242632 � Orislnal to Cit�Cierl� . � ORDINANCE . � COUNCIL FILE NO ' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � �-��' A rdin nce amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: � i'An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various cla.sses of I positions in the Glassified Service of the City, " a�proved February 13, 1935, as amended. ' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1'935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by s riking out the minimum qualifications in the specifications for � andscape Architect I, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following inimum qua.li.fications: "College graduation in landscape architecture; or colleg• graduation in`landscape design and environmenta.l planning and two yearss experience as a landscape , architect or two years as an Architectural Draftsman in the Bureau of Parks and Recreation. (No sub- stitution for education. } _. . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force t irty days after its passage, approva.l, and publication. APR 1 1969 Yeas Cou�cilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Carl on Dal lish • � `�� Tn Favor �Pete son C� Againat Spr fka Mr. Pres den yrne) APR 1 1969 Appro Attest: i Cl ,- �ayor � �� orm approved Corporation Counsel / " �,� ���J?��� PUBLISHE� iai=i: 5 1969 DaDlicate to Printer li '� ORDINANCE ' COUNCIL FILE NO- ��"'!�"- PRESENTED BY I! ORDINANCE NO � � �'��-� � An ord�naace ame�ding C?rdir��c� l�io. 76U7, er�titled: � "An ordinance fiatix�g the dt�ties and re$po�sibilitiea � a�rd the minimum qualific�tioms far the va�iaue claeees of , positiona i.n the Claasifi�ed Service af the ��ity, " a�pproved Febrt�ary 13, 1935� ae amended. I, THE �QUNCIL OF T'HE CIT"7�' UF �AiNT PAUL IIC?ES l'�1RT7AIN: � Sectior� 1. That Ordin��ca T�1o. "7607, apprQVed February 13, 1'935, as arnended� be a�d the esme i� hereby further aanended by � s�kriking out the minimum qua3ificatxons in the speci�icat�one far , L'and8cape Ar+chitect �, aad by aub�tit�ting i.n lieu thereof the follcawing � r�inimum q�a�ifications: I, �� re� a�r � ile e Callege graduatian fn landecape arcl�ltectu , o g � graduatior� �n landacape design and ex�vironme�tal , plax�nir�� �nd two years' experxeace �a � 2�n�s��pe , architect ar tvvo ye�.ar� ae an Architectural T)raftsman , in the Burea� of Parket ��d Recreation. (No sub- , etitution for education. ) 5ection �. Thia ordi�ance sha�ll talce effect and be in fc�rce thirty days after its pa��a�e, approval, and publicatioa. � i � � I� ��`� -. F��'� Yeas Cou�}cilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Carl on Dalg�ish �'` Tn Favor Me�'h Peteason �; A Spra,fka gainst Mr. Presiident (Byrne) -,." . � � A....,....,...7. I I �._ . 3-13-.59 � , . ;:� hi� ordi:namce extends the educational requiremant fox a La.ndscape Architeet I fro college graduation in lar�dscape architecture oniy to include college gradnation in l ndscape design with supplemental experience. This change was �equested by the arks Department.