242483 / ' 24�43�� ORIGINAL TO\Y�rr •LERiCt � � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C UNCIL R TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY I COMMISSIONE DATF I RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon rec mmendation of the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Bud et Committee , that the Capital Improvement Budget for the Cit of Saint Paul for 1g68, as heretofo re adopted by this Cou cil and as amended, is hereby further amended in the following particulars : 1. That there �e transferred from the �g68 Public Works "Restrictive Use" account to the Maryland-Brainerd Relief Systlem Project the sum of �28,,760; 2. That there be transferred from the Public Works "Res�trictive Use" account to the Hamline-Como Storm System Proj�ct the sum of �21,690; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the aforesaid transfersreflect onlyllmoney previously allocated to the Public Works Department and o not affect the total appropriations for the Capital Impr vement Budget for ig68 in any other manner. �R APP �p � / s Corporation Cour�sel I � � a 1969 COUNCILN�EN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas II Nays �� � ���� Carlson Dalgliah j Approved 19— Meredith n Favor Petersonl Spra.fku II Mayor �gainst Tedesco Mr. President, By}rne �e�isHE� �1AR 1� ���� � I ' �' 1 (- ��" � � �SAMUE� H.MORGA��N � � RE7LY TO: 3 CHAIRMAN � ���� F�� TERRY L. VIRTA JOSEPH L. SHIELYI, JR. „ �,,� VICE—CHAIRMAN ° �' �" �y EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MRS. RICHARD F. �UNT f{ a��,� �: SECRETARY �3 � � DARRELL BUTTE�WICK fi} s ARNDT DUVALL ��� � �� DAVID GURROLA g t,� �'�"0�.,� � HOWARD GUTHMAN�IN =, i� '�� MRS. ROBERT MIC�AELS 'E -° � x �6 MRS. B. LEE RULL�}AAN � s, s t„�3. TIMOTHY P. QUINNJI � � ¢�y�,° DR, FREDRIC R. S 1IEINHAUSER _ ADOLF T. TOBLER ,—. � #"� . �"�� Yv1AYOR THOMAS R.IBYRNE COMPTROLLER JO�EPH J. MITCHELL �oMM�55�aNER �AMiES�. oA����SH LONG-RANGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET COMMITTEE 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 TELEPHONE 223-4151 February 25, 1969 Th� Honorable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor and Me�bers of the City Council Ci y of Saint Paul Ci y Hall and Courthouse Sa nt Paul, Minnesota 55102 Ger�t 1 emen: Th Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee has, at the request of the Public Works Department, reviewed the Capital Improvement Budget for 1968 and recommends the reallocation of specified amounts of the 196 Public Works "Restrictive Use" account: 1. �I (Project Number 5-1250) MARYLAND-BRAINERD RELIEF SYSTEM IlRecommend the transfer of $28,760 from the "Restrictive Use" account. 2. I (Project Number S-1306) HAirff�INE-COMO STORM SYSTEM �IRecommend the transfer of $21,690 fram the 1968 "Restrictive Use" laccount. Thelabove requests affect only money previously allocated to the Public Wor s Department and they do not affect the total appropriations for 196 in any way. Sincerely, � /��/✓/`''�(, v � Terr . Virta Y Executive Secretary TLV:�p'g r cc: Mr. Robert 0'Connell E �� : .;� �:; � �'. , � , � l� � I � �V i i i � Feb. 26, .1969 i I 4 I � ti � I , � -...______1 � 4� -�...�.. � . -.�._�_...\ Mr.�i Joseph P. Sumimer�, �`�``., Cor(poration Counsel.. ���� '�f� Dea� Sir• ' �" '\� . . � i� � The Couzyeil requests t you e�are the nec�ssa.ry resblution concurring in the actio Long-Range Capital Imp�ovement BudgEt C�mmitteg.�qr cha e in the 196�3 Capital Imp�ovemen�t Budget for t,�r�j�, Work`�,�partment as Iisted in �heix attaclaed lettey� �,� j � � er}r truly ynurs, . _ ---.� - - _._� �/�'� Ci�y� Cl.erk � 1 AO�k�p ( � i �, � 1\,�. / �\'�,� ;',/ _.,�� i . ny oe DUPLICATE TO PI�INTER J� j;��`,Jr.� CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER I� DATF + �tESOLVED, i3y the Co��nefi o� t�ie City of Saint Paul, upan re�cl'pm�aendation o� the Saint i'auI Long—R�n�e Capital Itnpravement �3ucl�et Cammitteo, th�tt the Ca�ital Improvement 13udget for the �it of �aint !'aul far 1968, as heretofore adopted �y this Cou�ieil and as �mencled, is here�iy further amended in the fol�owin�; particulars : 1. That there be transferred �rom thQ 1965 g'ublic ��orlcs "Re�trictive Use" account to the Tylaryland—f�rainerd Ftelief Sys�ein Yroject t;�e sum of �28,760; 2. T�at tn�re be transferred fro� t�se �'u�lic �vorks "I?e�trictive Us�" �,ecoun� ta the H�mlin+e—Como Sto�n Sy�te�. .�ro,�cct tlie su� o:� �?1,690; and be it FUIiTII�:3� IiiI::3ULVED� That the a�ore�aid tr��ns�ers rc;fleet onI r,aone reviousl allooated to the b t�t a �' y p y Put ].ie orlss Dep rtme�t ai7d �do not a��'ec� the total €�ppropri€:tions for the Capital I�pziovement liudget �or 1�68 in any other m�nner. . ,� . ����� ��,�,,t;. �:���' .. COUNCILI4�EN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , ;-� Carlson', Dalgliah�� , � Approved 19— Mereditl� Tn Favor Peterao� Mayor Sprafku �i ":< Against Tedesco �i � Mr. President, B�rne � � O