242180 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 24218� . CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. LZC�sE Ca►�Irr� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RE UT —GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY !f February 18, �g69 COMMISSIONE RESOLVIDt That application for l3est�zrant:On and Off Sale Malt �everage, and Cigarette� licenses, applied for by Fdward C. Jackson at 775 Front Avenue, be and the same are hereby graa ted on the condition that within _-�---days of this da.te� sa5.d Edward C. Jackson shall comply with a11 requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police� a�d the I,icense Inspector pursuant to the �t. pmxl Legislative Code and a]1 other applicable ordinances and laws• �E� �, ;a Y969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays "� ��°,`: i � ���� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � � n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne 15t16USHE� FE8 21 1���1 � o , CITY OF SAINT PAUL ����0 Capital ot`Minne�ota • . �e a�ti�e�� o u��ic �a et � � roLicr Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FixE rxoTec�riox , WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGEft M. CONWAY, Depaty Commiasioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenae Inspeetor February 18� 1969 Honorable Mayor a.nd City Council Sa:i.nt Paul, M3nnesota Gentlemen: Edward C. Jackson makes application for Restaurant� 0� and Off Sale Malt �evera�;e and Cigarette licenses at 775 Front Avenue, which is on the 2dorth side of the street, between Avon and Jamison Streets. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1935. The last licensee� ftonald H. Fisher, held t�e licenses from March 19� until his recent death. There are no other 3.2 places �rithin two blocks. The closest � Sale Liquor place is four blocks awa4Y and the c losest Off Sale Liquor place is about nine blocks aw�y. The nearest church is about four bZocks and the neaxest school is about six blocks away. Mr. Jackson worked for t�he Farwell Metal Fabricating from , January 19� � �u� 1966. From Jul,y 1966 to June 1967, he worked /i for the Precision Products Co., then for the North Star Specialties until March 1968t and since then for the Char-Lymn Inc.. Very truly yours� ' �/�� - �,_ . License Inspector � ;�� �, y �� ��,9G � " �� � ' CITY flF $AIl�tT .�AiJI+ DgPART�NT �' PtTBLIC $AFSTY I,ICENSE DNZSI"� _ / Date► Z9_(1"r_..G._ 1. Appl�.oati,on Por t�,� -�� ��'.�t�,lf- 4�fS�%�'�irf a�f ,��',���, ����,,�-.- L:,�' �r,r�.�,<-f� Liaense 2, Ne►�ae of: �pplicar�t �,r/w'.���.� �:� � �"c �,.s'c �-� 3• �BLte1�.9$8 �►dd18�98 i�."r` �"��" { j"f" 8esidenae =�l l ��".'-�"r fi /.��-�' 4. Tre►de z�m�, iP any :'�''� } � �-`' `'' » i��' 5. 8atail Beer Federal Tea 3tamp�.�tetail 7�iquor Federal Tax S�am �ri.11 be u+�ed. _ ____ _ _ ,. _ p�_. 6. t� what Ploox looated .�'`"'..' �, `.; '�� l�umber of roa�s used� -� 7: Bet�sn �at crosa streats �-r'�`°'" %_'% '-�t'��� ilhioh side of �treat �"�� ��'�' 8. Jlre -pramiees now ovaupied �i��lPhat busine$s �'�' �`i' `� Hvw larig � . ,._._._ _.. _ . _ 9. �re premiees naw unoaaupied�Ho�r long �acant Previous uae ✓�:, n lU. �re you a aew awner � ` -�' Hr�ve you besn i.n. a similar busineas be�ora :�'� .,.....�..__. �here Nhen 11. Are you goisig to operate �hie buaine�s personally ��E`�'`� If'�aot, �rho xill operate it ' . __ �'��'? . 12. Are you in an�r other buainess at the p�esent ti.m�e 13• 8ave there been any Qomplainta againat your oparatian of this type_ ot' plaoe /'�b lihen iPhe re 14. E�ve yuu ev+er had a�q �.i�enae revolaad ��. llhat rea a on aa�l date . _ __ 15. J1re qou a csitizen of the IInited State��� Aati�v�e y'�Natt�ral3:zad � ��, C;�ar/ ;�l\►'� , _ ���r �`j,43/�` 16. llhere �ra►re you bo , n Date of birt �s . � � r 1 17. I e►m.��ma�.-ried. l�y (wiPe'�) (huaband t s� name and addrea s is ���/o�p c�/� —.�.