D001267Original- CHy Clerk Copies- Fin. & Mgmt Services Public Works Accounting Engineer Cornractor • No.: D OQ I?lart Date: � - V �� CITY OR SAINT PAUL - ORFICE OR TAE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, add'Rans which proved to be necessary to the ImprovemerK described as krwwn as activily no. 29191 , City Project No. Shafer Contracting Company, Inc. Repair Sanitary Sewer on Highland T - .p U�LUJ.JI� • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paui, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing addRions made in accordance wfth the specificatans in the sum of $ 6.165.30 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideratan named on the coMract, known as Activity No. 29191 , and which amou�t is to be financed from: 1994 CSSP Funding AS TO FORM �� 19� T � 19— ivisi Manager �� � f DNBCTDf ep rtment of Public Works b'Y :1• J •� :1 Cor�ractor, is co�rposed of ihe fofbwing: S�M'b�f� C-e►reT. C'a.� �KO . � Finance and ManagemeM Services /�---- � �/`'-� Administrative Assistant to t e Mayor 97 P TMEN NCIL TE INITIAlED '� 0�� PublicWotksConstrnclion 6/25/97 GREEN SHEET �o. 38 �86 CONTACT PEflSON6 PHONE W fiUUWTE MlRW/DA �ENiDIflECTOR � Cf1YCOlRiCIL Daniei A. Haak 26Cr6084 �"� � m �rrow�r a't Xt a cma.eAK MU3T BE ON COUNCILAGENQ4 BY (DA7q � H(p � BUpGEf DRIECTOp �j FW b MGT. SEpVICES Diq, QMAYOH(OflA431STANT) ❑j �yry(�p�ry AL i OF SiGNATURE PAGES 2 � w. �.ocanors wx sw�uTw+4 Qs Eowan _❑2 �aumaerrr�ccouHr 4' ncran aEat�stEo Approval of Adminislrarive Ordu fa Conuact Qiar�ge Agreernent No. 2 ALBERT-ELEANOR SEWER & PAVIldG, City Project No. 94-5-8095 & 94-P-8077 Conuactor. Shafer Contracting Canpany, Inc. flECOMMENDATK7NSApprwre W or Heject (Po PEtiSONAL SERVICE CONTBAC'f3 YU3T ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: _PLMINNJGCOA/YISSION_CIV0.3EiiVICECOM4i55pN 1. Hastltiapef5dY5rtRe�erwoA�eduMeraWntraeLfoftltiBdapHNnent? qBCOA1MITfEE _ yE$ �.�p � STAFF 2• FiasfhisPersav�rmeverbeenadryemployae? � YES NO —�TA�T�� — 3. Doea tltia persorvfirtn pasaess a skill rot normel N P��ased by any eurrent dry empbyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCROBJECTIVEY YES NO � Sewer Separation ExWWn an y.. an.w.n on..p.rat� aM�t ana aaa�h w yn.n ahwt INfIIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITV (WLp, WHpT, WHEN. WHERE. WH1�: Additional work that was not asn6cipated in the �iginal wntract was required to complete the project This wak consisted of repairing a sanitary sewer on Highland. " �������� JUN 2 l9$7 , ADYANTAGES IF MPqpVED; Additional work pedormed by the Contractor, at the Engiceer's directiai, is authorized for payment t� TY ���`ORNEY DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Nmie RECENED JUL - 81997 CITY CLERK DISADVANTNGES IF NOT APPROVED: '. Addidonai work perfoaned at N� direcdon of the Engineer, not authorized. ALAMOUHfOFTPAN9ACT10Hi $R-�85$0 COSTIpEVENUEB1iDGETED(qHCIEONE) (� NO v trq�gpUpcE 1994 CSSP ACTIVRYNUYBER C94-2T627-0784-29191 F WANCIAL 1NFppMAT10N: (IXPLAIt� ��