242470 OR161NAL TO CITY CL IRK }• � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� 1O - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. - COUNCIL SO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ictor J. Ted.esco March 6, 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF I WHEREAS, the City Architect has requested. the City Council to hold a publ'c hearing to consid.er the advisability and. necessity of the correction or wreck'ng and removal of the single family frame dwelling at 722 Joy Street ("New File. " more particularly d.escribed. as Lot 2, Block 2, Cox's Second Addition, becau�e said build.ing is reported. to constitute a hazard.ous structure, and. WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record. owner of the property is Clara iKuehn; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held. by and before the Council of the C'�ty of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court House in said city at 10 a,r�, on Tuesd.ay, March I8, 1969, to consid.er the ad.visability and. necessity of or�ering the correction or wrecking and. removal of the structure on the above d.escr'bed. property because said structure is reported. to constitute a hazardous build.i.kng and. a hazard to public health, safety and. .welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Coun il, notify by mail the record owner of the property in question at the last know�i ad.dress, as well as other interested. persons of record, of the d.ate and. time jof the hearing. . - � 1969 MHt� COUIVICILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays , ���� Ca�lson � D�lglish pproved 19__ M�redith ? Tn Favor P�terson • Ma or S�rafka � y A gainst T�deaco Mr. Presic�ent, Byrne PUBLISHE� MAR 8 1969 � O DUPLICATB TO PRINT6R ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0. ` �'�i- L�'�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER} �1Ct0�' .T. Tedesco DATE March 6, 1969 WHE]R.EAS the Cit Architect ha� � , y regue ted the City Council to hold a pul�lic hearing to considex the advisability and necessity of the correction or vvrecking and removal of fi�.is si�ngle family Frame dwelling at 722 3oy'Stree� ("New File.',"j more particularTy deecxibed ae Zat 2, 731ock 2, Cox's Second�Addition, beca�ise aaid building is repoxted to constitute a hazardous strueture, and WHEREAS, it �.ppears that the last known record ovcmer af the property is � Clara� I�uehn; therefore, be i,t RE50LVED, that a public hea.rin� be hetd by and befare the Council of the Cl�t of Sain� Paul, in the Cauncil Chamber of the Court Hause in �aid cit at � y Y 10 a,r{:�, on Tueaday, 1�!larch 18, 1969, to consider the adei.sability and neces�ity of orderinb the correction or wrecking a.nd reanoval of the etructure on the above descr�bed property bec�.uee said structure ia reported to constitute a hazardous buildi�.g and a hazard to public health, sa£ety and �Telfare; be it FURTHER RESQLVE�, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Coune�.l, notify by maii the record owner of the praperty in que�tion at the last � known'�addrese� aa we11 as other interested pereons of record, of the date and time o� the hearing. , „ � a4� , � 'S��-3'�� ��^ ���t�1� . '�° COUNCILII��'IEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays li ,:_:; Carlson i - Dalglishl Approved � 19—_ MereditH � Tn Favor Peterson'� Sprafka �� n Mayor Tedesco I A Sainst ; Mr. President, Byrrne ���"�-�. TIl I -� '`�.,,,,�,.i��..- � ..,� .,��rt.,,{ , ".�� f..� r 'v -:._... � � ' '�,��� �'�` . �? 65 i i