242626 24��2� ' c���xo..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thenade�edheraby propoeeethemal�ingof thefollowtngpublioimprovement by the City ot 8aint Psul,vls.: recogstruct_the_sidewalk on both sides, o��illy�at�r_�,r�,,,_�r�.�?�����,_5�,._.�Q,._,_,__. Whit ' Bear Ave. and by„doin.g..gl..�.o�.�g�..�41C.�.�llAi��bl..;�..��t��.��iL..BD,d..:L1ot�A.���...�Q..... comp.ete..said im�rovement:............................_....... ................................»........_..........»..........._..».._........»..-- Dsted tLie.. 14th�.�,day of...............:....���h........_ ... .. ._, 19 . I •---------- --. .. . ...--- � ..... ............... Connoilman. r PRELIMINARY OlZDER. � �� WH REA$, A written propoesl for the making of the following imprnvement� vis.: I`1 `�r reco struct._the_.sidewalk .on.both.sides of__Stillw�ter.Ave:..from Fliadrau_St._,tq__�_ V�' \ WhitC,.Bes�..�iV4r...�l�14�..�.X-.�Q+�B..A�.�..Q�l�:]�.WA�1�.Teth�.Cbl..�8...11R.'Ce8.8a.,L�t...9tnd..�l],Cid+eIILill..t�__.. \, �com�lete _said iu�r�vement:..........___...--•--•............................................................................................ ...... hs......... ..n reeented to the.Counoil of the Cit of Saint Paul...--•-------•...................................�.........N................N v�n6 b�e P Y .._. ...... t6erefore, be it RE$OLVED, T'hat the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered aad direeted: 1. To inveatigate the neceeeity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. o inveetigate the nature, extent and eatimated cost of esid improvement, and the total ooet thereof. 3. �o furnieh a plan, proSle or eketch of eaid improvement. • 4. To atste whether or no�eaid improvement ie aaked for on Y,he petition of three or more ownere. b. To report upon all of 4�he foregoing mattese to the Commiesioner of�nanoe. Adopted y the ConnoiL.._...................».......................��.�...�t..�9 Yss Councilman Carlson MAR 1 4 196� ��� Da 1 g 1 i s h APProved.................»..............--•--.....----......._........... �-c�. o�T�iid Meredith Peterson � Tedesce ---- - • - - •-----• •• ---- M . President B�tzrre Mayor. �000 s.aq 7 ��' PUBLISHEa MAR 2 � 1969