242484 � " ' ' 2424,�� OR14iNAL TO CIT CL6RK � -.•� , ' � CIT1( OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE I DATF RESOLVED� By the Council of the City of Saint Paul� upon rec�ommendation of the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Bud et Committee� that the Capital Improvement Budget for the Cit of Saint Paul for 1967, as heretofore adopted by this Gou cil and as amended, is hereby further amended in the fol owing particulars : 1. That there be transferred from the �g6'7 Public Works "Re�trictive Use" account to the Edgcumbe Road - Fairview to Jef erson Avenue Project the sum of �15,813.93; 2. That there be transferred from the 1g67 Public Works "Re �trictive Use'° account to the Mississippi River Blvd. - Day on Ave . to Pelham Blvd. Project, the sum of �86, 063.43� for a total 1967 allocation of �198,663.43; I 3. That there be transferred from the ig67 Public Works "Restrictive Use" account to the Oxford-Central Storm Sewer Cont act B Project the sum of �91,717.00; and e it FURTHER RESOLVED That the transfers hereinabove set forth, in t e total amount of �1g3, 594. 36 are from the Public Works „h 1g67 Restrictive Use account to the above captioned projects, � and o not affect the total appropriations for the ig67 Budget in a y other manner; and be it ' � �� FURTHER RESOLVED� That in addition to the aforesaid � tran fers, the following transfers of funds in the 1967 Capital � Impr vement Budget be carried out: � rn � 1. That there be transferred from the allocation for Forest Street - Margaret Street to East Fifth Street the sum of �1 ,200.00, and from the allocation for Myrtle Avenue - Glend le Street to Cromwell Street the sum of �24, 100.00, a tot 1 of �35, 300.00, to Park-Magnolia Relief System Pro ect (form rly Park Street-Sycamore Street to Jessamine Avenue� ; COUNCIL N Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredit Tn Favor Peterson Spra�k� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, B rne �O A �� � 24248�'� ORIf'a1NAL TO CITI(I CLERK � . " CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 2. 2. Forest Street- Margaret Street to East Fifth Street, wilh allocation of �11,200.00 - delete said Project from the 19 7 Budget, the project having been abandoned as a part of the� 1g67 Capital Improvements Budget; 3. Myrtle Avenue - Glendale Street to Cromwell Street Pro ect, with allocation of �24, 100.00 - delete said Project fro� the i967 Budget, the same having been abandoned as a part of �the 1g67 Capital Improvements Budget ; andii be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the above amendments , affecting onl moneys previously appropriated to the Public Works Dep�rtment, the total appropriations for the ig67 Capital Imp�ovement Budget are not affected in any way. i i � 7 1969 l�AAR COUNCILN$EN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays � T 19�9 Carlson !i Dalglish�I Approved 19— Mereditl� � Tn Favor Peterson • Sprafku � ayor A gainst Tedesco �i Mr. President, By�rne '�ue��sHE� MAR 1 ,� �9�� � � � �o ♦ + 1 . .. �. . ��..