242156 �!ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK �A���� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �j ! , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That pursuant to Ordinance No. 13574, approved March 16, 1967, the proper City officials are hereby authorized to enter into a contract for fire protection with Knutson Con- struction Company, 245 Marquette Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. FORM APPROV A�s Corp ro ation ounsel F E B 1 3 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��'� � � 1969 Carlson � Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � T� Favor ��-L'a#ep�err— Sprafka l� Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr.�President, Byrne PUBLISHEr FEB 15 1969 O s`_� 3t — : � :. : .. : . �: . . - •..,a ..,.i a; . .., �,� , � ..:� . . ,. :, . ,. ' _ _ : 24�:��� couNCa NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE �.. pUPLICAT6 TO PRINT6R .. . . - . . � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENER�►L FORM , DAT PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �, to Or�ivance� No. 13�'�4: �PBr�aved R��EU+V�D. �at �ursuan � � C,�ty o�gicials ar+� h�'�' authc�rize8 �Qh lb� 19�67. ��' � � a con�rsa� �o�' ��re PrOtectio� wi� �►ute4n Ccan- � e�ntex i�ta �ie. M,3.nnesota. _ txut�tian Coxnp�nY• 245 �'���'tte Ava�ue. �'iinxa►e�p° � a �t he�c�►of. a ca y �o£ w'hi�h 3.� att�a'he� heretc> and �'de P � �9 ��� �. r ���`� Adopted by the Counci 19._ COUNCILMEN � �:�r��3 '$ 4 ��,�'�S . Yeas Nays �=` �; "� ;;. �.,,, 1g_ Carlson ApProve Dalglish �' Meredith ____�n Favor MaYoy �� Sprafka /���i8ainat Tedeaco Mr.President,BYrne � , , � . 24�1�6 RIllER TO CONrll\t'aC�l.� IT IS HEREEY AGREED by and between the CTTY OF SAINT PAUL and �TUTSON CONSTRUCTION COT�ZPAN].', that the contract authorized by Resolution of the Council of the �ity of Sai.nt Paul, Council File No. 235093, and entered into bet�•�een the parties, a copy of which is attached, is hereby extended on a month-to-month basis, subject to cancellation upon 30 days w-ritten notice by either party. IN WITNESS W�-lEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands this day of , 1969. CITY OF S1�INT PAlJL In Presence of By Mayor Commissioner of Public Safety Attest: � Ci.ty Clerk Countersigned: City Comptroller KNUTSON CONSTRUCTION CONIPANY In Presence of By _ Form Approved:f Approved as to form and execution :j`���`'°° thi.s day of , 1969 ;;�.���-•`�:�"�,�/ -- . Special Assis�ant Cozporation Counsel Special Assistant Corporation Counsel ; '' .r. . �\,. �f", ' �_1C�,. lr�'�,;l, 1''7fil� :Ii:FiVICE COi�!7.'}i(1C1.' - � 7.'h�S 11Gf�i��.:�';J;��', niadc und entered int.o Lhis lst _ day � or Septen�cr__�.__ _._._._._� �-9�7 , by and b��l,fC�Il i;l3e Ci�y of Saillt Paul� a r::unici��_i)_ corpoi'at]_OI1 or�;anizeci and ex�.stii��; und�r and t�y virtt�e of i;tle l_uti�rs of t.�le St��e o�' Minr��_cta , par. t�T of the fi.�•st part � tierei.,�afte�� referi•ed to as "City" � anc� A'i?��i��?