242093 � . , �, , r _. — _� �t� �r. „av�'r � � � - ������� � � � ' COUN�IL FILE N�. ; �� FINAL ORDER By ,y x , File No �7 � In the Matter of �� tiai sl+�w�t ss 1w►E�r t�i1�M +�eE Lsl tt. li+� Y;� : . Nslir •t. a Mial�� �. �t b�r �Mi� ait �r �rdc �� is Mo�+�r iM �� !�s#�st�►� � �l�at salri:�rst. •z; p . . . . . . ..�.� � . . . . � . . . . . . . .. � i�� .. . . . . . � j�. Y � .. . - � . . . . . . . . 7 � � � � � . � � . � .� ���. . . . � . � . . .. . .. .`� g�. � � . � . . . . . : i � � . . . � . . . .. . � � . . ;G. M } y . . . � . � � . � . . �e�N F, i � under Preliminary Order �L�?3 aPA��'� � �' �� ' � � �. ' Intermediary Order approve� � € A' public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council � � havin� heard a11 persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered A the same; therefore, be it � RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- ` � provement to be made by the said City is - F t� r�tsset �iar �l�al�iG are � si�s �! �rl it. isr�r �t!#+t ��.� 1m�r �3�1� � i�. a� #h► ir� �1 �tw�k +�� � �-�r�rii ��af�wttsl tir �2airir �a�t � . _ _ _ _ _ . F� ` �_ .._ . _ �'�!�1a�ts �.:� �N rM w�!'ff�wt ��i�;��s rw' atist� '`� � � � :.� : . �. `� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Gommissioner of Public Works � and is hereby instructed and d�irected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for - approval; that upon said approval, the proper city afficials axe hereby authorized and directed to pra ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. cotnvclr�rr F E 6 1 1 1969 Adopted by the Council Yeas Carison Nays F '''�3 1 1 1969 Dalglistt Appro Mereditlt �-pefie��_ `'' �r�f� � Tn Favor • � 11�ayor �y� Aorn.;nat PUBLISHEB FEB 15 �96� 6-86-SH °�� R►1 � . . � Dist. No. 3 B.S. Earl St. - Luclid St. to Wakefield Ave. / / / ��YO� �;���GC��i�'����� FFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WURKS 2`��093 /,�`�° � �F � C�' l� F� ���- � '�`���r� � � �`'' �,��F/`,�8 r� REPORT TO C�MMISSIONER OF FINANCE fc�-- <'Ta_ O � `�v d � � � ��� C�,� �`�' '�s=� , �� �` __...,..,.,,. �y Dec. 20th. 19 68 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St, Paul: The Co�nissioner of Public Works, having had under consfderation the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 241273 approved Dec. 12th. 19 68 relative to reconstre�cting the sidevalk on both sides of Barl St. froa 8uclid St. to Wakefield Ave. and by doiat� all other �ork which is necessarv and incidental to comolete said improvea�ent. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, herebq reportst le 1'he estimated cost thereof is $3050 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5�1/�1 wide and $4>20 per lin> ft, for standard sidewalk 6 ft. widee 2o A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mad part thereofo � 3o Initiated by the Com�issioner of Public Works R 4o Improvement is asked for upon petition _�` � _� ^ ,.�c��'�;��� Commissioc�er of Public 6Jorks ;_ _ . ; , . , .n,.. .�.e M'�:.� � F �9���...�t. ✓1" r �*,�k F.,_ _ +,� j ' , ,� ..� �` �} :. .��� � �� y s � �,_ , :i �. , � r � . _. � ��������',� Ct�k, .,�..d-f�� _ __ _ _ v !� / � � ��i�r�-s��Lx� ��� ������ ;�z-� - _ ' I/_� C ��.�.�`- �/L���L�_ _ _ -� ,- c ,/�� ��L� � ��G��� � c_- , � �, ` . � ;� ��, 4 �./J�-sfiL�c� .�r��tf/LG.' GL' �G�(��—'i/fit�LE'7'T/� t� .C-'L/-. G�� /�' -�f- � '�� ��`� �� • ' ��:�G fi2J D- /��LC�C.��� F--, �.�G��CG�-�i��� -��'�' -y?G.e2C� , /� ' �t/ '� �" �.''i�` ,1� r ' (� .� r � Q _ ' � �' �' ��-�z' C�� �y,Z� r".t�' _ :!c,��z.L��--t��!�•-.'�iL�'���' .�i..c� C L�' ����"�-e-�-� `- � ,��-� • �i .�� lJ � , �j%v�/�`"�L�����G(��u%��;y �� C�� �I � � �.� r �j , � lj � // . � , ,f f � f ,/ � i //y �) � "(/ �X- _'`Y%.'G4- .,�,C-yT� L � f`.�•Z,�c-2.�-�-' �V •" /u��",/✓ti.��-G'L�{�C✓ieJ� l_�g%� r. � . / ."