�. ��-�- � �MU£L hi. MORG,4IN � �"'�tl�� CHAIRMAN { AEPLY TO: . ? TERRY L. VIRTA JOBEPH L. SHIELY��, JR. �� k �,� VICE-CHAIRMAN � �^ E%ECUTIVE SECRETARY MRS. RICHARD F. �UNT p �� �'� � ���� 3ECRETARY � DARRELL BUTTE�WICK �� �� ARNDT DUVALL �fs � ' � DAVID GURROLA I � HOWARD GUTHMAPIIN � � � MRS. ROBERT MICHAELS 6 ��,.n MRS. B. LEE RULLI�AAN � %�. � ,%� TIMOTHY P. QUINNI � �-��„'�. DR, FREDRIC R. STEINHAUSER ADOLF T. TOBLER •. � �' • � � ����.,.,,....,„,,.,, fv1AYOR THOMAS R.IBYRNE COMPTROLLER JO�EPH J. MITCHELL �oMM�55�oNER �AM�ES�. oA����SH LONG-RANGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET COMMITTEE 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 TELEPHONE 223-4151 February 25, 1969 Hon� rable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor and Honorable City Council Members Cit of Saint Pau1 Cit Ha11 and Court House Sai t Paul, Minnesota 55102 Hon�rable Sirs: The �ILong-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee has, at the request of the Public Works Department, reviewed the Capital Improvements Budget for 1967 and recammends the reallocation of "Restrictive Use" account funds and cert�ain other changes to the aforesaid budget: 11.. (Project Number P-352) EDGCUMBE ROAD - Fairview to Jefferson Avenue. Recommend that $15,813.93 be transferred from Public Works 1967 "Restricted Use" account to project P-352. 1i2. (Project Number P-194A) MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. - Dayton Avenue to Pelham B1vd. (Incl. M-290, Marshall Avenue at Mississippi River B1vd.) - fo�nerly known as MARSHALL AVENUE at Mississippi River B1vd. bridge. Reconanend adding $86,063.43 from 1967 "Restricted Use" account for a total 1967 allocation of $198,663.43 to P-194A. �i3. (Project Number S-1217B) OXFORD-CENTRAL STORM SYSTEM-ContractB. Rec-� ommend that $91,717.00 be transferred from Public Works 1967 "Restrict- ed Use" account to project 5-1217B. The bove recommendations are requests for a totalof $193,594.36 from the Pub- lic orks 1967 "Restricted Use" account to active projects� in addition the fo11 ing actions are recommended: 1. (Project Number 5-974) PARK-MAGNOLIA RELIEF SYSTEM - (formerly Park Street-Sycamore Street to Jessamine Avenue) recornmend that $35,300.00 be transferred to S-974 from 5-1270 with an allocation of $11,200.00 and S-1254 with an allocation of $24,100.00. +$35,'30,0.00 't : �� - � �' � ,,..;r,,: � �`�°'.�� �I � .� ., +� , i . - . . . ► -2- 2. (Project Number 5-1270) FOREST STREET - Margaret Street to East Fifth Street, delete as above -$11,200.00 3. (Project Number S-1254) MYRTLE AVENUE - Glendale Street to Cromwell Street delete as above. -$24,100.00 A17J of the above requests affect only moneys previously allocated to the Publlic Works Department and they do not affect the total appropriations for 1967 in any way. Sincerely, ..� �..� �,� , '��-.- �� Terry L. Virta Executive Secretary 'TI,V�j d cc: IlRobert 0'Connell i i i � Feb. 26, 1�69 i ( � ; � � � ' � 7 � ( ; � r.._ __—� I __ �. ---_ � , , Mr. I JOSeph P. autr�rtler�, ,'`� Car�oratiora Counsel. ,%� `J Deas� Sirs ��� '� /' ! i � ` The Councia requ�sts th� �ou p `�re �h� necessar.y resc�lution concurrin� in the a.ctior� i�Loz�;-F�an�� Capit�.l Improvement nud��-t; Lommitte�r chat�,ec in the 1967 Capital Tm��'�ovement T3u��et 1'csr t���3,�3c��ork��partment as 13.ated ix� tiheir a�tached lette�✓ � �� �,� � � �� � '� � ° � � Very truly yours, i � ,f _�� ��,�-_.._.�-''r �_.___..�' Ci�� Cl�rk � 0 h� i� a / � , � , ; f �� , l ; �� � l ,, . , �,� % �---- �./ _.� . � ` � � a � `J�l! CATE TO PY�INTEF .�,��-���1�'� - CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER i DATF i T�i'S��',V��D� �3y tl�e �:oun�cil a� the C3ty a� :�aiglt �'�.