242141 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ���'� ��p y .....�aiL , CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ���S� ��TT� COUNCI RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM � Februa 13 19b9 PRESENTED BY � C ' ,/�����—� 2'�1' � COMMISSIONE DATF � RESOLVID= 3'hat application for �e transfer of O�n Sale Liquor Iticense issued to Leo R. Bo�ttell at �69 North Snelling Avenue to Beau-Kel-Stock-Inc. at the same �idress and their applie�tion for Restaurant, �ff' Sa.le Malt Bevera�e and Cigarette licenses for the same location, be and the same are hereby gr�ted on tlle condition that within �days of this date said Beau-Kel-Stock-Inc. shall comply with all requirements of the Btireau� of Fire� Hea7.th, and. Po13.ce, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul I,egi.slatiQe �ode an�l all other applicable ordinances elild I,8�13s \ FEB1 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays F� 1 � 19�� Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19— Meredith T� Favor i`+ J , Mayor S�rafk�. Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne F�I�LISHEI �EB 15 1969 �o � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota /. ���,-,C`# �e a�ti�e�t o k�lic �a et Y� � p � ��° POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTEC'FION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,Depnty Commia�ioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Licenee Inepeetor Febru.ary 13, 19b9 Honorable M�or arr3 City Council Saint Paul, Mir�nesota Gentlemen: Beau-Kel-Stock� Inc. is �oined by Leo x.Bot�ell in making application for 'the transfer of Qn Sale I,iquor I.icense No. 7!al�lt� expiring JaraiaYy 31� 1970, from Leo R. Boutell at 469 North Snelling Averiue to Beau-Kel-Ste�ek� Inc. at the same address. Beau-Kel-Stock� Inc. also make application for Restaurarit� Off Sale Malt Bevera�;e and C�garette licenses for the same location. The present licensee� Leo R. Bouttell� has held the licenses since 1935. The officers of the Corporation are Harvey L. Stocl�ess� President; John J. Kelly� yice-president; and Eugene A. Beaulieu� Secretary and Treasurer. �ey are also the three stockholders. Mr. Stockness is self employed in the cement contra.cting business. Mr. Kelly is a baxber and self emplayed, Mr. Beaulieu has been with the U� S, po�al �epartment since i955. Very truly yours� �O�� . License InSpect ar� � MEREDITH & ADDICKS ATTORNEY8 AT LAW 13SS FROBT AVENU6 BAIN7 PAUL, MINNBBOTA SEt09 GEME A. MEREDITH TtLtrNONH 774-9717 M6NTOR C.ADDICKB,JR. ARG CODt 612 or couNae�� WARRSN D.BAU6R F ebruar y �, 19 69 The �onor�.ble T-.ayor a,nd City Council of Saint Paul Court �iouse Building St. Paul, I�iinnesota 1�.ttention: Dan �icLa.ughlin Gentlemen: I hereby request tna.t �ne on sale liquor i�,�o. 74�4� no�v� held by r�e 'ce transi erred to 3ea.u-Kel-Stock, Ir�c. , a �linnesota corporation. Very truly yours , _—.. _ /'-' ,! � __-. , ��.' � t��� fl � ,\�. \ � Leo A. Bou�tell ^ 4 �OIIGLASS, �ELL t� I�ONLIN ATTORNEYS A7 LAW FREDERICK C. DOUGLASS JAMES R. HELL 825 OSBORN BUILDING PAUL`G. DONLIN WABASHA AT 5TH STREET TELHPHONE � JAMES M. SHULTZ ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA SS102 (AnEw CooE 612) 224•5391 THOMAS M. SWEENEY JOHN W. PETERSEN JAMES J. GALMAN J. DIXON TEWS THOMAS J. LYONS DUANE R. HARVES . FRANK W. BONVINO JOSEPH M. NEMO, JR. DONALD D. SMITH Honorable Mayor Thomas Byrne and City Council Court House � St. Paul, Minnesota Re: On Sale Liquor License No. 7444 Our File No. 18,248 Gentlemen: � We, t:;e undersigr.ed, being the President and Secretary, respectivelyq of Beau-?�e1-Stock, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, request that the Qn Sale Liquor License now held by one Leo R. Bouttell, dba. Round Table Bar, be transferred to Beau-Kel-Stock, Inc. , which corporation has purchased said On Sale Liquor business from Mr. Bouttell, on Februazy 6, 1969. � Sincerely, /�.! ��-r� �� .�`r-' � , ;�<�- � ,�;,�,;���,u.� Harve�y L. Stockness ' ; � .� C� ' �, ��'`'`'`-�`"`� _-�..::-�.�:�� � Eugen�e A. Beaulieu .TI�t:pb - CITY �F S�,IIdT PAUI, DEPART�IENT t�k' PtTBi,IC SAFETY LICENSE DNISIfJN Da te � 19�i�:.-L..- l. Applioation Por N�..,���N lianerr � LiQez�e . , 2, �ame of �pp].ioant �,�x L. S6oekueae db ►� De�+ u'�!1•8��1 , �g• 3. Buaiz�esa addresa�� �ortl� �lli�t Residenae �-������+rr 4. Trade x�e►ms, if a�y ��1nd Tabje �r r 5. 8etail Bser Federal Tax Stamp Retail I,iquor Federal Tax Stamp �ril1 be uaed. _ �....._.... 6. t�, �arhat floor loaated firet Number of roo�s used� pa� _ .. � 7. Bet�,roen �at cros� etreatsSchie�ld,� �,��,y;��,i�hich side of atreet w�at 8. �re pxem3.eea naw oaoup3.ed ye8 What businese ���� ��,or Hrnr �.ong �pQ;ar, 3� ��=r� 9. �,re premi�ee n,ow wnooQUpied�_Horor long 4aC&A'�'i PY'84�.Ot18 Li�A 10, Are you a new awnary� Have you been in a simi].ar busine�s before m '1f�tere '�hen 11. Are you goil�g to operate thia business per$an.ally ves �, If not, who will operaite it 12. Are you in an�r other businesa at the pa�esent ti.me „es _ _ ._._....,� 13. I3ave there been any Qomplaints a�;a,inat your oparatian oF thia type of p]aQe � �en i'Ihe re 14. B�ve you ev�er had a�y l�.Qenae revok,ed � 'I�h�t reaeon �nd date � 15. Are ycu a Qitiaen of �he United States Aativ�e Naturalized . ..ytit..._ . . yss�, � 16. ilhers w�re you born Cvr�as, bi��rota �ts of b�.rth �lY...�_.�`�28 . .,. 17. I am��mQrried. �dq (v�i.fe's) �K� name and addresa is Ams ![.' Stocla��t• 705 W�st Graad�vie� 18. (If a�rried femQ],e) my maiden name ie 19. How lo�g have ymu lived in St. Paul q �y��ii),,,�r 38 v�ars Z�. Hav�a you ev+ar bs�n arreated � Violatioa of �vhat arizainal ]a�r or ordinanae��� 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the Ci�ty of St. Paul Yes g No, (Anst�r fu11y a�d aom 1ete1 , These a �lieations are �horou hl chealaed and an Pa ai�• cai3on arfll be causs for enial. 