242191 _ .,,, ... . ,..;. _ ,� _._.� . ._ , . . , „.. , . ,. . .... . . _ .::�� . . ,�. _ r�� _' .>�,✓ � f'^ � ,. . , .. f ~ � COL�T�L FILE NO ��; . � � _ � FINAL OR�ER � - � . B � . . : i , y x _ . _ . , _ . .. � . . � . . � .. � . . .._ . _ :::5. 5 ... . „ . File 1�To. ��� � In the Matter of iMSb� Mr s3+/A1111t �1t !iM '�'� i� �t �M� �!. �'��° � • . � �� ��� ��i � ���� �. � � � �� �' '� '�� �'� � ,. �r+a.; l��� !� �t ss�i #1*ur�rai. _. �nder Preliminary Order '�"� apP�nc� 1i0f�liM�!' �4,� �'!� Intezmediaty Order approve�l , A pt�blic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due�notice, and the Ct�nncf� having heard all p�3rsons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully cons�dered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By'the Council of the City of St. Paul that the pxee.ise nature, extent and kind o�im- pz�ave�ent to:}3e rnade by the �aid City is 1�r +MMt�R-'1r��► �#�irrs�t w1 tw f�edt !t!� �i �rL4�a �. irr ��as� �t. ;.10� , isa�wrwt �.�ari �j► �� s�'i�-�wrat�:� �s� a�t::��-.�r�K _ �r� aa�t �+ar��t. � � ; and the Council hereby ardera said improvement to be made. 1�ESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepaxe plans and specificatians for said improvement, aitd submit same to the Council for appraval; th�.t upon said approval, the proper city afficials are hereby authorized and direct+ed to pro- ceed with t�te making of said improvement in acoord�,nce therewith. covrrc��Ex 1� 81969 Adopted by the Council�E B Yeas Nays ..,��rn, Appro�� �EB 181969 ��,;�;��tn �nn�a�n „ � Peterson ��n Favor Sprafka � . . 'Tedesco � Ma'yor Byrne A�.;nat �-a�aa� �� �1 �,g��sHE� FEe 21 �sb� __��' .• Dist, rro. 3 . - _ , � '� N.S. M,agnolia Ave. - Barclay St. to 1[azelwood St. g��� 2����'� OFFICE �F THE COMMISSIONER OF PtTBLIC WORKS 242191 �1 �5 6 REPORT TO CUMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � � I �� ��Cq`j,969 v �! s: ��' �L�d `.' .r , .�, O�. � ��,F_,. C�' �`� Jan. 6th. 19 69 . 4 r��1�•�� ����``�� To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Comm�issioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 241444 approved Dec. 24th. 19 68 relative to con8tructing new sidewalk on the north side of Magn+�lia Ave. from Barclay St. to Hazelwood St. and by doing all other work which is necessarq and incidental to complete said improvement. ancl having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reportse 1, �he estimated cost thereof is $3<50 per lin, ft, for standard sidewalk ��1/_ wide and $4>20 per line ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide, 2a A plany profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mad� part thereofo � 3o Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works R 4o Improvesnent is asked for upon petition �� �� � Commissioaer o u���or��