�i1, upan re�ommendatioax of the titiuint 1'auI Long–I�an�e �;apita3. Improvement Buc�get Cornmitte, t}�at th� E;a��ital �uiproveuaent Eud�et �or t�ie Citsy o� SaYnt .�'aul for 1967� as hereto�'ore �.do��ted by tiiis Co�a�cil �,�.ce �s �,rn�n�led, is herel�y �urth�r �m;:nc:�a in t�e �'o�.�la�,�in� p�.rticular� ; :�.. Th�,t �hc�e be tru.nsf�rrec� fro�a tY�e 1�67 k'uillic Works "I#,el�trictive ':7�e" ace�unt to the Ed cun�l�e F�oa – �a ' � c� P �.rva.et� to �e��i�erson r�venue I'�oject �he au�t o� �y1�,81�. 93; `?. �Ii`71; t��ere tue tr�nsf�rre� �rom the 1�67 I'ui�lic ���o�ks '�Ixe��r�etiv�� �1se" t�.eco�.�r��t ta the l�.tississsippi l�.iver �lvd, – t)�,��or� 1"�:v�e �t,o �'el��azn i�lvc� . 1�'ro�jeet� t�xe �ezm o:� �hr�Ei��)f�3.���, ��� � �� to�:�,Z 19�1 �allor;�tior� of ��1�E�,56>.�.y; >, T�;.w-t tBaer� l�e tr�.xasferred �ror�i th� 1961 3u:�li¢; ��or��s °'*�estrietive �Jse" aceount to t�.� �x�orcl–Gezzt,al �tar;n Se,���r �oz��raet �3 �'�^r�je�c�t t�ie sxasn a� y�`��.,717.G0; ^iz��i Ili u� i�� 3{��;sT���::,a�; i��,:��3LV��`�:� 'i'I��t ttie �;ranslers �iezein.a�,ove ;�Q�t :Eortii, i? ;, �.�� t�a� tot�.� �.s�ount o� ,;;1����91�. �6 tire �'ro,� �rz� �sui�l.ic "..c�rls� 1��7� �,t:stricti�c �se 2ecou�at to �I�e; ��ove caY�tZOYS.�;d l�r�?jects, �nc� t�o ;�o� ���'�'ect t�:ie to�;al ::il,�ro�s�ia�tioY�s rc�r t�zr� ��}C�7 �3taci�et i�i a�.y O'�I:iG'JC' a:.��Y�.ner; �.nd be ii� r�JttTl�,k"? I'I:St���VL�, `�'hat in :.�dc�itioYa �tc� t?�e a:�oresai� ��rwzx�f'e.rs, t►i+� �o�.�ow�.n, tr�nsfer� c�:� �unds in �;��� i`;is�7 t;a�it�l 3�.�;?rov��nailt B�zd�c;'G ?ae carriod ou�t: �. Th�t th�re be tr�zns:�erred :�ro:� tize �.11acation �or �'saresit Street – Aiar;axet Stree� to i��.st P�.fth �treet the sum o:£ "'��'�1',1,20�. 0�, �a�d from t�ie allocatian. �or i�yrtle �tvexa�.e – Glenci�z�e Stre�t to Cromwe�l Street tiie su;n of ��24, 100.00, a tot�al of �3�,300.OU, to �'arl�–ri�agnolia l�elie� Sys�te� 1'ra� ec�t (�Porm'�rly �ar1� �treet–Sycamore Street to Jessamine Avex�ue� ; COUNCILII�EN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �i Dalglish�i Approvec� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku 'i � Mayor Tedesco 'i - A gainat Mr. President, B�rne �� CATE TO P I NTER ����` /�1�" . �, CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`E COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I55I ON Elt—i DATF FAr,(' `�. - � .. T�larra et �treet to _�a.s�t �'i�th ;�tree-� 2. �'�resi, ..�tre�t �, r , �vi �tn allocataQn a� �a11 200.00 - de:lete saic� �'roj�et from t�ie � 19 7 33ud�;et, t�ae ��rajeut h�lvi�g been. aA�anclonec� �� a iaa:rt o:� tl�� 1�67 CaZ�i�al Tm�rovement� �3udget; 3. �l��tle �venz�e — G1�nda,Ie Street ta Cxoinwell ��reet �'��ij�c�t, c�rit;� �.:�.�.ocata,on o:� 4�:�"��, �.00.00 – delet� s�ic� 1'roject #ra�n t�A�e �.°�6'� I3ud�;et, t��e sa��ae liaving been �.�aai�doned �:�� :a g�ar°t o� ',t�ae 1�6'1 Ga,iaa�al Ir���rove�nents I3tac�.get ; _� ai�c�i u� it rIN.t1LLY 1�:��SO�,Vi;�J� Th�at ttte a.l�ove aiaiend��ac�nts� �:�:�'ecting onll mone s _r.eviausly ap�ro�ri�.tecl to the i'u�lic �dorl�s Y P De,3�r�cment� t;�ie tatal �ppro�riztions for the �.�6'7 Crapit<:cl Tr����av�r.�cr�� I32.ac�ge�; �.re not a��eetec�i in �,ny way. . � . �n�s�,''J � �,�v� • .,t�R e,.J Ado ted b the Council 19� COUNCIL 11V�EN P Y Yeas Nays - ��+ ' � ,:;, . Carlson I Dalglishl� ' ) Approved 19— Mexeditli / 7n Favor Peterson! Sprafku '; Mayor C,j A gainst Tedesco �, Mr. President, B3rrne � � O