242453 ORI6f�1AL TO CIT CLHRK 2424�3 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL L TION�E RAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE DATF WH�,REAS, In the �atter of Coe+ptrollerts Contract L-7090 for constructing the T, CLAIR-ST. ALBANS SB�1ER RbIACATION, Lametti & Sons, Inc., Contractor, the pecified date of completion is February 28, 1969, and WHEREAS, The Contractor has encoantered unforseen diffictilties, and he was nable to complete the contract by said date of completion; therefore be it R&SOLVED, That the proper Cfty Officials be and they are herebq authorized and irected to execute sn a�encia�ent to said contract extendi�g the time af comp etion to March 21, 1969, provided however, that this resolution shall have no f rce or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and ile such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTHBR RBSOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all claie for liqu dated da�ages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project � will e charged to the Contractor for �uch extended period. v�' I � MAR 5 1969 COUNCI MEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carls n �� � ��6g Dalgl h prove 19—_ Mere ith � Tn Favor Peter on ' Spraf a J Mayor Tedes o A gainst Mr. Preaident Byrne '�(j���{� �R 8 �96� O K` DUPU�ATE TO PRI CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� N�, Q `�����--� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY dblX'� E. eterson DAT� COMMISSIONE ItgAS, '�n the m�attaar og Coispt�lier'e Contract L-709p for constructing the . CLAIR-ST. ALBA�S STW81t REI�DCATIEJki, La�et�i & Sons, Inc.. Con�rac�or, the e cified date of cc�pl�tion ta �'ebruaxy 28, 1g69, and ,AS, The Cc��ntractor ha� e�icc>unt�red unfozseen difficulties, and he wa�s u sble ta coaiglete tbe contrss� by said date of coApietion, there�nre be it S4LdED, Th�t the pacoper Gitq Officiala be� eml tbey a�;e� h�x��y �authoxi�ed and d re�ted to e�secufie ar� amend�aor►t ta said cantxact exLend�ng th� t3�e af co�pi tion Co l�areh 2�, 1969a provided k�wevez, that thiB reeolurion si�ll hev� no fo ce or af�ect unie�� the �sureties on the Cantractar's bond cdaaent thereta and f le such cc+n�ent �.n wz�it3ng with Cha City Comptrc�ller, and be it RT�R R�t?LVBD, Tlutt �he �ity of Saint Prwl hereby wsive� ali alai� for liqui ated dam�ge�a and tlu►t no engineer3ng and tz»peeetian coste arn tk�is p�j�et �ill e cherged to the Contractor for such extended peric+d. l���7{ � �;���� COUNCIL N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �-i� �'"' .:. Dalglis �`� Approved I 19-- Meredit _:"_In Favor ', Peterso Sprafka � Mayor A gainst ' Tedeaco ' Mr. President, yrne O