�i'�X��xR;Xfi<��, KNUTSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Of 2�'�5 I�iarquet.te Ave. ,�P�inneapolis,P�?innesota pZl�t: Y � Of the sec�n�, part, herei.nUftc�r r�ferred to as "Appl�.car,t" . � W��'ivF,SS},TH , That �'or anci in considera�;ion of the covenur�.ts an� agz���n;ents hereS_n contaj.ned, sa:id City a.grees to i`uz�n�.sh upon t���e i;e��;�s and car�ditions hereinafter se�; fort,h ; , the e�ui.p:,�ei:t. ��z1c� pers�:��ie]_ of i�s �� ire Ael�art.tnent fo�� th� � protec�ion ot� the prope�:�ty descr. ib�d as f. o�lo��rs : A tract of land located «�ithin the bou:r,dai•ies of Fort 5nel.lir.b Governme~�t Reservation and being in S�ction Twenty (?.0�, To�vnship Tweiity-eight (7..8) North, Ranbe T�venty-three (23� VVest of the Fourth Principal Merid�an, Hennepin CoutZty, Minneso±a. - AnyT ca_ll.s for i�he t�se of sucn �qu:�p�:��:nt. and personnE�'. sha�1. t�� d�z��cted to t•��e Fir� Dep�.rt;ir:en�: of t;he City� of Saint Pa.ul. Upor xecei_pt af such calls , sa�d �'ire nepar•trnen� sha'1 disp:;tch sizch equS.p;;�eni; and. perso:inel as in the opinion of thc Fir•e Ch�ef oi the F�re nepartr:,�nt, cr in case of ti�_s absence or ciis�bi�ity , i;he p�rson in acti��e ch�rge of the Fire :�epa�•t- � ment may d.ecr.�; to be adec.;v.ute . The City rescrves tt�e right to ret:=sin in. the Cit.y of Saiilt Paul such ec;tu.p;�eni, and pei�sonn�l as, in the opiniotl of ��he Fir. e Chief o?� actin� head oi t��e Fire ��.,az���i:;��r�;:, ::��z; be necessa���; i oi� tne �:�oper and A. CZ E`Cl ll.�s.�;� U?'O�.;�C i.] O.i: G'_� t,c l° C.1 i.Y� c^.?�Q S il:`l�1_ Q�_S U�.�;C rl i v^1' i;il @ prot��ct�_on oi tiz� pr•u?���?•�y �t�o�-e de�c?•ibed only s.tc�� e7u�.pm�nt � and personn�). as irl 7ii s oz;in?.o:� c�n, �'or the tii��e bc:S.r�� � be •, r , �a�'e).y s��a�•c�d i'�•oln �he City ; and i_�i case ari emerE;c:ricy Gr�.ses ' t�ri.t.},i.►� i,t�e Cit;y ��rl�iJ.e i�Y�e equ9 p;;�elii; ancl }�ersonne� 01' t}��e l��.re llep�ar•tanent ��rc etl�a�;ed in f�.�;htin� a 1'ii•e involvin�; said � p�'OpCl�i.y � s�zi.d I�ire Ct�S_ef or acti_n�; head of Lhe l�'�.re Departcnen�: may , �n his discr�ei:ion� x�ccall to i;tie Ci_t.y of Sai.ni; Paul. from t}7e seavice of Applicant, sucYi eqt�i.pn;ellt and persor�nel as he may consider in ha_s opin�on necessary to neet safd emer�ency. In cuse rreather or z�oad c�n�.i.i�ions �are such that in the � opinion of said I�ire Chiei' or acting head oi' the Fire Uepartrnent, equipmer�t and personrlc�l cannot; be furnished to Ap�licant t�ri�;h reasonable sa1'e�Ly, he rna�� in his disci�etion z�efuse to ans�•rer the ca11 of Applicani;. Th� dete��rnination of i.he F'ire Ch�_ef or the ac�;a.ng head of the �'iz�e l)�pa.rti�ent as to ��rhut equipmen� sha11 bc furnishcd and ti�rlie�.he�� erluip.�ien1; shalt be taii.11held �r . �r�.�;hdra�9l1� as provideci hez ei_ns shali be 1'inal and conclusive, A��pJicant releascs the C�ty, its o£ficerss 2�E.I1tS and � �'� ' i?t �� 'l i f��l' '%nir�n'� r ��C •n � . e�,tul.o� e fl. � a _ c1« .:s �,;�. _,:��,L .��� Zc � 1 �;;u�_tir�� i T'Glil failure �:o f. urn�sh or delayT in furnishiri� men or appara�;us � or fror�� fai)_ure to pr�:vents c�ntrol or Extingu�_sh any fi_re or confl_ag��ation ti:��lether resuli�ing 1'ror�� the neg)_igence of the ' C�.t;y, its off�cers , a�ents or eniployees or otherc�ri_se. This _ pi'OL'].SIOn is intend.