` .��Z�:�C.- � j���-�'' ��✓L�-� 7��✓ ��.—�!�-�1 , � • ;' : - � � ��, , ( �, � l-� l,�/ ' �/ ��i�-l'�.�✓�,-.1/�;�,C,' �i''��'�-r-c�'"Z' �L2��/L'.. ���.—��'W"� ��t�.2 � - , .. . , ; � , , , . �_ i � (� # �,� (����-i�' j���:��,� , �� ��ti'' _-�: �/C. L .��i:�. .�?'�'1�A�2,�, �� � -C°_Li�-�:.�C�-�c�-�. +' r. L �� ' �� �..e/' � /� !i, 2�L-' ,-L.r C✓� .�'Z�,t L // �GG ,�iL•� i��-l�L�-� L-t�:��X�C! F / , �� . � � � ��i-,-,� �I ,��,l i:.� ,L!1-j rt-� �J�G�' �L�� �` �C-�G�/I/' ��.� � �?2 � ;�.t�� �y �� �.1�,�%. ` � !"' �r � / - L�� �-G =� l�-'T i L-' /��/����� C'�'�. ':�"�-e,!'l.L.� G�/j7��i };:Z-�� �s : � �� / ' _ . / �� , , � . , , - , . . J ` � ` i , �� , _., �'���� f I ;l L' �J L�-;`� � `/'�L C,L.<..�'./-STi �/j,l� s�2 Z-�, �'YU"� , � k �•� i , / � .i// ', �,I�.(t,�' ��.�L.�y.r�, �i� �'�'L-< iLCL�. ,-/ �F-.zv F...L�C�-'z���-l.-L��tL �C.� �.c � � , ' � J L I� C/ �f . ) . J � � � , � � c.�.-�� � 2v .�e_ �� Cc_,_.� �-�_� � �i ,�t,2., � .c..� ��/Z-� , � ,��.c���.. ,,, � �—�� � ;._/ � � ' "�,%r�2/��1?/z!1�f ���`-��`2� �; -,. � � ;i Y, � C � � '� � . _ . � , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �-�� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I13 Court House,bb102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H.McKENNA, Depufy Commissioner rhone:223-4646 2��p�:� January 28, 1969 Mr. Harry Msrshall Citq Clerk EIIIID ING File No. S8668 Sidewalk oa rlum St. , fr� Maria t• Mounds �lvd. Aearing Dat�: February 11, 1969 Dear Sir: Forwarded herewith is a letter, with reference to the above project, for considerati�n bq the City Council. ' cerely, � � ._ anes J. D glish, '� Cam�isaio r::�of ,F nance c.c. Mr � Mrs P W. Riegel Ff le O � �.���, � � � Jsnuary 2�, 1969 �tilli�o P. Li�a 396 Earl SCrtaE St. Panl, Mim�sat.a �SICt� Fil� Ue. S$687 Sidwalk oe Suelic! �r� Weic�efisld ta Eaxl St., bo�h sides �u�ria� Dat�3 F�b�wzy 11� 1�►b� D�ar Mr. Li�ksr Youz latter, wit� x�rl�eren�e to ehe abova pxa�ect, haa b�ea tarrarded to t�►� �i�y Clerk for conrideratioe� by th� Cit� C�n�il at Cb�e h�ari� e� to th� Depe�r�a�aC Qf Frsblic t�orks. 5iac�sely, Jaoe� J. Dalglisb C�i�sione�c of F�,�an�e� �T••�, ;,�y C lerk Fk �1.r{l��*� wVr�V !'ile � � � � � � February il, 196g � li -----.__. L-____________- '� Hon. Robe� F. Petereon V��._ Comsr. of public Worka � � B�xflding ��, \�� � 1 De�z' Sir: � / J f The Gity Council today adopted a der for the re�onstructian of aidewalk on botk� ssidea of Earl St Eua d St. to WahePiealc� St. and requeat� that yau rcply to a l�tt�r oP A�:�-e�. �, �,�,��, �� �.� S�. pertai.r�ing ta the order. � We believe you ha,ve aviaual,y r c ived a copy o#' tha letter 4P Mr. and Mrs. Linke. ,-----�, ��. '��'i'' Very trtily ycyura, ,�� I i\ � AO�ng ��� /�� City Clerk ---� /yln. �/Ll�s. �_?�!/.R�eyel ` . � s� �_ / '� -- - �_ ..�—_.- � 19 7 MARIA AVE. ; ,�'\, — _ -�_, � „!'(��t �` �- - `"" o� S�, PAUL 6, MINNESOTIL � � � - _` `�� t_, ��_-- � ,-, `i .�=- _'F• ., .;..;, , —_ - �� � �i�_y ,�`.__ `- — - " ' � ' , �-�-- — - .. .. ,��.�G(A�i�L — .o._ °� � . / �� r� , � � % ; � �.��'�-� i��`;�-.��,.'�---�? ``_'', , ,r � .� ��%�' .� �-�,�..�.,� ,�� .�'� � �,� ° � . � � � � ���^ � � ' �'-,'�� � � Mr. Tames J. Dalglish Dept. of Finance 113 Court �iouse � St. P��al, Minn. 55102 . - St, pa�l, Minnesota Jan. 25th 1969 Dear Mr. Dalglishs Rec'd your le_tte.r today in re�ard to the eonstruct�on of new side� walks �n this area. They have needed new walks for year� but we were tlze only one that had enou�h pride in this area to have a n�,r walk instal�ed� O�r� was pUt in in Nov. 1952 a� the cost of �422 and gince have kept it in excellent shape. So we are certainly for having new walks put iM-the �odner the better. I think most of the residence �n the area wiYl approve of this. � ��� z� %l� �.�-� �/ry. � / y � /������� .