242135 ORI6IN�L TO?Wlf CL6RK • ` � * * CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ���`���"� E ` FILE NQ• . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY i -j` COMMISSIONE DATF In the Matter of hazardous buildings being that two and one—half story frame three— family dwelling and garage known an.d described as 488 Carroll Avenue in the City of Saint Paul and situated upon those premises legally described as Lot 13, Block 20, Mackubin and Marshall� s addition to Saint Paul, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. WHEREAS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. No. 24176'7 , approved January 17, 1969, a public hearing was duly held on Thursday, January 30, 1969, before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, said hearing pertaining to the condition of the structures located at 488 Garroll Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, Upon the facts presented at the said hearing con- sisting of photographs� inspection reports and the recommendations of the City Architect, it is found and determined by the City Gouncil that according to the records and files in the office of the Register of Deeds, the last record owners of the above— described property are Oseola and Willie Johnson; and that there are no other lien holders of record; and that it is f�rther determined that the above—described building and garage con.stitute hazardous buildings within the definition of Minnesota Statutes Section 463. 15 for the following reasons: a. The building and garage are standing vacant, abandoned and are subject to being entered by un— authorized persons ; FOR APPROV . Corpora#i u COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays CarLson Dalglish Approved 19�_ Mer�dit�� Tn Favor y� �8tG�90� } `' b��.�,F' y Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O e � ` �:�`��'�� Page 2. b. The exterior condition of the building is as follows : the cornice is rotting and badly deteriorated; portions of the siding are missing, parts of the supports on the second floor porch roof are missing; the foundation shows considerable evidence of deterioration and the front porch supports are rotted; the rain gutters and down— spouts are rusted and falling apart ; the front porch floor is coming apart , window casings are showing evidence of rot ; the basement consists of a limestone foundation with the mortar deter— iorated and falling from the joists between stones ; the wood beam support is rotted and the supporting floor joists also show evidence of rot , as does some of the subflooring; c. The interior condition of the building is as follows: the kitchen walls have plaster fallin.g; the west bedroom has large structural crack in. the wall and the plaster is in poor condition and �n danger of �alling; the front room has holes in the plaster walls; the bathroom plaster is deteriorated and in danger of falling, and there are holes in the wall ; the stairway between the first and second floor has the treads split off, the handrail is missing, the win.dows are smashed, as are the sash an.d frame; the floors show evidence of sagging, plaster is falling from walls in dining room, win.dow sills are rotted, there are structural cracks in the west bedroom walls and the floors are sagging quite sevez�lly in. the bathr'oom and the floor is rotting; kitchen cabi�ets are smashed an.d the door �rame is also smashed; the kitchen windows on the third floor are smashed; the east bedroom window is smashed; the dining room has holes in the floor; the floors are sagging and there is anopen hole in the chimney; the flooring is loose and dangerous in the bathroom and there is an open sewer connection allowing sewer gas to enter the building; the flooring is dangerous throughout; the plumbing, electrical and heating systems are considered to be unuseable, particularly the plumbing system which has large holes and the soil pipe patched with plaster of paris ; and there is no safety valve on the automatic water heater; ` . . . � '�� ^�� �����:�_ Page 3. d. The building in the above condition is beyond reasonable repair; e. The buildin,g is un�it �or human habitation in its present condition and the above corrections must be made in. complian.ce with the Building Code and the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to make the same habitable; f. The building constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of its physical damage, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; g. There is a 16 x 18 foot garage; the win.dows are smashed, walls are bulged, the building is racked out of shape, the big doors are falling apart , the roof is in poor condition and the building is considered structurally unsound; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in. accordan.ce with Minn.esota Statutes Sections 463. 15 through 463. 26, and based upon the foregoing findings of the City Council , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby make the following Order: ORDER 1. The own.ers of the above-described building and garage shall make the same safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare by having the said building and �arage razed and the materials there�rom removed from the premises within thirty (30) days from the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unless such corrective action is taken. to comply with this Order or an answer served upon the City o� Saint Paul and �iled in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota, within twenty (20) days from the date of the service of this Order, a Motion for Summary En.forcemen.t of this Order to raze and remove the said buildin.g an.d garage will be made to the ftamsey County District Court; ORI6INAL TO CITY CLiRK � � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0. �• " � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF Page 4. 3. In the event that the building and garage are to be razed by the Gity of Saint Paul pursuant to judgment of the District Gourt, all personal property or fixtures which may unreasonably interfere with the razing and removal of this building and garage shall be removed within ten (10� days from the entry of judgment; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such personal property and fixtures as provided by law; 4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any correetive action herein, all necessary costs expended by the City will be assessed against the above–described real estate and collected as other taxes; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record own.ers of the above.-described property in the manner provided by law. F EB 1 1 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��B 1 � 196� Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith � In Favor .�n � Sprafka � ayor � A gainst ������HE� F'EB 15 1969 Mr. President, Byrne O �4rea Coda 612 CITY o,� PAUL J. KELLY , 223-5121 R���v� THOMAS J. STEARNS o a JON R. DUCKSTAD � __�' ,,� ARTHUR M. NELSON '�'� `�^� n° JEROME J.SEGAL THOMAS M. MOONEY ROBERT E.O'CONNELL JAMES W. KENNEY First Assistanfi CITY OF SAINT PAUL PAUL FT McCL SKEYRICK DANIEL A. KLAS LOUIS E.TORINUS Special Assistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT JOSEPH E. CARTWRIGHT 316 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 JOSEPH P. SUMMERS Corporetion Counsel February 10, lg6g ��`�'��tr j Mr. Albert B. Olson Council Recorder City Clerk' s Office Subject: File No. 1958 -- 488 Carroll Avenue Dear Sir: Attached hereto is resolution�order pertaining to the above hazardous building. Upon passage of the same by the City Council , please forward eight (8) certified copies to me. Yours very truly, ��, � . � �. Jerome J. Segal � ��O J Assistant Corporation Counsel JJS�mla Enclosure . ' � . . � .�, ,� � y �,� � � . � , � � � . J� �o �." '''- ``� Il1� � "�' ' '_ �' '�q y�� r�, � m �$ a t,:" aa�a�P� � §_ � : t�q� � p�p . � � cx.� ��`.s� I"` a��"°��� �� t� 3s � �5�����'�; �i� �,�''�'''�t- - � , ��`�' � '�. ,u��� z?a,,ad a��s r� �(�� ra!�?'z� � � �: � �� ;� _ ° � �i _ � �1����5��� � . si�. ��,��,r��,�� �'�'� ; �. � i r p�� � � � �,�Jf }� � �,�- � � -�� .,�a �—� '� r. � �f � � � d � �;��`� 'a�T- '� �� �,r '� - �.� '� �° `��' r � �`� f ��� s ��i� �i ,y � , i +�'� i �' w0 � -�' "�'���J- � r.: �' §-xi � � � �� `�,+�,.�i. �:�A�., .� '„.. � 6�.� �._ — � N w , 4�� k �� , . iC � �ix 1 u�`- . o�u �, . r+� � t�' � � �� � � ,��n �P, =i -�, `�4w� � t,�3#�i `s°� � — �ti'4 Fptm��"Hf ,t p � _ `{ � Y ¢� � �a� � A���"� t �a ri ' . 