242500 ' �., _ _._rE . ����E.�V� ����po c���xo..... PROPOSAL �OR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' TL undereignedhereby propoeeethemaleingof thefollowYngpublioianprovement by the Citq of 8aint Paul�vis.: reco truct the sidewalk oa both sides of Fifth St. from Maria Ave. to Bates Ave. and b doi�. all other work which is necessar� and_.incidental to complete said im- .Er°ve °t.:..........___................................................................................................................................•--............-----........ Dathie..........7th:.....dsy of...............................M,�rch .. .................._ �g,6 ............ ....................-�---v----_.._... ........_.... Conncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. EREAS� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vu.: recoa truct..the._sidewalk_oq,both__sides_of.,Fifth_,St._,from Maria. Ave�. to Bates Aye � and..b doin,g.,all.,other.work,which is necessary and.,incidental__to„�o�sple�,te_,sa�d im-_� ` �rove�eat........................................._........___............-•-----.........-•---..........................................._...............---...................... hnving been preeented to the.Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..............._............._......................._�...................._.... t6erefo ', be it 8 OLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publia Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direeted: 1. o inveetigate the neceeeity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. o inveatigate the nature� extent and estimated cost of said improvement� and the totsl ooet thereof. 3. o fumieh a plan, profile or eketah of said improvement. • 4. o state whether or ao�esid impmvement ie seked gor oa�,he petition of three�r more ownere. b. �o report upon aU of the foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioaer of Fynsnoe. Adopted by the Couneil.......................»..... ...!N�AR 7 1��9 Yse Councilman .Carlson � 7 Da 1 g 1 ish APProved............... ...._......i969_--................_...» -#tcrrrsnd Meredith Peterson ��e � Tedescof�' K-l�-t� ...».... . ._.. ,_,. M . President Bpzrre Mayor. �000 �.a* PUBLISHEe MA� 1 � 1969 7 " � . j