22. Aumber of 3.2 p7aaes within two bloak� � (� {��u pMl) 23. Closeat intoaicating liqu�r plave� tk� Salei567 QaL� =L�itY O�f uale g0p �t4 8otllit� • Ave. 24. Neareat Churah g��hl�_I�nty�z�p Neareat School 9�ncock School 25, Number of b oothe p Tablas la Chaira 3� �ools� 1� _ 26. '�t ocscupeition. have pou followed for the past five y�aarso (Gi�re namea of employars and datea ao employed.) Gorat Coatractor-sslf �plo�r�d 27, Give� mmea arid addresses o� t�ro peraons, residents of 3ts Pl�ul, �inn,,.who Qan gi�e ' i.nf'ora�tion concerning youp Name idillias�e�,er Addreas 1263 Charl�s Ave,su. ' Na�s Wil,,�,iaw �`�,�thsm �ddresa 12�,8 Vir�tilla �L 1 3igna�ure pp ican State of Yin�esota� )ss C ount�r of Ramaey ) , beulg firat duly aworn, depo�es amd say� upon �th e h�� read the foregoing atatem�n� bearing hie signature and l�aevs the oonte ta thareof, and that�the aama is ti�ue of his o�m l�awledge e�cept aa to thoee matters therein s�Eated upan information and belieP and as to those matters he believ�a them to be true. a �—,s/' Signature �,pplicant b�zbsoribed arxi s�orn. to before m� � this %� � day of � l� � �To, - ia, y ; ountYs , ssota " �OSEPH M. NEh7�5, �.� v0�t71198�t� AS�12'@8 Notnry Pubi;c, Ramscy Cc:;n`.y, A4int1. � My. .ammission _ pires _;av. 6, I , ' (Note� These $tate�nt forms are in duplicates -Both Qopies m�ust be fully filled outa notarizeda and returned to the Licanse Divisiono�� r , , AFFIDAVIT BY d�PLZCANT F(�t 4 RETAII, BE�R OR LIQUflR LICENSE Re: �^Sale j„i�o= Liaense �..._ Name of applioant p.r.....�,,,i_���,� d!u_ �n�-�c.i-Stock� y�,. Buainesa addrese �q �rtb �wjling; �f.ti,t Paui�„j�,�_iots �,re you the sole oa�.er of this buaines�4�. TP not, is it a partnerahip? c orporat ion4 � , other3 , . _ _ . _ Others intsrested in busa.nesa, include those by loan of money, prop�rty or othereriae� Name �oha J. I�llv Addl'e8$ 58�,Farrell H�a► Stocicholder/Officer �ggne A. Beaulie�r 2338 Stillvat�r Aoad Stockholder/Ot�ic�r Midwa��iational Bank Upiv�rsity Aveuue Lander �. Fticog�,eiAhta State Bank Weat Larpenteur I.ender If a avrporation� give its name geau-Rel-Stock, Iac. Are you interested in any v�ay in any other 8etail Beer or Liquor buainesa? ao ds sole aamer? Partner? Stoekholder'� Qtherwise4 (Through loan of money, ota. i�c�lai�a) no Addrees of euch busi.ness and nature of interest in sa� _ -r�, Sa.gnature o pp iaant State of Mirine auta) . �ss C oimty of Ram�ey being F3rst��duly eworn, d�pioee�s and saya upoa oe� h that has read the foregaing a fidavit bear�ng hie signatura and 1�.aWe the contenta hereoF; that the sam� is true of hia ow�a lrna�rledge, exoept aa �o thoae mattere therein atated�upon inform�tian an.d belief and as to those matters he be- 1 ieve a them t o be true. k 3ignature ,p a pplicant Subeoribed and a�orn. o eflore � th3� ��U day of 19,� � Notar a, l�nsey o�� Minneao M. NEMO, �R,� Notary Pu611c, Rams cun+ , �` tlOT�II11.3810�1 @l� 7.2'88 y�, °,��, 'Y �d;nn P Com.m!ss;�n �::�.s �.ew� z6, 1975 S2l1TE OF MINNFSOTA � ) ss co� oF x�csa�r ) l � � being first duly sworn, doth deposa and say t t he makes this affidavit �i aoaneation with applioation for "�Sale" liquor lioense (" Sal.e" malt be�erage lioens�) in the Citq of _ _.......