242167 ��;���� - � � 1 , Conneii F11e No. S4'�rt4�* Bg Robext F. Sprafka. bR tpqtu�t-- Reaoived Thgt uptlf� the ttot► bt Roy"t'. MY6�- t�St aec- t �rib� '`��d� � • �'4by�is Vacated V�td'•d�eqo�4l��t aa.�.� I�tblic stleet: , � . ; 1�OII�d a�'111Y1°. � Yk!@' O1 lrtbi,� t th. � 1iile�.� � � `e Addi„ ttl of . �t. a�, ` xs� �acr��n+t•l��eaue;;; : fi I� #��nB son- (iiti rpt14 E:t��t . 1. �°v�u'!fe " c�to all: t',t� iatd. ,qf Codti;' a�i� tive $. That 'tlne piktitlat4pt' =tt� com' W Pluit'tbE ` d� � 8. �a .g��Pua �e:re- N � ��tx oyer� ��ae c�' di+�rf�� �, �:, � � - � . 4. TheE,-rt�l! t41t�Ir;qa�f �; ,�ts�,y�q � � � g s���nCC�•�n : ence�or 8. �'^su�ly gs�aded �� � �id�i.'�i4 6I1�1 t0 � the rear. �� along Par�vaY ��Ya��n�l dgerton st�t,, 8. ThaE the pEfltt�flq�t;!ot� tqlan�� �eoth .� f�the' �d�t�su�a� e,,A�v+�auef bytt.�elkVV a�o!Vetf �tk►e �. 8�'�� '�tt��r a. his�p� at�e ys�; ��on��'or 8. That tha p�titl}a�n. er agree ta con= ��6��,'�E 1�. ' .' 6 Oi�int ��� a�r�a . x�,; '� �ana �, �Y.�� �0. , L 'F�i�p:�sP, au�1,' .f��ie���� sduLh- # r,ax- ��.� l�v�ly lil�ie�oi ' —Motttans:�eaue *rith tlia tac- �t�2 1y i �e�o��d a°�A�&tlon� � } � atE CoTn4a' o�I+ot 1 � r �.��r1SPn dc �dye.�tbR , • ��D C4t�o!3. i ovua� a � �-_�,., �+Ctiye'fpr a tO P�' � ��:, }' coadit�elned an th�! t���!'i �pb�r-01�' @ Cxb IiYfa' � 9. TLat tll@ p�t1 � Cit�r.ttie eum at as c m� Pensatfonl'f��t�1•�+� provide the iGit wi�.a �d� the amount o3�II,pOQ: . 19��ted by the Councll FeT�sf,tary 14� APE�r�e.�February 14,1969. . fFebruary!1. 19t8)