242117 � ORSGINAL TO CITY CLERK / ����,�.. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. 'I�CE��1SE COI�II�lTTT� COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February l�, 1969 COMMISSIONE ' D vdHEN.�AS= Proper notice has been received as to change of offi_cers and stockholders in the Minnehaha Tavern, Inc.� 178�. �ast Minnehaha Avenue, holders of On Sa1e Liquor L3.cense No. 757�� ex_;i ring Januaxy 31, 1970; therefore, be it RESOLU�: That Alrid I,, riueller remains as President; but Dean C. La.rson� Secretarr�; an� Bertha Larson, Treasurer; both relinquish their offices entirely, and. Conni.e �. TRUellex now V�_ce-president, relinquishes tha±, office becoming Secretaxy and Treasurer; and the stock held by* Dean C. Larson bein� taken over by Connie C. P�ueller, placing klrid L. and �oruiie C. Mueller as the two stQCkh�lders, be and the same is hereby approved. 0� SALE LI t�u OR FSTABLI SHMFNT (Change Officers & Stockholders) Inf. App by Council Febru�ry 6, 1969 C�rig. Appn. 8956 X-1-31-7Q Appn. 1051 X-1-31-69 F E B 1 1 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �'E� � � ���� Dalglish Approved—. 19— �- Meredith `� Tn Favor � + � �a.,.� S�rafku J Mayor A gainst �ec�eeee- Mr. President, Byrne PUBLiSHE, FEB 15 1969 � � � � N � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL , Capital of Minnesota � / , .Z Y,Z / /�' �e a�ti�e�t o ab�ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIBE PBOTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commiasioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGEB M. CONWAY,DeDUty Commismioner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGNLIN. License Inapector Februa:y 6, 1969 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnes�ta Gentlemen: Currently the A�innehaha Tavern, Inc. a± 1781 East Minnehaha Avenue are holders of On Sa.le Liquor License No. 7576� and rii.scellaneaus ?icenses, all expiring January 31, 1970. The recorded o�'f;cers of the corporation are A?rid L. Mueller� President; Corxiie �. Rsuel]e r, Vice-president; Pean Larson� Secretary and Bertha Larson, Treasurer. The stock.holders being Alrid L. Mueller and �ean C. Laxson. Accordin; to the attached copy of a letter fran theix Attorney� David O��onnor, the �,arsons relinquish.ed. their offices and interest in the corporstion. There�'ore, t�e current officers are Alrid L. Mueller, President; and Connie c. N!uel.ler, Secretar-,� .nd Treasurex. The stockholders are Alrid L. and CflrLnie C. I��ueller. Very truly yours1 ���0�� � License Inspector , , �,� , ,�,,G�e.�'� � � � � ,�' � � ��j � � _ . , , . ` � • � � LAW OFFICEB � • O'CONNOR, COLLINS AND ABRAMSON ' � � f001 DEGREE OF HONOR BUILDINO - � ' 3AINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55101 , � � 227-8231 ' � . DAVID O'CONNOR ' , JanuaY'y 23, 1969 . � � . TNEODORE J. COLLINS SIDNEY P. ABRAMSON . � - � � . . .� ���� ��� � , � JAN 2 4 i969 �� �1�� . The Honorable Mayor and • City Council • ' Saint Paul Court House � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � ' • Attn: Mr. Danny McLaughlin � License Inspector Re: Minnehaha Tavern • Gentlemen: ' This office represents the Minnehaha Tavern, . ' Inc. , 1784 Minnehaha Avenue East, Saint Paul, Minnesota. , At the present time, the only shareholder of the corpora- � . tion is Mr. Alrid L. Mueller, 2205 Arcade � Saint Paul, � Minnesota. The directors of the corporation are Alrid . Mueller and Connie Mueller, his wife. The officers of ' the corporation ar� also Alrid and Connie Mueller. _ . . It is the purpose of this letter to inform you that Dean Larson, formerly a shareholder in Minnehaha Tavern, Inc. , has sold all of his shares to Alrid Mueller and has resigned from his position on the Board . of Directors and Secretary of the corporation. � This is to certify that D�ean Larson no longer �olds any financial interest in the form of stock or _ any other security interest in Ntinnehaha Tavern, Inc. A copy of the minutes of the meeting tendering his resignation and the resolution �ccepting the resolution � authorizing transfer of the shares of stock are attached to this letter. Thank :you. , Very truly yours, � . � -�A6l�J�D-6'COl�O� . , �4,� DO'C:clm E'� � . .. . . l�eb. 6, 1969 Ron. Williem E. Carlean, Camr. of Public Safety, Public 8afety Building. Atta: I�lr. Daaiel P. McLsvighlin Dear Sir: The City Cocu�cil tcdsy intorssl]y ap�av�d the application of the Mivaehaha Tfav+ern, Inc. at 1781 �aat Nim�ebsha Av�emae, bolders of On l3ale Liqu�or Licenee I�o. 7576, snd sisce2l�aneoua iicerues, all ezpiring Jar�uary 31, 197U, far:'a change in otficere aa lollvw: Alrid L. Mtioeller, Preeiflent; sad Cotmie C. Mu�eller, i3ecretary and Treasurer; tha 7.srsona hav3ng rslin- quished tt�eir of%iass and intereat in the corporation. Th�e stockholders are Alrid L. and Cont�.e C. I�ellex. Will you plesae parep�►re the custo�esary resalstion? verd► trulY Y�, City Cler� 4