- _ . 3tate of �tianeaota 8ain.t Pau7., Mi.nnesota; that your affiant ia a resident of the and has reaided therein for � � ��ars, �� month�, and is �"" — $tatm � naav and has been for the time abave r.�antion.ed a boraa fid� residen� of aaid �r and that he now reaidea a� N0. ?�„� � . ��„ � , S'��i�w-� �� Minnesota. r Subsoribed and aworn to before me thi$/pr;�G day of� 19� �� ; _ � ry 1io, I��ey Q M. � Notary P� lic, Ramscy Coun y,�n. ?�,y ooannissioal expird+�l Commission Expires Noy. 26. 1975� - CITY flF SAINT PAUI, DEPARTMENT OF PtTBLIC SQF�TY LICENSE DNPSIt/N Date 19� l, App�.ioation Por «�,,��„�iaunr - _ LiQex�e �.rR �$8�D Of' ���.�,f3$I1�"i _inh�.r1 .�1.1.. dha Rr�y.�Y.iL.�'1�..�.'�►��'- , 3. Buaineas addresa�tt� �a.±.�ti.,� Residenae�$g��irr.ii Av�m� 4. Trade �me, if sny Q.,.,,,.d T.tile Ett _ . .-: 5. 8etai7, Beer Fedez�al Tau Stamp Retail S,iquor Federal Tax Stamp �rill be Uaed. 6. • t� xhat floar loeated fi,�,at Number of roaa�ns uged� �� _ ..,� --... ?. Betro�reex► �Yiat cro�$ etree�s S � ds ich side of atreat _ _ -zn� 1.,..._.,�nni�rar��lr,,�' _ __ �....� 8. Are �remiaes now oaaupiad�_What businese ���1• liauor H� l�g,,,,�,,�rmc_ � ...�r• 9. 1�re prem3.se� novP unoQOUpied�Hc�r long vacant Previous use 10, �re y�u a new orrn,er �va Have you been in a similar busine$s beforer� '�ihere 'G�hen 11. Are you going to operate this buainesa personally ��A _ _____ If not, who vv:ill operate it 12. Are you in any other business at the �esent tim� vQs 13, kIave thare been any csarnplaints againat your opax�►tion of thia type of plaQe�a VPhext r�_ �there 14. Ba�ve yau ev�er had ar� lieenae revoloed na 1Phat reaeon and date 15. Are you a Eitizen of the Una�.ted Statea�rNativ+e y�� Natura].ized 16. llhere were you born.2ti�1�tl�11�— „ �te of bir'�h�.dAz,�L2.4��.19�� _ ! 17. I am.�`marxied. �dy (wife's) �oi�qoski� name and address ie patricia"1�. E�11� � 585 Sarrall Avenue = � 18. (If married femQle) my maiden name ia ` : �� 19. �rn�r lon.g hsve you �.ived in St. Paul �Maplwocd) for �ift��a vesra. � � 20. Hav+e you e�v�er bsen arrested po Violation of what cra.mipal ].avr or ordinanoe�_ „ - 21. Are you a regi�tered voter in the Gi�ty of St, Pl�ul Ye$ �, _�___r_ �o• (Answ�er fu11y� com�let�. 2`hese a �licsations are thorou hl cheol�d ax�d aa falsif'�caticm �rill be cause for denia►l, 22, Rumber oP 3.2 plaaes �rithin t�ro blocks _ _ . - �---��-WY�;4ti:-::�' 23. Clos�sat intoxicatin.g liquor place� t'�i Sale Off Sale 24. Nearest ehurah Nearest Sehool �Y,' --�do�'�'k Scbae� 25s Number of booths p � Tablea 12 Chaixa �$ Stool� lg _ ....�_... 26. 11�►t occupatiun ha�e �rou f'ollow!ad for the p�at five yosarso (Give names of employ�ara and datea so employed.) 