242591 OR161NA1.TO CIT�Y CLERK 242591 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. License �om#ni.tt:;e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL SO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Mc1T'C11 ].3� 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF 4�+�HHER�AS: he St. Paul Lodge Ido. 1�0, L. 0. �. M. are holders of License i�o. 7086, � �� expirino December 21� 196�, permitting them to c onduct Bingo Games at 1L079 Rice �treet� each Sunday Evening� betweer the h�urs o�' 8:00 a.nd 12:00 p.m.. � WHE�REA�: '�'he St. Paul Lodge No. �.Os L. 0. 0. t�. have r.a de application for �he transfer pf License No. 7086 to 1795 �ast Seventh �treet and the change of the day �rom Sunday E�rening to Thursday �venin�� during the same hours; therefore, be it R�:SOLVEU: '�hat License I�o. 7086� ea�iring �ecember 21, 1969, issued to t�he St. Paul Lodge No. �0, L. 0. 0, riY. be and the same is hereby transferred to 1795 East Seventh �treet and amended to read "Thursday Eveningst� effective March 13� 1969. I TRANSFER (Lmcation & Amendment to day) Informally pproved by ouncil Maxch 11, 1�69 " New Locati�M I COUNaILMEN Adopted by the CounciM� 1 3 19�9 19_ Yeas I Nays Ni�t i 3 1969 Carl�on Dal lish Approved 19—_ Mer�dith �n Favor Pete son ' Spr�fka Mayor � A gainst Ted�sco PUBLISHE� MAR 15 1969 Mr. Preside�t, Byrne , O i