242477 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. f� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � O CIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 466.08, Minnesota Statutes 19 3, and upon delivery to the Corparation Counsel of a release approved by him, Philip A. 0'Neill be paid $60.67 out af the Tort Liability Fu�d 0035-421, in full settlement of claim for damages and injuries su tained as a result of an accident on January 21, 1969, with Vernon P1 kers, fireman, while in the performance of his offici�l duties. �0 qp 0 ED ` �, �atia� Cew+�1 NiAR � 1969 COUNCI MEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlso �: ���� Dalgli h Approved �� 19— Mered th � Tn Favor Peters n ' Spra u � Mayor A gainst Tedes o PUBLISHE� �AR � �96� Mr. President, Byrne � DYJPLtCATE TO PR,NTER �����9� CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nci� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER � DATF RE50LVED, that �ursuant to Sectian 46G.OS i��a.nnosota Statutes . 1��3, and u�a�n �l�livexy to the Corpaxa�Cion Counsel of a release approvecl by'�hi.m, Philip A. �'1Vei11 be paid �60.b7 out of the Tort Liability Fur1d �035-421, in iu11 set�Cl�ient of clair� fox da�agas and injuries su�tai.ned as a result o� an acci�3ent on January 21, 19b9, witl� Vernon I'7.alrtkers, cirem�n, r�t�zil,e :;.n t�3e per£ornlance o�E liis o.ffic�l. duties. , I ,F .;:� "'s��a�f .�r � COUNCILlI�[EN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas I 1�Tays Carlson II - r''`pl �,� Dalglish! j Approver� 19_ ; Mereditltr _,�n Favor Petersor� � Mayor Sprafku i �' Tedesco � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne i �