27, Gi�e� �nea and addresses o� t�ro persons, reaidents of Sto Pl�ul, �.nne, who can give iaformation oonaerni.ng youo x�� ��;.�na w.nt eaa�e� izz� rark Nams�ichgrd �mt Address 1967 Fremon� x i�natu o p ean State of M3.n�asota� �ss C ounty R�maey � being first duly aw�rn, dsposea and aays _ upon h hat e ha� rea ,, e oregoing ata�Fement bearing his aignature and l�oars the ontente hereof, and �that the aam� is �rue- of his o�rxi lrnawledge except aa to th e me�ttera therein s�ated upon inform�tion and belief and as to thoae m�tters he believea them to be true. � S gnature of pp eant blzbsoribed and s�rorn to before me � thia day of� 19� I�e z�y ].i � Ram�ey C��� : ��s► Ro"�ry Pu:;iic, �zms�y Courty. A%i+nn. T�y C ssi.on eXplY'@1��mmission Expires �rov,��197�t . {I�ote: These s��atement forms are in duplicate. �Both copiea muet be fully filled outA n�t�.rized, and returned to the License Divis ion0�� ' , , . AFFIDAVIT BY A�PLICAI�T Ff� RETAIL BEER flR I.IQUflR LICEN3� Re: On Sale . Liqnor � L3oen�'e Name of appliQant Jol�n J. lGelly_ dba. D��-&�Z-Stock„Inc. Buainese addreae 469 Ncrth S'alli 8aint Paul Mian�sot• dre you the sole oam.er of thia buaines�R�. Tf not, is it a pQrtnerghip? a orporat ionY � � , other'� r- _ . ` . Others interested in buaines�, include tho�e by loan. oP moaey, proparrty or otherev�i.ae� ��e_�'j{��� B�tulieu Addi"A3a 2338 S it iwa �r 1� .i � HOIr T�k�dwr fA��tn�_ .�Ll.,}L.�.��iiLti��'�s 7AS T�Inst [.r�ndvi�sr iRleele �l wr�nff��+�� MidweX, I+lationsl Rank .,J,1t�iv�r�itv wv�mm�� ,T �,_ r � �ilcon �i,�hts State B�nk Git�t ]�.wur jtndwr If a carporation, give its name ����_st�, tnc, Are you interested ir� any way in. any other Eetail Beer or Liquor buain,�ss? no As sole oro�m.er? Partner? Stoclfhold�r4 Qther�ae� (Through loan of money, eto. Eecplain) Addreas o£ euch busineas and nature of intere�t in same k Si� "of a p�nt� ' � State of Minnesota) �sa County of �maey ' � � bei.ng �'irst�duly eworn� depoeea and saye upoa oQt hat h as rea the foregoing affic�avit besr�.g h.is signature and kn,owe the c tenta thereaf; that the sam� is true of hi$ a9n.i l�.ovrledge, eaaept as to �those ttere therein etated�upon informstioa and belief and as to those me�tter� he be- lieves them to be true. .� ,�. 7 ,�,� . �3i �ure 'of a pl nt��' 5ubecribed and sworn to efore a�e this ! � day of 19 � � � Ao�-.�ar b , Rameey o ty, M eao �JOSEPH Nf: NEM , DR�,, �' �3$lOY!" H�p1�Y P�blic, Ramsey Coun�Minn. My Co i r ires ov. 26',���, STATE OF YINNESQTA � � SS CtNNTY 4F R,I�dS�:Y ) ' �, � � being fir�t duly sworn, doth depose and sa tha� he makes this affidavit in oonneation with �ppliaation for ",�Sale" liquor liQense (" Sale" malt be�erage lioense) in �he C3�q o� . . �.�..- _ Sta'ts of ]IQian s ota 3aint Pa,ul, Minnesota; that your affiant ia a reaident of the ��� _ _ _. I_ and has reaided therein for��� ars, ��y,1 montha, and ie Stat• now and has been for the time abwe �antioned a bona fide resident of' said Q� and tY�a►t he naw re s ide a at N0. s"�'�(' �����:e-�f ��:...