242143 Orisinsi to City Clerk � , ORDINANCE 242143 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��`� U or inan ame d' Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specifications for Public Health Nurse IV. Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the t'Duties and Responsibilitiest' and the t'Minimum Qualifications" in the specifications for Public Health Nurse I; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following: "Duties and Responsibilities: Under supervision� to provide public health nursing �eervtce i.n private schools, or in the Tuberculosis Division of the Bureau of Health; and to perform related work as assigned. " ='Minimum qualifications; College graduation and certification as a public health nurse. Must be at least 21 but less than 45 years of age. (No � substitution for education. }I' Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of the "Duties and Responsibilities" in the specifications for Public Health Nurse II and for Public Health Nurse III, the words =�public or='. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approva.l, and publication. FEB 2 � 19fi9 Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Counci� Carlson / Dalglish �� Tn Favor / Meredith / ,.,_ Peterson � O p v Sprafka gainst Mr. Pres�t (Byrne) FEB 2 a ]969 Appr d: st• _ , Ci ler —�� a or� �� � `� Form approved Corporation Counsel B D �>� PUBLISHE� �AR �3 196� /j' / � plieste to Printer ORDINANCE �������-��� COUNCIL FILE NO :ESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � �'�C) An oxdina.ace amend�tng C'�rdixaance No. 7607, entitled: "An. ordi�a.nce fixir�g the dutfes and reepona4bilitiee attd the minimtiun quali�fications for tT�e various c�.a:sBes of poeitione in the �Iaesified Service o£ the �Yty, " approved Felaruary 13, 1y35, ae amended. THE COtJ�CIL 4F THE E�TY O�' SAIA1� PAUL I�4�5 tJRI�AIN: Section 1. That C)rdinance No. '�607, approvec� Febxiaa�ry 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same ie h�reby furthe� amended by etriki.ng out the title and specifica�tfona for Pub2ic Health Nurse I�. Section Z. Tha.t said ordir�ance, a� arrxended, be and the �ame i� hereby further amended by etrikirig out the �'�?uties and Reapox�eibilitiee" ax�d the "lv�iinixnum Qualific�.tione" ia the sgecificatfnn� for Public Health 1'�urse I; and by substi�uting � lieu thereof, reapectively, the follovirin�: �'Duties ax�d I�eaponsi�i.litiee: Under eupe�v�e3.o�� to provide gublic hea�I�th aureing eerv�.ce ir� private schools, or � the Tuberculo�ie I�zvisiox� o# the Bureau o� Health; aad to perform rel�.'ted v�ark as aesign�ed. " "A�inimum qt�a.lifica.tions: College graduatioa and certification ae a publfc heatth auree. Mu�t be at leaet Z1 but ieee than 45 ye�.rs a►f age. (No substitutian f+�r ed�cation. j " Section 3. Tha:t said ordinan�e, as amended, be and the sa�.ne is hereby further amended by etriking out of the "Dutiea and �esponsibilities" in the epecificationa for Public Health Nur�e II and for Fublic I-�ealtk Nuree III, the worda "public ar�'. 5ection 4. T'hie ordiriance shall take effect and be in force thirty daya after ite paseage, approval, and publicatioa. ,�,�:'`�� a '���'� �:. f .. ` .->�J �s Councilmen Naya Passed by the Councii Carlson � Dalglish Meredith -` In Favor Peterson � Ag$inat Sprafka �e�ese�- Mr. President (Byrne) . , February l�� l�b� `� I �I ; ; i Mr. John Haider ;.___.,___._---! �� <:_..___.....__....__._ ,, Chie� Examiner & Director oP Personnel '�� ',, Civil Service Bureau '�;,���,. ,> Dear Sir: ' '" �� �,�� � � The City Council tr�day gave Fir�t��ading��4A�the Pr�llowin� two ord.3.narces whi ch will c�r�e u� f�Thir.c� Rt�a,di�,nd��arov�,l oP 'C'orm on Febrtnary 21st: ,, �'�;s Council Fi1e No. 2t�?_Z�+2 ,-- "��_�~�ndi�d. Nfl. ��3250 by str�l�ir��; out o�' j'�:'� � ��� 6 im, rade �+l under "Pro�ession�.l Group" ,/ % th�, 'title��`Public Health Nizrse IV". ; � ; ��� Council File No. 2421 3�, amek� in� Ord. No. 7607 by striking aut titl� `'� a �p�cifications Par Publ.ic Health N�se I1T . _____.,. �•�'_��,�"Duti�s and ReaponsibiZfties" snd Min�aum � _. ._.._,`; °"` �ua].iP`l.cation� in apecifications Par Public , % Health Nurse I; by striking out of "Thaties and • ; i �� Responsibilitiea" in specifi,catians �`or Pablic ', � �' ; H�alth I�turBe II a�d for Public He��lth Nurse II2, � 4ti��'` the words "public or". Very truly ya�urs, City Clerk ng 24��� � This ordir�ance changes the speci.fications for Public Hea1tY� Nurse I, II, aad II�, taki.ng out the statementa which refer to the Board of Education. s ' , ' ' ; , , j , °`'' � � ( � • � 1 � � I st � � 2nd�l� � Laid over to 3rd and app � � ��' —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �arlson Dalglish � �alglish � 1� " "���`���eredith / P�4i/��' �eterson V .�, � Sprafka �.Sprafka �/ Tedesco .�eJdesco- Mr. President Byrne �r. President Byrne O