242116 � I� ' . . . � �� . . : �a 2����-�► � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCII. FILE NO Resolution Appmoving A�sessment By— and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon � � In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs aad expeases f�r coastructioa or reconst�ction of sidewalks aad �rk iacidental thereto: Contract 68-M-433, District No. 2, Levy Ho. 7 __ . _ . _ .____. _ __.. __ : _ _.. _. ___ . _. . -- � -, --� _ _ _ !'.G. #23 ?1� - Qoodric� A�s.� both sidsa •fra� Milton St. to C'��tawozt� St. i►.0. l�339348 - Eleaaer Ave., b�th s�dss tr� Nil�sr St. to the wst a�rrc�s. 153 ft. �.�. #238735 - Hi=hlaad Par1c�►ay, a�rth aidt l�saa Clevelaad Ave. to 1Cent�tth St. 1�.0. �239S24 - Swaaar �t., both sidas !`r� Ba�►ard Ave. to Eleanor Ava. F.O. #235606 - Jsffers�n Ave. , n�rt�i side lres� Harliae Ave. to Alb�rt St. l.0. �238b03 - Albert St., both sid�s fro� 8an�o2ph Ave. to Ja�s 11ve. 1�.0. #2389�0 - F'as�al St. , ea't •i�e fros Jefterson Ava. to Fslaee A�a, l.�. �237500 • Liareod A�e., botb sides tro■ Milrc� St. to Chatavosth �t. l.0. �239003 - Grig�s St., both aidea fro� flartford Ave. to Ba�ard Ave. l.0. #23A00�_ -;G,riE�s St.. lao,th sides �raa..,�umo,.Ava. to Hiles Ava. .. _ . 8 �_ . _.._ . � .. __ : . _ . 7 1S - Co�lric� Aire., both uid�s fr� l�ilton �t. to ChatsMOrth 8t. a.0. f23�348 - =la��aor Ave,•_, both eidsa �r4a iT�,�.dex St. t� t�e t�e�.t ,+tppro:. 1S3. .ft. .. �':0. f�3a73S - Hi�latid Pa�kvay� aert� side fsi� Cleveland Avs. to xenneth St. l.�. l�239524 - �,�aer 8t.. bet� sfd�s fzor �a�rtrd Avs. Ca Ele�reor, 4v�. l.O: �3�6tl6` - �`�ffari�i�t �Avs., noi�� �ide°fraii�line Ave�. to I►Ibi�t �St:�: ` . ,l.�,,#238bQ� - Albp�t„St,,,,botk ,sid�s fr� �+u�d�lp� Av�. to Jaies ARS. P.'0. f238l� = Psscal �'t., ea�t side fr�a`Jeti��rs�n Ave. tv lalace Ave. ; : �;•�, *237SOQ � �,inr�Rad.,,�vsr;,, b�q►1�h;.aid,�as froa #1�tcra St. to Chatnrorth St. ' F.O. #2390Ei3 - Griggs St., both �ides froa Sartford A�re. to Earard A�rs. � . _ - !.1�: #7s��3 - f�rt,�. 8 s�., bo����2aR�.� i�s�w� .r�. e.e. �o li�las 'A.�,� -- � KL�()LVP;�1� �'UR'1't1�:K, 'i'fiat a public hearing be had an said assessment on the 1� - day of l�arch, 1969 , at th� hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give no�tice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time �nd place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount a,saessed against the lot or lots of the pa,�ticular , owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILMEN Yeas �vays FEB 1 1 1969 Adopted by the Council Carisc;� Dalgli�i� Meredith Ap oved F��I � ��— PeterSVm Sprafka ''� T�� � Tn FaVOr Byrne � ayor Againat pUBLISHE� FEB 15 1g69 Form R-2 2M 19-63 8