242170 ORIGINAL TOrCITY CLERK ����'.( � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL GENE L FORM PRESENTED BY Feb. 1�F 1969 COMMISSIONE � DATF � t WHEREAS, Comptroller�s Contract L-7006, J. & P. Construction Company, contractor for th� 1968 District No, 1 Annual Sidewalk Contract, haa been substantially compl�ted, and WHEREAS, Said Contractor requests that a portion of the 5% re�sincd under the contract from estimates for work done� be paid in advance of the final completion of the contract, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner and Chief Eagineer of the Department of Public Works approve the payment at this time of $6,000.00 of the $7,792.26 retained; therefore be it R$SOLVED, That the proper City Officials be and they are hereby author- ized to pay an estimate in the amount of $6,000.�0 of the $7,792.26 retained percentage to said contractor; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution shall have ao force or effect unless the saretfes on the contractoris bond consent thereto in writing and file such cons�nt with the City Comptroller. �iy�'. F E 6 14 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��FB 1 �+ 1�6� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor a..a... =asai-avix Sprafku b Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHEP FEE 21. 196� � �o ������ DUPLICATE TO PRINTER . CITY OF ST. PAUL ��ENC�� NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �,QbA�.'� �. Peterson !eb• 14, 1969 COMMISSIONER DATF Demt of Public Werka WAEItEA�, Comptrollers Contract L-70a6� J. � P. Cowtructioce Company, contractor �or the t968 District llo. 1 Annnal ;�id�ralk Cc�atract, lus been substantially completed, and ii�SSAS, Said Ccrntr�actvr reqnesta that a portion of thee SX r�tain�d under the coatr:ct from �sti�tes for awrk dou�. be paid in adv,tnce� af th�a finsl co�plation of the contract. and iIIDtR�1S, The �iraioner aad Ghief l�agin�er of the Departs�e,�t cf Public Works approve the pa�rment4�t this ti� of �6,000.00 of th� $7.792.26 retained; therefore be it �E84LY�D, That th� prop�r City Offic#ala bs und they aro hereby author- i$ed to pay an estimsta in tha amonat of $6,000.0� of Che �?,792.26 retained percentaga to said contractor; snd b� it F1'�THRR AE�COLit�D, Tl�:t this r�aQiution •hall have no force Qr effect unlzss the sureties oa the contraetor�r boe�d coctsent thereto ia �riting Yad file auch can�ent vith ths City Comptroller. � .:� ��-.,yr: � F: F �. � c,j. ,A: . , p"���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � :�' . , �''''',� Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith � .—c_—In Favor ���� � G Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ��