242442 � � .. 24��2 . �- � ' '' =CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE N0. . � R lution Ratifying and Confirming By -- ° Co mnation and Awards of Damages File No._ �7�;� and Assessment Therefor , x ���I ��,,. ��` r. --�'d� _ . ` . : . . , ... � -�_�� - -- — - -----.— s-' �� opening, wideni.n�, and �xr.�acir�i.*�;�, Hzewster St. to a width of 60 ft. � from N. Sn lling Av�. ra b41 ft . wesi:-,:1 ; r: ;v, tiamline� Ave. , by taking and condemn- ' ing for st eet purpose.s a strip of: �-�;�c: � ) r r. , ;>> widT.h, tlie center line of said - Strip is d scribed as f'o?1o:,�s ; cem ,t ,�,�,.; ; � :j ,���int on th� south line of thP north 970.61 ft. of the NW�r;, 5ec . 27, T��*xnsl�.:4, :"'�;�, Gt�ngc� 23, �i74 ft. west of the east line of said NW ; thence wE•ster.y or t_i,t• �:-� � - .t`, :r inc� of the north 470.61 ft. a distance of 577 ft, thence nort:}i�,*est:erlv or. c3 c�,� ;.�� ;.�7 ti��� ri�k�t t��ving a radius of 500 fC . and a ceni al ang1P of. ].6°, a cisr.a�,r` c>i" 1�s�, �:,:; fr. . ; thPnc.e northwesterly tangent to said curve a distance rf: 137 .4�i +. t. . ; t.t��: fcf:a ��+�x•±:h�;rraterly on a curve to the left havinQ a radius o 500 �t. �az�� a renrr.al �r,�;<�r ;�f 1�' , �z �i.stancf� o£ 139.E3 ft. ; thence �•:esterly t a point on the ir.r.er��c•cc_a.r,�+ �;�� �.��� -�,���ter.ly 1i_ci� of N. Snelling Ave. ar,d the south ine of th� 1��, f�9� ;�t, o',' .,.r,; �,,,_<, �1ti';, ;;caction �7; also opening, widPning and extend ng W. J�SSa�r�i�ne Avca , tc� �. w;��t` %�i �C) fr... fram r3. Hamline Ave. Co 701 ft . wc�sterly b_ t.�ki.n� and condemninQ fcz �t �-� ��z r,�.,rp�,sE�� Ch� sorith 60 Ft. of rhe wc•st 701 f:* . of the c�ast ;�4 Et. of �iie �:z. '. :�f ri�c� t�r�l'�;, ,c:c. ?7, Township 29, Range 23; also openi g, widei�ing and ext��r.di�r.sa -S , r'��1� !;�;�rt ;t . frc�m r.hr propc�sed opening a,of � � Brewster S , to t:h� ptc�posed or>eni_"� c� : ;,:,; ,;�,�:i.r�� e�vr. , t�v tr3kin� ac?d condemni.ng - th� west 6 ft . ot t.he c����,t 7{4 +�4 . ^+: . P`F:' i' rh,.. iV;a`, S�e. ''1.7y Township 29, Range� '�3 lying, betw��ay1 t;t�a= �rapcsed opF�i��it �� �:�'' �* -�-r!��:,t :�r• ;t: . at��� 4,�, ;I�ssamine Ave. � �'�I�a, c.c�nde�rriin� a�,cl t-:;b � :? �,; ,-.7;an.�n� Er�s�rn�nr. `�0 feet in wi.drh tor thca pur�a::e �af �onstruct.�ing anci i,a �Zt x��� r�F�s :� ;..u�;�;� ir r;c�wc.r on� ��ndvr, tY:rou�;h ,anci .��cr�?ss�: � ',>tri.p U� �..�ill� jl:) f„.k'4:: 1T1 �i:a.i�ktt . i�1C C�'.::`.?'.f'Y" :. 7.11,�_' (){; Si3.i � f'�;if:�Q�'0f21Zt being F��L .� t:F?(?t wc:st c�t the wE:�t l,i.nr, of`. Norr,.h �aa�r�:li���� ,�,ta ,�ur.� ��'.$) a�s.t.��t�dinh, 350 f�et s�uth r.,f: ci��� ' ' sc��itiA li.nr,� ,t r•},e �E4 c:,;" t.hc> ��W�, of ��.c r.;i,�n :77, i�a�a�tih:i� 2`�, Range 23; saici �as�.�r�,,t: necessa:�y t the c�r�s�*�i.��ta.,�•��Z nf the ' ??.�'a"iL��NF: APJ;:NUt? ST�RM ;�E`'�T�;R, CONTRA�:T r1." _ 1Q�IILIIIBQ y Ln� signazure oi tine t�vmmis�iouer ui r���az�a,c auu �.��.�.� µ �„�v-...,�s,�� - �- p - ��u=au ciac�a�atu.