242130 OR"16INAL TO CITY CLERK CI 1 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N/1. �y0�`��b'�*� FILE � ' ,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _/ COMMISSIONE DAT� RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund weekly compensation of $45.00 be paid Gerald Hanggi, Sr. , while he is temporarily totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on May 24, 1966 , while employed by the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police , said employee having been paid in accordance with Section 5�2 of the City Charter for a period of one year following his injury; and that $54.00 , covering the period from January 31, 1969 , to and including February 7 , 1969 , is now due and payable. � RM APF'.� t Cor�oration Couciwl F�B 1 1 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� ; '�. ���� Dalglish Approved 19__ Meredith n Favor i�eter�e�n - ' Sprafka � Mayor 1��� A gainst Mr. President, Byrne Ptl$LISHE� FEB 15 r��� 0 DUFL.IGT6 TO PRINTER T� 'A.;Y1��1� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Carnpensation Account of the G�neral Funcicue�kly compensation of 545 .00 be paid Gerald Han�gi, Sr. , �allile i�� is temporarily totally disabied by reason of injuries h� received on May 24, ].966 , urhile employed by the Department of Public Safefiy, Bureau of Palice , said employe� havin�;; be�n paid in ancardance with Section S2 of fihe City Charter for a period of one y�ar followin� his injury; and that $54.00 , cavering th� period from January 31, 1969 , to a.nd includin� February 7, 1969 , is now due and payable. ��� ; ? ���`� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �:. �p�� ;„. ;,i,G;'� Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �,�� Tn Favor 1��e�son-- Sprafka � Mayor A gainst �co Mr. Preaident, Byrne O