242616 __. _ _ . _,, _ ' OR161FJAL TO CITY CLERK , 2���i��� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. ` • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY `'G �"'�'"� � COMMISSIONE DATF �. LVED That the Council o� the City of Saint Paul RESO , full he�reby accepts dedication of the real property, more y de�scribed on the attached Exhibit A, which is made a part hereof, to the City of Saint Paul by the H. B. Fuller C�mpany; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Slint Paul does hereby express its sincere gratitude and � � a�preciation for this gift which is hereby made to the c�'itizens of the Gity of Saint Paul. V RD P F p�tM v s p�a P� � MAR1 � 19�q I LMEN Adopted by the Council `�9—. COUNC,� Yeas i Nays Car � on � � `+ Z�6� Dal lish Approve� 19— Mer dith ��n Favor Pet�rson Ma or Spr�fku � y Ted�esco A gainst Mr. Presidet�t, Byrne -`�� ` PUBLISHE� MAR 2 2 1969 � "-` � A .�, e_:,_ �� � i �� � .� . � , , J. WILLIAM DONOVIAN 223-5317 � Valuation Engine�r ROY E. BREDAHL,i Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Ass't Valuation �ngineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS �,,� 286 Ci+y Hall �/4���J Ssint Paul, Minnesote 5510'i � �� March 13, 1969 abl a r To tl�e Honor e M yo and �ouncil of the City of S�int Paul Gent�Lemen: The �Land Committee has considered and reviewed the proposed deed to the City� of St. Paul, by the H. B. Fuller Company of certain lands, which lanc�s are necessary for the construction of the Civic Center Parking Ram�, and are described as follows: � That part of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 33, Rice and Irvine's ; addition to Saint Paul, described as follows: Beginning at a _ ; point on the Southwesterly line of Eagle Street distant 6.45 ' feet Northwester ly of the Easterly corner of Lot 2, thence in � a Southerly direction 19.8 feet to a point on the Lot line � between said Lots 2 and 3 at a point distant 20.1 feet Southerly � from the Southwesterly line of Eagle Street; thence continuing ; in a Southwesterly direction 30.7 feet to a point distant 9.85 ' feet Southeasterly of the Northwesterly line of said Lot 3, said point being 66 feet Northeast of Northeasterly line of Lot 6 in said Addition (said 66 feet being measured at right angles to Northeasterly line of said Lot 6) , thence running Southeast- � erl on a line arallel with and distant 66 feet Northeasterl Y P Y , of Northeasterl line of said Lots 6 and 15 in said Addition for Y a distance of 39.80 feet; thence Northeasterly on line parallel with Southeasterly line of Lot 3 for a distance of 2.91 feet more or less to a point distant 57.54 feet Southwesterly of Southwest- a 'ne which erly line of Eagle Street; thence Southeasterly on li if produced, is at right angles to Franklin Street, for a distance of 65.25 feet; thence at right angles Northeasterly 2 feet, thence Southeasterly on a line to the Northwesterly line of Franklin Ave- nue at a point distant 83.72 feet Southwesterly of Easterly corner � of Lot 5; thence Northeasterly 83.72 feet to the Easterly corner of a w li e of Ea le Street Lot 5; thence Northwesterly long South esterly n g to be innin . g g II is the recommendation of the Land Committee to the City Council, that s�id lands be accepted on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Respectfully submitted, , CITY COUNCIL LAND COMMITTEE , BY . � � / ��--.-� G/v J. William Donovan, Secretary .. ,. � � R r � �'1 � �"��� �� . � . � . t � � R � . - � All tl::� p�t o� Lo�N 2, 3, � ��� 5 �..n L].octi 33, Rice ' � � and ir�ri3.ie's Additi on to SainL Paul, de�crib�d as ; follo��s: B��{nnin3 at a point on the �outh�.es�er�y ; ' line o� E�g?� Str��t dis��nt 6.45 �e�t nor�?�c�»��ez1y � � o� tlie eas��rly corner of Lot 2f th�nce in a southexly � � direction 19.8 �e�t to a noin4 or� '�he lot la.si� b;��::z�n ; � said Lots 2 and 3 a� a �int ���tan� 20.1 £ee� souihz�Iy ; � - � fro�a the sau�.h:reste�ly line o� Er gle Street (r.Yasured _ ; along ths southeast�x ly la.ne of Lot 2y = the:�c� co��;nuing , � � in a southz�esterly dirzc�ion 30.7 fe�t to a point disi:�n� # � ! 9.85 feet sou�rnasterly o� th� nor�ht•�est¢rly line o� sa.;.d ' � � Lot 3, s�id poin� b�ing 65 feet no��'n�aat o� the noxt?z- ! � . ' . � ea3terly li�e of I�ot 6 in said a�lditien (said fi5 f��t ; ". � � beinc� x,��a�ured at right angles to northeasterly lin� oL . ; ; said Lot £,) j th�nc� runninc� southeas}erly on a line parallel � ' with a..n.d c�istant 66 feet northeasterly of northe�3terly line � - � ; . � o� said Lot� 6 and 15 in said zdditian for Z d2�tzT1Ci af f � 39.80 f��tj thence nartheasterZy on a line pa.rall�l �ith � southeasterly line of Lo� 3 for a di�taneQ of 2.9? feet, � � , more or le�s, to a point distan� 57.5� feet southwaster3y . ' , ot southsr�s�erly 13ne of Eagle Street (;�v�sured on a lir.e � . yt ; � � pa�allel with thun r�OUl.11E?c.Z:7terly line of Lot 3) p th�nce . . sou�h�as�er].y on a line wnich, if produced, is at right _ � angles to F'ran�clin Stree�, for a di�tance oi b5.25 feat� � . � thenc at e ri ht an 3.es r_orth�asterl 2 f�et thence south- 3 1 Y f .. . eas��rly on a lin� to the nor�hwesterly line of Frank3in _ . Aven:�� at a poi�'� c?��f:�n� �3.72 fe�t uou��z��,-�;,��r?1 0� ea�t�rly c�o�n4r o� Lo� 5p t�.�nca no�•tn�;.:��:�rly 83.72 fe�4 to thL e�.s�e:r�y co:°n��: o� L�t 5f thLncc norfi��- . �resi:erl.y al.oazg sou4h;•���i�r.l� lzn� o� Eac��Q �tr_��t ! . to b�gi..*�nin�, ��c��-c�3.n� �� �he pl.�z th^�:•�o� oaz �i1e an�1 0� r�^corc� 3.n tc:� Q_'=_'?1.C� o� �he R^gis��r o� D�4ds . i sn �.na for R���ey Cot:xz�1, i?iraic�a��. . i . EXHIBIT A . i .