Dolan, filed in the matter of rezoning, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and S, Block 2, Snelling Park Addition. The property is located at the southwest corner of Asbury Street and Roblyn Avenue, from a Class "B" Residence District to a "Commercial" District, and find that said petition is sufficient. s very trul ,'� / C� _ , ames J. Dal sh �� � Commissioner of Fina Re: X-642 c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden Frontage: 100% Parcels Eligible - 14 Parcels Signed - 10 or 71.42y. Needed - 10 or 66 2/3'/. O BOARD OF ZONING Ii�PORT AND ACTION January 16, 1969 plat Map ' 11 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No. 6676 passed August 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 Also 1. APPLICANT'S NAME • Daniel�Dolan � 2. CLASSIFICATION • a Amendment � Appeal �Permit ❑ Other � 3. PUFiPOSE • `Rezone "B" Residence to Commercial district to allow Mr. Steak restaurant 4. LOCATION • South side of Concordia A�renue between Sr.elling Avenue & Asbury Street 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTIOH � Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S, Bl.ock 2, Snelling Park Addition 6. PRESENT ZONING . "g" Residenez � 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64.06 Section: Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: By: CLS A. SUFFICIEidCY: The Commissior.er .of Finar.ce, in a letter dated Dsc�mb�r 5, 1968, had declared the petitiori sufficient witn tne owners of 10 of a possible 14 � (71.420) tracts havir.g signed the petition. � B. HISTORY: None C. PROPOSED USE: It is proposed to develop the site with a "i�1r. Steak" r�staurant and accessory parking lot D. FRO�ZTAGt: A�vD AR�A: There is a 200 foot frontage along Concordia Avenue witn a depth of 133.75 feet and an area of 26,750 square feet. E. AREA ZO:VI:�iG: The area north of I94 is zoned Industrial and "C" Residenc�. Tpe area east and south is zoned "B" ResidQnce while the west area is zoned CommArcial. F. COP�PREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprenensive Plan recommends Light Industrial zoning and use for this site. � G. SITE CO�IDITIOV: This site is developed with five residential structures. Th? property is level and at street grade. H. AREA CONDITIONS: I94 is north across Concordia Avenue--a frontage road, with an � "on" ramp starting approximately 200 feet east of the site. The resid�nces east and south are mostly one and two-family. There is mixed residential ar.d commercial developm�nt frontir.g on Snelling Avenus. � I. TRAFFIC E;VGINEER: Traffic Engineer opposps rezoning which would add additional � mods ments within busy interchange area. ' 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend Q Approval � Denial Council Lt. Dated Moved by; Maietta Yeas Nays X Ames Seconded by: �o;�Pr X Cohen Date of Hearing . X Gauger ������3�4?� 3bfi�i��':�':fuiz Council Action Secret a ry's rema rks: x��}��{}�-X�, Gadler X Date _ Maietta X LEGAL NOTICES ON TIiG BACK OF THIS SHEET . i . _ . , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 January 31, 1969 City Clerk File X642, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Ha21 and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. , on February 13, 1969, on the petition of Daniel F. Dolan to rezone from "B" Residential District to Commercial Distrfct, the following property: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 2, Snelling Park Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota. The property is located at the southwest corner of Asbury Street and Roblyn Avenue. For further information conract Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or phone 223-4151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Co�nissioner of Fiaance O + . . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I I3 Court Hou:e,65102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H.MeKENNA,Depufy Commiuionar Phone:223-4646 February 13, 1969 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk BUII.D ING File No. X-642 Rezone from "B" - "Com." property loca�ed at SW cor of Asbury St. & Roblyn Ave. Aearing Date:� February 13, 1969 Dear Sir; Forwarded herewith is a letter, with reference to the above preject, for consideration by the City Council. Sincerely, ��* ` .;�6C/ : James J. alglis: � Cc�missioner o€ iaance cc: Irving Schrader File �� . ' ' February 11, 1969 City of St. Paul Department of Finance 113 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 HONORABLE JAMES J. DALGLISIi, CONIMISSIONER OF FINANCE File X61�.2, Page 3 Regardi.n� the public hearing to be held in the Council Chambers on February 13, 1969 on the petition of Daniel F. Dolan to rezone from "B" Residential District to Com�ercial District, the property located at the southwest corner of Asbury Street and ftoblyn Avenue, I present this letter of opposition. If you allow this chaxige from Residential to Commercial property, our Residential property value will definitely be depreciated. The additior�al. traffic will create additional problems and haza.rds. A Commercial building will entail a parking lot nuisance; car lights will be disturbing and the in and out automobile traffic will be noi�► and annoying. IP Commercial rezonin.� is allowed, a precedent will be set up for additional Com�ercial or Industrial rezoning attempts decreasing the use of our Residential property. I protest the land use oP our Residential area being converted to Cormmsrcial activities. Ve�-y truly yours, ^ ��� Irving W. chrader 675 North Snelling Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 5510k . 310 NORTH SNELLING CORPORATION 310 North Snelling Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55104 February 3, 1968 The Honorable James J. Dalglish Cor�nissioner of Finance City of Saint Paul 113 Court House St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Your File X642, Page 3 Dear Comnissioner Dalglish: The 310 North Snelling Corporation has received notice that a public hearing will be held in the City Council Chanbers by the City of St. Pau1 at 10:00 a.m. , on February l3, 1969 concerning the petition of Daniel F. Dolan to rezone from "B" Residential District to Conunercial District the following property: Lots 1 , 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 2, Snelling Park Addition to St. Paul , Minnesota. This property is located at the southwest corner of Asbury Street and Roblyn AvenUe. We Officers of the 310 North Snelling Corporation have considered this matter at length and wish to offer no objection to the rezoning of this property. It is our further feeling that the granting of this rezoning will place the property in the area in the proper zoning category. Yours very truly, 310 North,,�nelling Cor ar , , ... f ; �-'''�, er ort, .E. Vice P esident RBS:mc .� � . , , � _ / I st ,;� ; ! � ` 2�,:' J Laid over to � �3rd end app .—Adop+ed Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �carison �Carlson ,�lalgli�' �Dalglish `Meredi+����19`� V�Aeredith � �eterson �eterson (l � � �rafka v �rafka �edesco �`9'edesco �/ Mr. President Byrne ��' Mr. President Byrne O