1 �F` . C t "�' �`� �di` '*�'y� +g, � F{ ���a� �� )���(°y{��s' )I t:: vts - � �`a BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L AMES, Ci+y Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 January 17, 1969 Honorable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor and Members of the City Co�ncil Re: File No. 1958--488 Carroll Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the three family dwelling of frame construction, 2-1/2 stories in height, with a full basement, approximately 24 ft. wide, 57 ft. long and 30 ft. high. ,v The building is vacant at the present time and. has been vacant as ordered by the Health Department in July, 1967. We have had conversations with the owner concerning keeping the property secured. and coming up with a program , for rehabilitation. However, the owner has contacted us and indicated. that he does not have the fund.s to rehabilitate the property and is waiting for the Housing Authority to acquire. This particular build.ing is not listed. on the Early Acquis ition list, and we have no knowledge of the Hous ing Authority's inten- tions to acquire. The owner of record is Oseola Johnson, and the legal description of the property is Lot 13, Block 20, Mackubin and Marshall's Addition to Saint Paul. A recent inspection ind.icates the following: EXTERIOR, The exterior condition of the building indicates that the cornice is rotting and. badly deteriorated.. Portions of the sid.ing are missing, parts of the supports on the second floor porch roof are missing. The foundation shows considerable evid.ence of deterioration and the front porch supports are rotted. The rain gutters and downspouts are rusted and falling apart. The front porch floor is coming apart, window casings are showing evidence of rot. The basement consists of a limestone foundation with the mortar deteriorated. and. falling from the joists between stones. The wood.beam support is rotted and. the su�porting floor joists also show evidence of rot, as does some of the subflooring. � , � Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor and Members of the City Council -2- January 17, 1969 FIRST FLOOR. Contains four rooms and bath. Kitchen walls have plaster falling. West bedroom has large structural crack in the wall and. the plaster is in poor condition and in danger of falling. The front room has holes in the plaster walls. The bathroom plaster is deteriorated and. in danger of falling, and there are holes in the wall. SECOND FLOOR. The stairway between the first and. second floor has the treads split off. This is considered d.angerous to use. The hand.rail is missing. The second. floor contains four rooms, one alcove and bath. The windows are smashed, as are sash and frame. The floors show evidence of sagging, plaster is falling from walls in dining room, window sills are rott ed, structural cracks in the west bedroom walls and the floors are sagging quite severely in the bathroom and. the floor is rotting. Kitchen cabinets are smashed apparently byvandalism and the d.00r frame is also smashed. THIRD FLOOR. Contains four rooms and bath. The kitchen windows are smashed. The east bed,room window is smashed. The dining room has holes in the floor. The floors are sagging and. there is an open hole in the chimney. The flooring is loose and d.angerous in the bathroom and. there is an open sewer connection allowing sewer gas to enter the build.ing. The flooring is d.angerous throughout. The windows in the front room are also smashed. The plumbing, electrical and heating systems are considered to be unuseable, particularly the plumbing system which has large holes and, the soil pipe patched with plaster of paris. There is no safety valve on the automatic water heater. The accessory building on the property consists of a 16 ft. x 18 ft. frame garage. The windows are smashed, the walls are bulged, the building is racked out of shape. The big doors are falling apart, the roof is in poor condition and the building is considered. structurally unsound. Inasmuch as a rehabilitation schedule has not been submitted by the owner, it is the conclusion of the Bureau of Public Build.ings that by reason of inadequate maintenance, d.ilapidation, physical d.amage, unsanitary cond.ition and abandonment, the above structure constitutes a hazard. to public health, safety and welfare. It is hereby recommended that the Council concur in this conclusion and refer the matter to the City Attorney's office for submission of this cond.emnation to the District Court. �;�._... _. ,.-- V y trul rs, \ Robe . es City rchitect RLA/rnfs cc: Messrs. J. J. Segal, J. Talbot, Wm. Timm January 30, 1969 ' � ; � Mr. Joseph P. Su�ers � '; Corporation Counsel '-:��`_��:� ' Building �� '�`, ,-- �,, ,,. Dear Sir: r -~--\� � i. ,/ \ /" �r' The City Council today requeste�k�iat you �pare a resolution ordering the correction or wrecking aad��ii4val q�he hazardous three-Family dwelling at 4£�i Carroll Ave., del�,c3�b�cr,as Lot 13, Block 20, Mackubin and Marshall'a Addition to Saint I��,u�„�' � _.�--..���°� '��` Very truly yours, �� .,`�,��\ `•``� i � `� `�. n� ��� ��r City Clerk _ �R___._��,�' .-_ _. !�" � ' i � �,_,_�_�-