`S�(7i damages o the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be a d the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resol ed further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, a d the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. .Be-' r eso ve , a e M — — equa . CO NCILMEN Ye� C rf ;: i Nays � �� 1969 � ��°`�'� Adopted by the Council�_�, ere�;ith -- P terso�+ Ap ed N� 5 969 S rafka T desco �In Favor B rn@ � ayor Against Fo� R_3 �5 �UeLISHE6 �� � }��� _ _ � � ,� , � `i ' , . � .. �S�' ..�. .�� tm ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL �!�"'��� � � - .. ��,�� _ , Repo of Commiasio�er of Finance _ � o Condemnation of I.aunda. File No. �' � . � . . . .. . .. � � . _.. y i � In the matte of --�-- � _ _ � __ _ -- � .- _:. -__ ..___-r- __. . .._ : . _ : o ening, widening actrl extr.°nci�:.�; ',3r�w�ster St. to a width of 60 £t. #��~'�- � ' � Y '�' , Hamline Ave. b taking and condemn- 1 ' � from N. Snell 'ng Ave. Go h41, ft . wesr�-:i - , ' y � ing for str.ee purposes a strip of 1at'��'. ' !"'- � in width, the center line of said strip is desc ihed as fol.low=� : conart �_ i } ?�: .i p��int on the south line of the north 970.61 ft. of the NW�, Sec . ?.7 , To�n t :j� , Ra�z,a,� 23, h7/+ ft. west of the east line of said NW'�; hence wcsterly �o�� '`E � ' -�' 1'•'C ' '.1n� o� th,r, north 970.61 ft. a distance � of 577 ft, ; t enee nc?r.rtiwe,ster?�' c>n <i cuaL� ±:n ! h�� right t�aving a radius of 500 ft. and a central angle of 16°, � dis*:,�,e:e c�� ::j?•'�r� ft. ; Ct1PFlCP. northwesterly tangent to said curve a istance of 13; .4u ? �` . ; '-r1� ^� ' '�' r'-i,w�:sterly nn a curve to the lef.t having a radius of. 5 0 fr. . and a cc.ntr� l tr�f, !.F• �_'.- ''�9 �� ai.stance of 139.63 ft. ; thence � � rh� •asterly linp of N. Snelling Ave . and westerly to a point �n thQ iz-�tc°�-�F°t r an'' �'' y �,�y 5��r.ti.o� 27; also opening, wid�.�ning : � the south lire of. Che N. 8�'4 f r • � � "' �:'';' '"�h and extendin W. Jessamine r.vc . t:o :7 ���. 1t . �.�� - ft. from N. Hamline Ave. ta 701 ft. w e s t e r l y b y a k i n g z n c 3 condcmnin�, E nr s r<��t ��ur.poses rhe sca�ith 60 ft. of the w�st 701 �t. of t e easr. 734 fr., �t z;he �,�. '„ �i_ ,rt, t�'�1�;, Scc. 2 7, Towns h i p 2 9r R a n g e 2 3; ^,' hr�rt �t. . Lrom r_hc� proposed opening af alsa oper�ing widening anc� ext�'ndins' �' • ` ? y and condemning Brewst:er St . to the. proposc:c� c,n��iiita�lcf�` " . ��,, �>t?� r,�1�aNW�: Sec.ta�,nTownship 2y, RanS� , the w�st 6C t. o£ thF caast� 7�4 t ,,. ,t . and W, Te�samine Ave. � pro e,�e^d c, e����tt� �; .- > z��w L � 23 lyina bet een -tl� F �' � F.x�,;�ir�.d„�t E�as�enent 50 feet in width fcrr the � lso, cc�nd�rrni.nc; nci c �,'.n�. � I";:_ � purpase at c nstructinn an<1 rratr�r,{4 ,iri, � �,L�hli� ;,�ywer �t,, ?ind�r, through and �cross a ,trip of l nd .`if) f�es in wa.tlth, t`_:t. c �:i.t.e�� lz.z�;r caf: so�id `'-as35�nfeetlsouth�o� theG west of ttze est lin�� af. Noi�r�� ���+mt�l�.e �vE:rxue ��n;l E..�.t.Wndiny_„ sauth Ii.n� �t thr�. �'F.z, c�f thE: NW-�, c�f, �,F:c ��c�r.? ;�7, Tc�`a�lc7hip ?9, Range 23; said easeanents necessary t thc,� �onstr�ac.t.inr� c�t *n�� "?'.�,iL"�.NE: A?n�-:NLr}? STORM SEWER, CONTRACT A." __ . .... _ Gi'S-�ZIIeI'eai� auu cric.Ncravm��v .-........ .,_---�--------._ _._. the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersi ned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. mmission of Fina� ,