242455 ORI�INAL TO CITY C eRK � 242455 CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�E NC�� NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U�1 L RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE � DATF RESOLVED, By the Gouncil of the Gity of Saint Paul, hat the proper Gity officers are hereby authorized and irected to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, greement between the City and the County of Ramsey con— cerning the operation and maintenance of seven (7) City playgrounds, as more particularly set forth in said agreement. FOR APPROV Ca'Dor� ' Cou NIA�i � 1969 COUNC LMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carl on �1�R � 1�69 Dal iah pprove� 19— Mer ith �n Favor Pete son ' Spr a � Mayor Ted sco Against Mr. Preside t, Byrne PUBLISHE� �R 8 1969 �O .. � � • ' ���y'� � ��aeaa+r�' l�+v�. Ei�VY� ..► �r� rm+�i�.a� " St. Paul, Minn., File No. 1895 - Resolution 9-9587 No. • . � , �• _ March 3 19�69 . ; The attentio of"�ictoY Tedesco,Comm.of Parka&Playgrounds; , , .�,; ' � � ; County A�ditor, Attention Mr. Peters; .. . . . . ; , ie reepectful called to tbe following Resolntion of the Board of County CommIesionera of Itameey ; � � , County, Min eeota� adopted at the meeting held on March 3, 1969 , ;' ' By Commis oner Nadeau i : ;;;: SOLVED That the Board of Ramsey County Comnissionera hereby approves ' + an-ag eement between the County of RAmsey and the City of St. Paul, whereby ' �' the C unty ehall pay to the City $19,040.40 Co cover the opezation and main- ,,� tenan e of aeven (7) playgrounds by Che City of St. Paul with the provision � � � � '��� that hould Che City between February 17, 1969 through May 19, 1969 receive addit onal sums from the State of Minnesota or from other sources, for the opera ion of the said seven (7) playgrounds the City shall reimburse the ; � ..�� Count from such additional sums received, and Be It Further ' ;; SOLVED ThaC the proper •County Officials are authorized to�execute � .. said greement. �. ,. , , ' 1. i . ;i � , . � � . ;. . , • � j � . � ; _ . _ . , � _ ; i . _ j , . , ,,, : , ; � - I • . t , ' i i ', I' , _ � � � I I . • � I t � � . TfIONlAS J. KEI.T.EY. County Aucl�tt � .c1 z�-�.cJ . ___.._..._.. _ ,. .. . . _..��, _�,..__..._.._. .,r..........�.....�,.. ...�_.� ..�_.,:,. Fa"S�'TL�^�,! DUPLICATE TO PRINTER . CITY OF ST. PAUL ��ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF Ti�.SOLV��, By the �ouncil o�' the City of Saint Paul, tha the praper City officers are hereby authorized and di ected to execute, on behalf o� the City of Saint Paul, ag eement between the Cit3� and the Caur�.ty o� Ramsey con- ce ning the operation and maintenanee of seven (7) City pl ygrounds, aa more particu2ar].y set �'orth in saic� ag eeme�t. '.���� `�� ���,�s COUNCIL N Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays ��+, ;�. Carlso Dalglis Approve� 19— Meredi h ^� ^;_sn Favor Peters n Mayor Spraf u C% pgainst Tedes Mr. President, Byrne O - • . , 0 AGRE�MENT ' THIS AGREEr1ENT, made and enterecl into this ay of ��°� � - �;,;� , lg6g, by and bel;ween the ounty of Ramsey, hereinafter referred to as "County" , and he City of Saint Paul , hereinafter referred to as "City" , oth acting pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 471 . 59. WITNESSETIi: WHEREAS, Because of a reduction in its 1969 budget , � he Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings of the City of Saint Paul will shut down the operation of seven (�) playgrounds ; and WHEREAS, An emergency exists by reason of the threatened s ut down of these important Recreational facilities ; and WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners has i dicated a willingness to assist the City in, meeting this e ergency� by joining with the City in the continuance of t is activity; and � WHEREAS, The County may participate with the City by a thority of Minnesota Statutes , Section 471. 59, which p ovides that the County and City may, by agreement, jointly p rticipate in this activity; and WHEREAS, Funds may later be made available to cover the c st of providing these playground services by a legislative act or from other sources , in which instances the County of Ra sey should be reimbursed �or its share; and - WHERFAS, Nineteen Thousand Forty and 40�100 Dollars (� 9,040. 40) is available in the County ftecreation General � Fu d, which should be set aside in a special account for th s purpose; . . . . . . .._. _ .. . . .. . . . . _ . __. ._ _ _. . . .. . . ..r.......,.._, . 0 NOW, TFIERrFORE, IT IS AGR�Lll by and between the County a ci the City as follows : . 1. The City shall operate and maintain the following playgrounds located in the City of Saint Paul for the period from February 17, 196g, througll May 19, 1969; Eastvie�a Recreation Center Prosperity Heights Recreation Center Lock�aood Recreation Center Northciale Recreation Center � Griggs Recreation Center South St. An�hony Recreation Center Linwood Recreation Center. 2. The City shall operate and maintain. . the playgrounds for the mutual benefit of the public and the governments of the City and the � County during the term set out above. The City will provide necessary equipme�t, per— sonne�. and supervision for the maintenance an.d operation of the above—listed playgrounds . 3. The County shall pay to the City the sum of �19, 040. 40 by auditor' s warrant , and the City shall be responsible for disbursing the money to appropriate expense items, in accordan.ce with the purpose of this agreement. The City will account for the receipt and disbursemen.t of the funds provided herein in the usual manner of public accounting for other City funds. A report will be •provided . to the County Board and the City Council itemizing the expenditures hereunder. • 4. That in the event City should, between February 17 , 1969, through May 19, 2 . s . , . . � . , � , r V 1g69, receive aclditional sums froru the State of DTinnesota or from other sources for the operation of the above seven playgrouncis, the . City shall reimburse the County from such additional sums received. 5. This agreement shall terminate on May lg, 1g69. BOAR,D F COUNTY C iMI SIONERS , pproved as to form B nd execution y ' . Chairman � �.111�'�Viri` J. ��._�v��� , t,�i.lnty fli�tif�ui, �� • ssistant County Attorney � ,, � c:r �� Count CHIE PUfY . "h � �.$ � ttz a 1:�tA,� `� 1C`,r,� ,. ';3'r/ �3�1F'',;�i) �°r,n��RS � L(,.�I�.ih��l {✓�l��e�1��..�.Yv���` CITY OF SASNT PAUL A prode ' as to form � � � BY � � �� � .#�', _,�. � �°�. .��,- Mayor A s�s�a,nt Corporati,�n�Counsel 1..� � t Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings A proved as to form and City Clerk . e ecution this day o , lg6g. Countersigned: A sistant Corporation Counsel City Comptroller . 3 _ ' ,