242531 ORI6INAL TO CI�Y��BRK . 2425�1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. �c�1sE co�tl��r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY March 11� 1969 COMMISSIONE v DATF I RFSOLV"r�: I That Applications for Sunda�-On-Sale-Liquor Licenses, made by the following II applicants who are holders of On Sale Liquor Licenses, at the addresses stated� �, be a.�d the same are here�y granted and in c ompliance �aith �.F. Pdo. 235531, ardinance iJo, 13755� which amends Chapter Tdo. 30$.00 of the St. Paul � Legislative Code and Ordinances. The Bellamy Corporation 799 Uni.versity Ave. App. 9574 New Old Loc. I , I IVE4T Inf'ormall� approved. by Council As da�ed n Appn. ! ��AR l 1 19�9 COUPIICILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays �� i b ���'� C rlson D�lglish pproved 19�_ M�redith Tn Favor P�terson � Sprafka � Mayor T desco A gainst Mr. Presi ent, Byrne PUeLiSHE� I�IR 15 1969 0