242107 e .
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File No. 17101
In the Matter of
-� _ __ _ �__„_ �,
'�, Open, widen, and extend TENTH STREET by condemning and taking
the following described tracts of land: •
Tnose parts of Lo-� l, �3locic 5S, Irvines Enlar�e;nen-t of Rice and Irvines
addi�ion to �the to���n oi Saini: Pau]., and o:F Lo� 9 e�:cept the nortiieasterly
' 24.75 feet thereof, 131oc1c 3, Bazil and Guerin's Acldition �o Saint paul,
t�rhieh ?ies wi-i hin t;�e area bounced by �he followin� described lines:
i B��inning at -the poizit of in-�ersection of the souiheas��rly Iine of Block 3,
; �azil and Gu�rinfs �-1ddi�ion to Saini: Pau1, and •ch� easterly projec�ion oF �
j ihe southerly liize oi Bloci< 53, Irvines �nlar�;emen-t of Rice and Irvines �
' addition to tre town of Saint Paul; �hence nori:heasfierly alon� the said �
� south�asterly l.ine o� said Bloc:c 3, l��ing i;he nor�hwesterly line of �Tenth � �
S�reet, a distance or 75.64 f.et to a poin�; thence in a sou-�hwesterly �i
direc-�ion alon� a curve �o th� right wi'ch a radius of 200 �ee-�, a central
an�le of 41°26' , and tan�cnfi fio said southeasierly line oF Block 3 a dis- � -
ii. tance of 144.63 feefi -to a point on �he sou�herly line of said Block 58, `
b2in; the northerly line of i'entih S-treet 75.64 feet westerly of -the poin�
' of be�ir.ning; t,��nce easterly alons the said southerly line ;and._th� easterly ; =�t �
projection th�r�or, a dis-L-ance of 75.64 Fee� �o fihe point oF b�g2nrti�g. _
. . . . . _. yf,.... . �.-v .
. . _. o __'_'�...�.... .�a.....�u vL 1Cillll� _ . .___'.— _ .. ... ' . ,�i'S. . .P..._._. " . t'_. . .
' Tnose parts of Lo-� l, Blocl< 53 = -
, Irvines �nlar�ernen-� of Rice and Irvines
� addit,ion to �he to�ti7n oi Saini Paul, and o:F Loi 9 excep-� the norti�eas-` -
24.75 feet ther�of, I3locic 3, I3azi1 and Guerin's Adclition to 5�in� Pa�rly�
t�:hich l.ies wi-�hin ti�e area boundcd by fihe followinr � ' '
, EeoinninJ a�t -th� poiiit of in-ters�ction of the sou�he�escribed lines;
Bazil and Gu�rinTs Addition �o S�in� Paul., al1d -�h` eas�erly z1ne of Bloek 3,
�h� southerly lii�e o:i Blocl< S�, Trvines �nlar�;emen-r o:F Rice andJrrvines��
; additio� to -�he town o� S4int Paul; ther.ce nor�heas-�erly alon� the said
south�as�erly line o� said 131ock 3, b�in� the �ZOL�hwesj:e�ly line o� Ten�h
S�reet, a disfiance oF 75.64 f,et to a poin��• fih�nce '
direction alun . � �n a sou�hca �
� a curve -�o th� right w�th a radius of 200 �ee�r,ea�central �
an�le of 41°26t , and tan�ent to said south�asi:erly line of Block 3 a dis-
, �ance of 144.63 feet to a point on i:h� sou�herl.y 1,Zne of said Block SS
�� b�in� th� nor�herly line of " -
lentih S-treefi 75.64 fe�t wes�erly of the poinfi
of be;ir,nin�; ti��nc� east�rly a1on� the said south�rly line and the eas�erl
projection rli�reor, a dis-L-ance of 75.64 Fee� to the poin-� of b�ginnlno� °- y -
uvas�..�� ___. � .;Y
_ .
. . ;... . '
_ , �
Yeas Nays - _._ _ . _ .�
Caris . -
Dalgli�.�; Appro � . �EB 1 1 Y96g
Mereditt \�:
�fl Tn Favor
Sprafka �
Tedesee � Mayor
6yrne Against
6-66-2M �� �� puB��sHE� FEB 15 ]969