�����-"'`�..�_ ��, �His�ne a ota. � �.�-- �.7�`��" Subaoribed and av►orn to before me thia � day of 19 6� Nota Pnbl' , �msey C��rifin�I�i1 s�a Notary PubGc, Ramsey cur,ty, Minn. I!� unmi�aion expire�;ommission Ex�ires IVov. 26R 1975; = r • C ITY flF SA IIdT PAUL DEPART�TT C�E' PfTBI,TC SAFE�'Y LICENSE DNISIdN Date /Q 7.9� l. applicat�.on Por �,�oo, s�te" ltm�ar lic�e � � - LiQe�e 2, �a,� oP e►pplias►nt ,�l�s�r A• 1l�auli�u, dba�, Drtw-�,1•Stoek. Iae,� 3. Businesa addreas, fr69 �or�b �tlli�u Residenae �3� 8til�l�yat�r �+a� 4, �rade xiame, if a�y � ?��� �r , , 5. 8etail Beer Federal Tax 3tamp Retail Ziquor Federal T�x S�amp �rrill be ttsed. . _ _ _. ..._,,._.--. 6. Qn �rhat floor located �;�� Number of roc�ms used� � - .� * �, ?. Bet�en �at cxoss atreeta ich side of etreet � ��� 8. �re premisea no�r aQaup3ed Yes What businesa � sal� lie�or Hau► long,raDQ1'OX. 34 y�ar� 9. �Are prem:isea noR unocscsupied no Aov� long vacant Prev3.ous use 10, wre you a new o�m.er Yes �ve you been i� a sim.il.ar busineas bePare� � , 'I�here '�Phen 1�. Arq you going to operate �hia busin�asa pereonally yg8 --- I� no�, who rrrill opaxate it 12. hre you in any o�her buainess at the p�esent time no 13. Hav's tl�are been any Qomplaints againat your oparation of thia �ype of p]acse po �Ihen ilhe re 14, H�va you ev�er had �►�y lioen�e revoked ao 41hat reasoz� and date r 15. Are pou a ei�izen of the IIni.ted Statea ye8 Nativ� e�Naturalized 16. �fhera �rare you born p�rtilo. �sot� Date of birth��g,gb�,r„�, 1932 �, 17. I am x married. My (�+ri.Pe'a) �� nama and addreas is Shir�.ev:�ea�ifw: _� - _....._..,. -., �--�-- 2338 Stillw�ter �d Saint laul Mtna�sots ; '" 18. (If inetrried f�mQ1e) n�r maiden name is . 19. Ho�r long have you lieed in St, Paul (�) A,�ril, 1956 , � �_ 20. Hsv�s you ev+ax bsen arrested y� Yiolation, o� wbat criminal la�r Qr mrdiziance� — ----� • 21.. Are you a regis�ered voter in the Ci�r of St. I'l�ul Yea �o. (Ans�+er ful�. ' azud oom letel . These a 'licsation.s �re tMorou h1 aheak�d ar�d aa falaif caticm vr�E.�.l be oause Por enial. � ' r� Y 22, Number oP 3.2 p].aQes within �vo blocsks pN (Slte Tihit� Oul) 23. Cloaeat intox3.aating liquor placse� t� Sals=1g�7 D�iv�r�ity �ff Sale S00 Yarth 9�lliw� '�`"_`"")lvs. 24. Neare�t Churoh thls6�a� Luth�x� Nearest Sehool Hancock S�ho�l 25e Number of bootha Q Tables 12 Chaira 3d Stools 18 26. 'GPhe►t oecup�tion ha�'e you followed for the past five y�sarso (Give name� of employer� and datea so employ�ed.) 0. S. lbstal D�partirnt sinc� October, 1955. 