�c� to cr�erate as a release f'roi� al� e�aa.tns . on i;he parL of pz�operty ot�;ners or other persons having an i.ni:erest in the proper. ty i'or Vrhich 1'ix�e protection is requested by Appl.icant; and it �.s understood �nd agz�eed that respanse to : calls by the Cii;y of Saint ?aul is macie onl_y upon the conditions of �:he release fror� a]J. cl.a�ras by th� �roperty o,��ner oz� other int•eres�;eci party , �,thet;����r saict ca11s are i��•�.de b� App).ic�nt ar by a:Z�T ot.hez• person 3z1 fi;�plicz?It ' s behalf. � , ,. Appl.icant ��ereby 4grees to a.nc?Er�niSy atid sati�e ha�°rnless the .� C�.i;y , it;s agent�; , off'icers aild e;r,pl_oy�ees frori all clairns for injur•y�, , ? � . t . . ' l.oss or damage to persons or property arising out o� the use and opez ation of the equipme:nt of the Saini� Pau1 Fire De-- partment in the service of Applicant oJ� the Applic:ant' s premises. Appl�_cant further agrees L-o reimburse the City for all �.oss of and dai�iage to said equipment ���hile being used to furnish services to �pplicant: � Applicant agrees to pay to the City for the service provided for herein, the sum of $187. 50 per month and i:n addition thexeto, the charges for equipi,�ent and personnel actually used for fire protection for the Applicant shall be in accordance �aith the � foZl.o��ri.ng sch�dttle: Pump�r_-$?_00 per hour or fraction ther_eof. Ladder Truck--$200 p�r hour or fraction i:hereo£. Rescue Squad--$200 per. hour or fzacti.on thereoi'. Hose ti�7agoYis--$100 p�x hour or fraci:i.on tnereof. Foamite-$2Q0 per hour or ir.action thereof. The charUes ior labor_ , apparatus and oi:her ec;uipment shall be fa.gured from the time oi leaving the fire station until th� time of return to t��e stati.on. In case of failure to make such payrnent ���ithin th�.rty days, the City inay, at its option, irmleuia�e]_y terminate this contract. This con�rzct sizal_l be in full force and efieci: until 12: 01 A.r-I. Januar..y l, 1959, svbject, ho���ever, to cancellation by either party tzpon i:hirty days ' �aritten notice. � . • , 3 ,, . ]:N j�'I`.�'1��;;5> PI�11�;1:1�;UI', i.l1c par_ t.i.es havc ��c�xetini:o sei� t�iei.r }1c111C1:i clllCl SE.�I.]_�� �}1C: Clcly �li.CZ. xC�IY �lr:t- �1�.�OVG' �Jl'1.�t.ErI"1 . ' � cz2�x o�, s�xr��.� �>��vr� � � � In k�x'esence of- � F� � B��_��.�.�!'�.�:��c;f��':���� . � ��-� r9ayvr ._.______ ______._.__� _______.__ ' -7,�/�J J `/, 't'�/`�y �. / �_�.�_:'L-_..__.... � Cornnlissioner of. Publ�c Safety Atte i:: -° � •- . �---� = /, . , /y,��,f,�� - �-`��. ;,-� � ,... � c��y�%l�e rk -�.__._._.._.— _.._\ � . Counters3.u,zed: . __._____ �':i;--` S l\�;���.`. ._�� _�-___ G�ty Comptro�_.lei: �~� K\UTSC:iti CC`�1ST�.UCTIO�t CO���r r1i�Y . � � ��:��::'_ � ���%''�. - xn Presence oi � . B- � �`�/Gt�' � /Y � R. W. Duerner _,��C/�_l f-��� -?'�=�..�-� . r . . - President Form Approved: � � • . �'�''�� � � _���...�,�./ Special Assa.stant Corpora� �_on Counsel Appr_oved as to form and er,ecution � � . . � � ' this o�i,r day of_�,:I:^,-,�'. , 1967 � - � • , �/,� � � . �.r����_aJ.��.� /".. f"j-�-i �.�`_ • Speci�2 Assi.stant Cornoration Counse� . � •� � � . j � e . �. t>