242539 .. . M O�l161NAL TO CI'�Y CLHRK 24���� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. ,� � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SS�ONE � DATF March 11, 1969 ' WHEREAS, the City Architect has requested. the City Council to ho]�d a public hearing to consider the ad.visability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the single family dwelling at 1030 Iglehart Aven e, more particularly d.escribed as Lot 13, Block 1 , A. B., Wilgus Addition to the City of Saint Paul, because said, build.ing is reported to constitute a hazard.ous structure, and I WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record. owner of the propejirty is the Cherokee Agency, Inc. ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and. before the Council of thei City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court Hous e in s aid. city at 10 �.,m. on Thursd.ay, March 20, 1969, to consider the ad.visability and. neces;si�ty of ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of the structure on the above d,escribed, property because said structure is reported. to constitute a hazarjdous building and. a hazard to public health, safety and. welfare; be it ' FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City �ouncil, notify by mail the record. owner of the property in question at the last k�n.own address, as well as other interested. persons of record, of the date and ti�ne of the hearing. I i I (�IAR 1 1 1� COUNICILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays Ca lson ��� � �� ��5� Da glish Approved 19—_ Me edith �n Favor Pe�erson � Sp�afka D Mayor Te esco A gainst Mr. Preaid nt, Byrne PUBLISHES I�pR 15 196� ! o DI:PLICATE TO PR,NT6R � � 2'�`.��/��� � . � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �ir4nr .T. r�Pat'�c� ppTp 1��ts�rch 11 1�6� COMMISSIONEtt—; TP r WHERE.�AS, the City Architect ha� req,uested the City Council to hold a public h�aring to cr,nsic�er the advisability and nece�sity of the corr�ction or wre�king a.nd remr�val c�f the eingle farniiy dwellin� at 1Q30 Tgiehart Avenue, nzore particularly describ�d �s Lot 13, Block 3 , A. .F3. Wiigus Additioaa ta tli� �ity of Saint P�u1, because aaid buil.ding is reported to con�titut� a hazardeus structure, and WHEREA,S, it appears that the last kne,wn record owner of �he property is the Cherokee Agency, Inc. ; therefore, be it ( REStJLVE7D� th�,t a public hearing be he�d, by and befo�e the Council � �� of the �ity of 5aint Pa�a]., ix� �� Cc�u�icil Chamber of the �ourt Ho�tse in eaid. city `{,, at 10 a.�m. o�n Thursday, _March Z0, 3969, to cQnsider the advisability and ! \ necess�ty of oxdering the correction or wrecking and removal c�f the atructure j on the a.bove described grcaperty beeaaa.se said structure ia repoxted to can�tit�.te � hazardaus bu.ilding and a hazard to pubiic health, aa.f�ety and welfare; be it FURTHER RESC3LVE1�, tY�at the City Ar�hit�ct. a�n behalf of th� City Cquncil, notify by rnaii the record owner o� th�; p�operty in question at the last knawn address, as well a� other interested peraone vf record� af f,�ie date and tim.e of the hearir��. :� �`�srfi'i( � x ���'��g COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��,{y��,' � ' �� � CarLsbn Dalglish Approver� 19—_ Meredith �n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka Tedes�co A gainet "`�^y ��..��� Mr. President, Byrne R,�!` +���;;�.�.�, .����:� l�J O