27, Giee� x�amea and addressea of two persons, reaidents of 3to l�ul., �.nn,, �rho Qan giv�e informe�tion eoncsernin.g youo Name J�� �v�� Addreas 1900 Skillwater Avenwe Aame �ichard �llv Address $7 Winnipeg Avenue �P _ � i�na re of pp icsan State of Minnesota� �ss C ounty of Ramaey -. be�.ng first duly s�rorn, depoaea and says upon t t e ha� read the foregoi.ng statemen� bearin.g his eignature and knaera �he teata t2ysreoP, and that the aame is ti�ue- of his own l�owledge except as to thoee mattera therein stated upon informstion and belief and as �o thoae matters he believea them ta be trueo � � _ � Signat e of Applicant Subsaribed and sworn to before �s ' this /D day of 19� �� No b , Re�maey Co.���y�1 . ot,.�:: n No`zry Public, Ramsey Caun;y, Minn. � V�88�� expirea�� r�,,.,miccinn FxQIf2S nOY. 26. 19)rJ. . . (Note� These stt�temant fox�us are in duplicateo �Both csopies must be Pully filled out;� no�srized, and returned to the Lic�nse Diviaiono�— • � �` t �Fmsvz� �Y �P�,zc��rr R(�t � RETIIIL BESR OR LIQUOR LICEN$E Re: qa Se�le �q�r Lioen�e - � , ..� Name of applioant ��e� A• �e�uli�u, dba. E�au-R�l-Stock��j,�. , Businsss addresa 469 l�orth 111 Avfaue St t n �re you the sole vamer of this buain.esa? � . T"f nut, 3.� it a partnera►hip? oorporation4 � , other� , _ _ .. . _ _ Others interested in buainess, include thoae by loan of money, pxoperty or other�ri.ee� A1ame J�s ,�. lC�l lv Addre 8 8��rarr�i l Ho1P Ste�icbusld�r/���r rv�y,,,j�. St_ ocj�ess 705 Wast Gras�dviw_ Stockhold�r/O.f,ticar 1!l.d�+aY National Bank Universito A�avue I.�s+d�r tilcon Bei�hts �tate Bank West j,�,�r Le�er � If a oorporation, give ita name�a��-_ Sto�k„r �� Are you intereated in any way in any other 8etail Beer or Liquor business?� As eole o�arner? P�rtner3 Stoekholder'� Otherarise3 (Through loan of marxey, eto. F�plain) 0 Address of �uch buaineas and nature of interest iz� aama X � _ o Sigaat e of applicaat State of Miri�eaota) �s8 Co�mtq of �maey �' � ' _ , � being firat dnly s�rorn, depoeea and says upon oath t he has �read the f oregoing a f idavit bear�a.g his aignature and l�ows the cant ta thereof; that the saar� is true of h3s o� lcnowledge, eaa�pt as to those �ttare therein stated�upan inform�tion and belief and as to thoee ma�tera he be- lievea them to be true, �, a . 3i ure oP applicant Subsaribed nd srororn�o efore � t�f a � � de�y of 19� .G.;.,...� Notary Pu , ey ot�ty, I� esota �y c rnrm�i.s e io� expires 19 • � : . STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS COUNTY 4F B,AJdS�Y ) _ . , - being fir�t duly sworn, doth depo�e and say 'tha� he makea this affidavit in aonneot�on �rith applioation for " !'.�,,� Sale" liquor licsenae (" Sale" malt be�erage lioense) in the Cit�r of . . �........ B�ate oP b�insresot� Saint Paul, �innesota; that your affiant is a resident of the ' . _ __ and hae reeided therein for � � _��reara,-�i� monthe, and i� Stat� nvav and ha s been Por the time ab ove menti oned a b ona f ide re s ide rrt of aa id ?� ,� �� � , and tha t he no�v re s ide s a t N0. „j,j� ,�%2�:�r ' --� ��Z, Mirm.e s ota. c � � Subsoribed and svrorn to before me thie /� day oP� 19(�o J� ` -� � Notar b o, �r,��ay Cotmty, M esota � JQSEPH M. EPdO, JR., � GOIDII1188i041 @Sp1T�y�`�.,^�'� ������c, Ramsey County, Minn. ' �- •. _. 4 . 7