242458 ' 242458 � ORIGINAL TO CITY C RK • � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL Nd. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL/�SO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF WHEREAS, In the matter of the group insurance program now established for Saint Paul City employees group insured under policies with The Minnesota Mutual Life Insu rance Company, insurer, Policy No. 365379-G, in effect prior to January 1, i969, because of unfavorable mortality experience during said year dividends have failed to accumulate as rapidly as in p evious years , leaving a balance in the dividend account of �3,711.67 as of Januaryl, ig69; and WHEREAS� The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Gompany, in i s letter of February 17 , 1g6g addressed to Commissioner Robe t F. Peterson, Chairman of the City' s Health and Welfare and Insurance Committee , a copy of which is hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference, recommends to this Coun il, said recommendation being concurred in by the Gity' s Heal h and Welfare and Insurance Committee , that this Council leav the accumulated dividends in the aforesaid amount of �3,711.6'7 with the said Minnesota Mutual Life In.surance Company at 6 percent interest, and that no distribution from said divi end account be made at this time ; now, therefore,be it � RESOLVED� That the Council hereby determines that the � afor said amount of accumulated dividends , in the sum of ' r► �3,7 1.67, be left on deposit, with The Minnesota Mutual Life � Insu ance Company, and that no distribution of said balance � � in s id account be made for 1g69; and be it � � ��` � � FURTHER RESOLVED� That the City Clerk be and he is p here y directed to prepare a certified copy of this Resolution � and eliver the same to The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance � _ Comp ny without unnecessary delay. ... ,� M�t � 1969 COUNCI MEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � � ��s� Carlso Dalgli h Approve 19— Mered th � � _�n Favor Peters n ' Spr u C� Mayor Tedes Against Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� IMAR 81969 �� , �� . .�� � �����,�.����' . � � 24�458 � �� � � �� �'�' �� �, THE MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Victory quare • 345 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, lblinnesota 55101 • Telephone 224-5544 Area 612 Feb uary 17, 1969 . Mr. obert Peterson, Chairman Health and Welfare Committee " Cit of Saint Paul Sai t Pault Minnesota , GROU LIFE POLICY N0. 365379-G • Dear Mr. Peterson: � No d vidend was earned on this policy for the policy year Janvary 1� 1968 " to J nuary 1, 1969. The premium for this period was $62,892.42. The " atta hed claim list summarizes the $54,750.00 in clai.m losses. With our nor 1 expense charges, no dividend is available. The tatus of the dividends left at interest accouat is summarized below. Alth ugh the total, $3,711.67 is almost 6°!a of the prernium received for the � year we do not recommend it be disbursed at this time. We would svggest that it be held at interest in anticipation of paying a dividend next year. Balance January 1, 1968 $3,551.84 Interest to January 1, 1969 at 41% 159.83 • Balance Janvary 1, 1969 $3,711.67 If y u have any questions, please let us know. Sinc rely, � (�.:t-r'" ,t L� ;':�Z�'',Z;�v� .John C. Goossen, Manager Grou Policyholder Benefits . � JCG: lb Enc. . r. J City of Saint Paul 365379-G Death Claims Name Date of Death Amount � Gra t J. Willinger 2- 4-68 $5,000 Jo.s ph J. Kramer 2- 8-68 1,000 Roy M. Dieckman 2-13-68 2,000 � Leo ard C. Peterson 2-12-68 2,000 Arc ie C. Hines 3- 6-68 2,000 How rd M. Jurgensen 3-30-68 4,000 Joh R. Arras 5-20-68 5,000 Fra k Malaski 6- 1-68 1,000 Geo ge H. Nelson 7- 3-68 1,000 Eug ne E. Englund 7-29-68 3�000 . Joh M. Schultz 8-19-b8 1�000 Wal er A. Scott , 9-14-�8 1�000 Jos ph A. Stockton 9-20-68 3,000 Ted D. rfosio 12-24-b8 3,000 Tota $34,000 Disability Claims Roy . Dieckman -$1�500. Arch e C. Hines - I�500 Arma Holm � ' 3,750 Edwi Tague 3,750 Jose h E. Bordeaux 750 Jose h �deidner 7,500 � �ill am Yankovec - 750 Jero e E. Bielke 7,500 - Mich el Conrin " 750 Total ' $20,250 !Y�' ' � • _ 2 _ AD �C D Name Amount .� Lewi Sanders 500 Tota $ 500 Tota Claims � $54,750 . 4 ;:t,�rCll ri y �_��C� I�� 1 � ; I ! ��I - -�__...� j `'`----_-----___ � r�9.nneso�a ;�i�it�z�1 2�iP'e I�su�ance Co. �`���V � !+� Ced�,r St, �'"~�'� `�,,� ��t. Paul� Minn. r � �, � � % ;entletnen: � < ;��� �,'�, ,� ; .Lhe Ci.ty Coun�i.'. d�.r�cter� me to\s c�yo�� the ene�l_c�sc�d c�r�ti:f'x�<� c�pY of C�.�cTnc�_3_ i 7.1e '��:°-�-'•-��+5��, d�nt��1 iv;t�rch S, 1�Ei9, b,y the 2- City Council, pert���i'Xr`irr t� �umcxl tsc� ditYfdends in eonnec�i.�n w th 11fe insuranc�/�ro�ram b �� keo`� on deposit t��i.th your C` m�any, �s m�r_-e f�u�,l_v �?esexib in the rc�snlutinn. � `� , � � � V�ry tru1�� ,y�urs, ,-----� � `� _ : ���-_�: ����,�.__..�--� j f ri ,r � (� G�ity CZerk 't, � � l � f I �., A_ , ;j%