242573 2425"�3 �� c��� xo...__...... � . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and i PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thetinderaignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of Saint Psul,vis.: reconistruct the sidewalk on both sides of Frank St. from Maryla�ad Ave. tc Rose Ave. . ................+...............___--•-----•---................................................. ......................»................................................................ and.b�r� doin�_all_other work which is necessary.and incidental to complete said im- provement. .................t...............____..........................».................................. ......................................................................................._.... ......�.....�..»................................................................ ....... ...........................................__._......... Datet�thie......12th.:......day of......................Merch........ . ... 19 6 �-r ............. ..» .. ....... _.....� . . .............. �CiO11II0�8II. � , PRELIMINARY OltDER. WHE� A XtEA$� wntten propoeal for the malung of the followmg improvement, via.: recons�truct the sidewalk on both sides of Frank St,_ from Maryland Ave. to Rose Ave ..........�..... ...... ..........................................•---.......____..---.................... ....---.............. ............................................__• �_.and by'�doing.all .other.work_which is.necessary.aad incideatal.to.complete.said im- _„provem�nt. ~ M ......... ......... ..........._...�... __......._....._..... ......... ......._... ....... ....._... ........_.....�.._.._._............._..... , \ ..................a.._................._...............�.............____. __.............._.._..............._........._......................................._................ �� . � 6aving bee�preeented to the Counoil of the City of 8aint Paul.......................•-•---._.............---..........._.............._...._.... ' t6erefore, b�it R,ESOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To investigate the neoeeeity for, or desirability of�.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To�nvestigate the nature� extent and eatimated oost of aeid improvement, and the total ooet thereof. 3. To�urnisl�a plan, proSle or eketah of eaid improvement. - 4. To etate whether or ao�eaid improvement ie saked for oa�,he petition of three or more ownere. b. To ueport upon all of the goregoing msttere to the L�mmieaioner of Finsnoe. ;;� �i a��i' .•'.',•:; ; Adopted by the Connail..._..................::::::....:...... ............................... Yses ' ' � � 219�� Cduncilman Carlson � De 1 g 1 i s h APProved.................»...................._......................-•-- i3��t�t�mi � Meredith Peterson Tedesce Sprafka .,...._.: . . ...... :..._ ... Mr. P�resident B�rzrre Mayor. �000 �-s9 � � � � (� PUBLISHE� �aR 1 ;� 196� . ;