04-335Council File # � � 33S Green Sheet # �as � � J RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ZS Presented Referred To Committee Date Resolution Supporting State and Federal Appropriations for the Central Corridor 2 WHEREAS, the Central Corridorhas ahightransit usage and an increasing population, includes numerous colleges, 3 the State Capitol, a significant Asian business district, muiriple ethnically diverse neighborhoods the Metrodome 4 and two major downtown business districts; and 5 WIIEREAS, the Central Corridor is one of the largest "unbuiit" transit corridors in the U.S. measured in terms of 6 potential ridership; and 7 WHEREAS, the Central Corridor would link to the Hiawatha Light Rail Transit Line currently nearing compietion, 8 comiecting potential riders from downtown St. Paul to the Capitol, St. Paul Midway, U of M, Metrodome, 9 downtown Minneapolis, Fort Snelling, Ma11 of America and Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport; and 10 WHEREAS, the Ramsey Council Regional Railroad Authority has submitted a legislative request for funding for 11 the Central Corridor; now, therefore be it 12 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council supports federal funding for the Central Transitway Conidor and the 13 efforts of the Ramsey County Regional Rail Autharity to obtain a state bonding appropriation for the Central 14 Corridor. Requested by Deparnnent oE � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certiffe�l by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved t� �V�kyor: Date � � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date /"LV-��" a � aU�7 �__ _ . oy- 33S DFPARTMENT/pFFlCHCOUNC�L tlAi6lxRUTED c��courrcu. M�n��,zooa GREEN SHEET tuo 205179 CONCAGT PER�N 5 PHONE . ' �nttlauDm� �nl!(suDS1n Councilmember I,ee Helgen 6-8650 n[..ie,renowcera� aircou�ca MUST BE ON WUNCILAGENQ4 BY (DAT� /SS�GN Mazch 24,2004 Consent � �„�„��,. ��, aounxc onnErt ❑ wwsiwaEav¢Fapc swWCUaflMUCrc ❑ WYOR(OR/394fNR) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAfiES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�1}ESTED . Approval of Resolufion Supporring 5tate and Federal Appropriations for the Central Corridor R COM EN ATION A{1pfOV2 (A) Of eJ2C� () PERSONAL SERVSCE CONTItACfS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. HasNispersoMfirmevervro'keduiMeracontracttorthiatlepartmenti PLANNING CAMMISSION vES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. HasthiepersoMrmeverheenacAyempbyeeT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � YES NO 3. Does this perso�rm possees a sldll �at normallYpo6sessetl bY arry currBM city emPloY�? YES NO 4 Is Mis persoMrm a targeted vendorT ' VES NO Fxplain all yes ansvers on sepaiate sheet antl attach to B� s�t INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNfTY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED C�°� R.�a2�r,r,h C�n�r l�fR � � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION f COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINC SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER e FINANCW.INFORMATON (IXPWN)