242434 ORIGINAL TO CIT CL6RK 242434 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC�dsE C uTTEE OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C- �3T'C�1 �j, 1969 COM M I551 ON E DATF RESOLVED= That Applications for '�'unday-�n-Sale-Liquor Licenses, made by the following applicants who are holders of Un Sa1e Liquor Licenses, at the addresses stated� be and the same are hereby branted and in compliance to C.F. No. 235531, 4rdinazee No.13755, �hich amends Chapter No. 308.00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and �rdinances. Rowe� Inc. 995 �aest seventh Street App. 8301 New Old Loc. Connolly's, Inc. 991 North Le�d.ngton Avenue n 8�.00 n New n E�.ah Appl c�.tion InformallT �proved. by �ouncil �s dated n Application K-83o1 1 9-69 K-81�o0 1 ].l�-69 MAR r� 1969 COUN ILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays � 4 1�s� Car on Dal lish pproved 19�_ Me edith �n Favor Pet rson ' Spr fka v Mayor A gainst Te sco Mr. Preside t, Byrne PUBLISHEi �(� $ '9�� O . � � �' - CITY OF�SAINT PAUL ,L� . Capital o! Minnesota f'r'�� 9 �/ � �� .�. J �e a�ti�e�t o kblic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECT ON WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commisdoner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Ineyeetor Jarivary 9, 1964 Honorable Mayor and Ci.ty Council 5aint Pau2� Minnesota Gentlement Recently Ro�e, Inc. acquired the 0� Sale Liquor and mi.scellaneuas licenses at 995 �est Seve�th Street. William SchWartz, President and �reasurer; and Barbara Sch�artz� Vice-president and Secretary co�aprise the offioers of the corporation. �pplication is a�ade Por Sui�day-t�-Sal.e-Liquor license in cormection �3.th this business. Attached is t.heir application for suoh a license. Very truly yours, -� �.�Q� Q ,,,��� t � �� G�y�`� • License Inspector K-83o1 G�� a� /� � � 0 � $FFmAQIT Ffl8 3UNLIAY LIQUQR LICENSS �,PP'L�CATI�+1 ��� � �� � ���w��2.rz ` 5 IJ ��- �idenoe ,A,ddrea� � Z� l D �2TL�K1-/Jl L censee � � ��i�� .J c}E u.�l��.r Z. A dreee oP Buaineas �Gf J� W � _� �7. � ' I hereby apply far a .8peaial Sunday Liquor lioense, I h�ve a Restaurant - � (oross out one) 13.aen�e with se tiag oe►psoity for / DD people. - Signed �� 8 t+� af �inne s ota . $S Co ty of F�msey ����w.w�. �c t-�wR�7 Z. being firat duly eworn, depogea a aays upon oath a he has rea the foreguing affida�vit bearing hi� - si nature arxi knaws the Qontents thereof`; that the same is�trus oP his la�.oa�ledge, except as to thoea mst�ers therein atated upon informatioa an beliaf a� aa to those me►tteire he believea them to be true. ��� Signsture of app ioant Su eorib�ti and � to before me / th e� day of 19�v� Lr0 ' _ _ F Na r Publia, �ey ounty, Minne ao ta IV�y a�isaior� expiree 19 a•��.. , � _,, �art�i sr�sr,�,;;�,,._- : �. , -�,,R, r�„ c,r�. ,:. , ._ , �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CT� " Capital of Minnesota � �tl(�� 2� ` J �e a�ti�e�t o ablic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTEC ON WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commlasioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN. Lieensc Insyeetor Jarivary il�, 1969 Honorable Mayor and City �ouncil Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentl�nens On September 20� 1968, Connelly�s� Inc. received inforinal approval to transfer their liquor license fraan "inactive� (formerly at 1553 UniversityAvenye) to a new locatfon under construction� 991 North Lexington Avenue. At this time application is macie for Sunday-(�- Sale Liquor License in connection with this business which wi.11 soon open up. Attached is a c opy of their application for the license. Very truly yours� �,�-��'�` � . License Inspector K-8398 K-$l�00 O , „ AFFIDAVIT FOR SUND�,Y LI�;UOR �ICENSF APPZICATION ✓ � Nam� �'Y1 , Reaidenoe �,ddress Liaenaea s �yt� , 1lddreae oP Buainees � I heraby apply for a Speoial Sunday Liquor liaenae. I haee a staurant �$t (croas ou� one) lioenae with sea�in.g oape�oity Por people. Signed �_ $t�►ts oF Yinsieaota) )SS C otmty oF Rameay ) � _ � •� being Piret duly s�rorn, depoaea an aays upon oatli tha he has r the foregoing a�fidavit bearing h3.e aignature and l�oovs the oontent thereof; that the same is �rue of his vom l�.ve�ledge, exoept ae to thoae matters therain stated upan information a�d belief and as to those matters he bel.ieves them to be true. _%n? � �,2�'�` Signat�zre of applicant $ubaaribed and sworn to far�e me this "3/�'1�'day oP ls �,� ,- � � . � ot�,r�q b 1 io, y u Untq, 'nne s ota o a�i s si om ez ' e� 19 Nctary Pubiic, Ramsay County, Mlnt�� Jv1y Commi�si�n Expires Au�. 1, 1974 Jan. 9, 19d9 � � � � � ;-- 1 , __�_�, � �'��� . ,. Han. . E. Carlsan, �'' � Ccxps . of Public Se►fety� � Tent and Mittri��ota 3t�,, 3t. ul„ M1.nn. % i/��^�tt �\�t'r. Daniel P. McLaughlin Dear ir: /; �-\0 �� The City Counci oday info lly�px�oved the �pplication of R e, Inc., hol.d�rs of Sale Liqu and mimc�ll.aneou� licenses e,t 99 Weat Seve�rth Stree , for 3unday n�Sa1e»Liquor license in coane tion with thia busin . W�„�, u please prepaxe the cwstoamary re�o ution? `-J `.'� �''� _ _.�, ; , i' I � � i 1 V�l"y truly yOtxr'�, � � �_\\ � � �,—__%;�' Ci��y` Clerk hp ���._..___ Jan: 14, 1969 1 �'� j _—_.._—I � `.'_`------• . \ Ho . William E. Carlson, �`�,A C� r. of Public Safety, ,�----� � �� �� T� h and Minn. St�. , \`�� St. Paul, Minn. //����. � n� I+�r.,��tniel P. McLaughlin De Sir: ��� ,/• ��� J The City Council tcad,.�inf� y approved the appl3.cation of onnelly's, Inc. , for S�rfi� °. al� uor License in connection wi h their business whic �ll soo en�,t their new loc�tion er consi;ruction ttt 9 �N. Lexingt Avenue. Will you plea prepare tY� customary resolu�ion7 �� �_�% ,.i��%.." �.i j, Very truly your�, ��� ��,, � City Ca.erk hp ��A� , ,�'�,,� , � �-----� ,��,