242193 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK 242193 „ . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N ES LUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF , 1 I� � ESOLVED� By the Council of the City of Saint Paul� that Resolution of the Council, C. F. No. 23126g, adopted December 22, 1g66, as amended, is hereby further amended by striking from the section numbered 4, captioned '�Eligibility, " paragraph 4 A (2) and substituting in lieu and in place thereof a new paragraph to read as follows : (2) Any provisional employee who is not a regular employee and who is not specifically excluded from the City group insurance program by the provisions of this resolution, who is paid on a bi—weekly basis , that is, paid every two weeks , in order to be eligible for City—pay coverage must appear on the payroll for 13 aggregate bi—weekly payroll periods and must have been on each such payroll for at least five full working days (40 hours ) . and said section numbered 4 is hereby further amended by adding, in proper numerical order in paragraph 4 A� a new sub—paragraph (4) to read as follows: (4) Any provisional employee who is not a regular employee and who is not specifically excluded from the City group insurance program by the provisions of this resolution, who is separated or laid off as such a provisional employee will, at that time � lose all rights which had been attained or accumu— lated as a result of the provisions of this resolution. However, this does not apply to those provisional employees who transfer from one provisional ti��,�� to anot�ier, in the same department, with no loss of time between such transfer. Furthermore � this FORD�4� APPROVED� does not apply to any provisional employee who becomes a regular employee with no loss of time Asst. Corporation unsel resulting from such change. FEg 1 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � 3 ���� Carlson Dalglish Approve 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE, FEB 21 196� O � „��� �� �� �ebruary 14, 1�9 ;� �� I ,� 'il P�Zr. Robert E. 0'Connell �� ---' � ^;sst. Corporatioza ��unsel �� ` ` \ B�ilding � ����.��_ / �� �� L�ar Si.r: ��� '� ii '��/ . The City Council toda,y conside�e� a reso�i�n, a capy o�' which 1� s,ttached hexet�, amending Counc��1� ile ,E?: 237269 Pert�ining to the � Gr�up Hea7_th �nd W�lf are and Ins ej'�ro�ram. ,-_--_�.� \: � The Council held the �e��51ut� er t� 1 Tu�sd�y, February 18th, and requests that at�'t�h�t time,� u e�i in this resolutiora to them. ! � � �t `� J � Vezy truly youret � �. J � ,� �, ��� ___.=i ' / .-. __.__'' ___..... � ' C�ity C1erk �'�O�tlg � �� � ; ,� l � � �, i , � , , . _- � '�� - ._.__. -