^_ ^ � 18. (If married femQle) n�y maiden nam� ia 19. $o�r long have you lived in St. Pa�ul`7l � l'�5 , 20. Eav�e you ev�er been arreat�� Violation of what criminal lalr or ord5.nan�e�� 21. Are qou a regiqt,�red voter in the Citq oP 3t. P�ul y'' Yes � Ao,� , (��r fu11y a�d oompletel . These a �lioatioas are tMorou h1 chealasd�a� an Paleifioat3c�a �'�l be cause for denial. ? / St '' P''t F" ' 22. Number oP 3.2 p]aaes withi.n t�vo blociks �� _ _ . � 23. Cloaeat inta�icating liquor plaae� � Sale� ! �L�� �`% flff Sale�F�'%�-. r:�:' 24. Aeareet Churah Nearest School 25. Number of boothe���"? Tablee �� Chaixa�� '7` Stoolaf� 26. 'if�t occups�tion have you followed for the pe►at five y�sars. (Gi�e namea of emplo�srs �d da�tyea �o employad.) . M �f�41 C'r'/.+'I :� }AS-s�!i+` �. .�5 t?/"' �};f, r, �r"i C ,c.! ,i;. l J.:r � F' �1 F j� _j•�i�y- }��r•.s !��,�r� ��L� ' �'1 c IV�a��'' � yG; "Y�9t' i�/ � ft ��,��li/c _ ;� �. "j4 ' s: i ✓"'. '�; ,•,,.1.c�:� /h�.�,y � .i✓�r.e' ` �r ,, �in . , v L , J 27. Give� s»mes and addressee of �ro persons;� reaidents�of 3`te l�ul, l�.nn,s who can giv�a � informe►tioj� c,,,�cernin.g youp " �CY«�.d l.���-l�t f r _ - ,!'f�I �' ,7r- r�' /� � li�t' xame saareeS ,�,�� � P� H . �4ID8 �C�f�I'A 8 S -�`�ry� l;r_ ��l Z,. - l�tti2'e O� j3 Ca,Yl S'F�'�A Of M�t1TL9 80'�a ss County of Ramse� - �/ � , � SO N being fir�t duly s�rorn, depo$ae a� saqa . upon oath t he ha� read the foregoing statement bearing hie aignature and l�tous the aontenta th�sreof, and tha��the' aeme is true- of his ororrn �owledgs except aa to tho�e mattera` therein atated upan infbrm�tion and belief and as to �thoae mstters he believea thsm to be true. � ��� � � nC"Z 1�� �-- t t�- �--tj-z--- Signature ofl 11pp ant Subsoribed and s�rorn to before me . ' thia day oP 19� 4 o ry blic, Ramaey Cown y,� , esots My Ccnmmiasion expiras �iY��t.PJ�( � �, �/ /� (Note� These statem�ant forms are in duplioateo -Both Qopies muat be fully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Liconse Divis ion0�— JIFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT F�t � RETAIL BETR t�`I,IQI?�R LICENB� Re: �Sale��L�f'"./?ic�i_�A 6 E L3,Qense �ne of applioant dz�r/,� �.�-�, ` �..�ca 81�8].I1688 9CZaT888 �.�✓ �'�/1 � �� ° Are you the suls o�ex of thia buain�s�'��. Tf not, 3a it a pe►r�tnership? o crporat ioa4 , o�her3 Others interested 3n buain.esa, inolude thoae by loan oP money, prop�rty or othex�3.ae� Namel��'n t° Address Hc�or If a corporation, give its name Are you intere�ted ix� any �ray in any other 8etail Beer or Liquor buain�se?�,f _ _ _ ,. .�L—_,. �� ds aole oavnar? PQrtner4 Stoekholderg Othervrise3 (Through lc�aa of mo�ey, eta. Eicplain) Addresa of euah buaineas and nature of interost in �,eama ,r � _ ,. _ , _ .- � � Si�uature of a iaant State oP Mianeaota) )ae ' ' Co�ty of l�maey ) � �W A�� - � ��0`Il� being first-duly e�rox�n, depoess and says +�pan oe�th that he haa read the foregoing affidavit bea►r�a,g hie eignatui�e a�.d laiowe the cant�nts thereaf; that the sama is true of hie ovm }.�nawledge, eacept aa to those matte�ra therein �tated�upon inform�tion and belie� and as �o those mattera he be- Tie��e a them t o be true. � c:f�.���% � �—. Signature oP a icant 3ubaorib d and aworn to bePore � thi��day of� 19� �_ � ���/% otary Publia, Ramsey uaty, inneso My csaa�isaian eapires`7 �/�19�- . . , STATE OF MINNESOTI� � � SS C(AT10TY OF RJ�,DdS�Y ) _- _ � r VU� ►Q � � ���� �s 0 /lJ being fir�t duly sworn, doth depose � ..,�. _ _ _ and say that he makea this affidavit isi Qonneotion with applioaticn fcr " Sale" liquor lieense ("��Sale" malt beverage lioense) in the Citsq of �tate oP Minneaota 3ain.t Paul, Minneaota; that your affiant is a re�ident oP the axxi hae reeidsd therei.n for �T y�ears, mox�.th�, and is � -------�...-..� 3'tate now aad haa been for the tims above mentiuned a bona fide residen� of aaid701`I�r and that he now reaidea at NO.�'`G ,q��vv!'11i�- v �' �' � 1�4 ci� �C7�, Minne s ota. � � �„-� �C'��_,__ �� � Subsoribed an.d swora to before me thia 0 �� day af 19� �_ -; � �' �,�;� ,� ,`, _� Notary Publio, �maeq C ty ;Minnesota B�,y Qommiseian expires � � � �,��