242433 ORI6INAL�TO CI Y CL6RK �42433 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �cE�vs� c r-mtz�rr� COU CIL RES UT N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' �� �'IB.I'CYl �{.� 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED: That Application K-8287 for Hotel (38 Rooms) and Ci�arette Licenses, and Application K-8288 for Foodstuff-Vending Machine Location L3.cense, applied for by Reva Stokes at 1923 Feronia kvenue, be and the same are hereby granted. NEW , Informall approved by �'ouncil dar�uary 7 1969 Old Loca-� on �p,� 41969 COU CILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya ��� � �969 Ca lson D glish pproved 19—_ M redith � Tn Favor Pe erson ' Sp afka � Mayor A gainst T esco pUBLISHEI �R 8 1969 Mr. Presid nt, Byrne - O • � S \i � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Capital oP Minnesota ���� 2� ✓ �e a�t�e�t o u�`ic �a eL� p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets NEALTH FIRE PROTEC ION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIBE ALARM AOGEA M. CONWAY, Deputy Commiasioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lleenee Inspeetor January 7, 1969 Honorable Mayor and City �ouncil Saint Paul� Minnesota Gentlemen: Reva Stokes makes application for a hotel(38 Rooras)� Foodstuff-Vending Machine Location ar�d Cigarette li oenses for 1923 Feronia �venue� wl�ich is known as the Park I�ar►e Hotel. It is located on the North si.de of the street bet�een Prior and Fairview Avenues. It has been licensed for a similar business since 191t9, and the pressnt licensee is ManZ R.Stokes. He has been �icensee since December 1967. Previously Mrs. Stokes operated the Grand Island, Mebraska Hotel. Very truly yours� �,,�,� /�.` ,�� License Inspector ._ _._ � O � °r i1 �i � . ` ' / �_/ ��� � rx..:...! r,. r_., r { ( / ,1 � � . ` s,s.�.- •�i.C. . ,(. � �.i:y . , • � I I ' ��- �" . CITY flF S�INT PAUL O� , , ` c � :�:� DEPAI�TMENT OF P�TTBLTC SAFETY ZiCENSE DIVPSIt7N Date ,19� 1. ,�ppli a��.on f or ' L�,aea�e 2, Name f appliaant 3. Buain sa e�ddreas�f q�3 �- � �.�sidenae �,�� 4. Trade x�►me, if a�y 5. Retai Beex Federal Tax 3tamp Retail I�iquor Federal �aa Stamp �ri.11 be used. 6. C�i �r t �loor looated Number of rocana u�ad� ^� � 7. Bet�re n what croaa etreets 'Rhich side of street �j,��-�� - .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .... . ... . ._.. ... ....�TTw� _ - 8. are p eea no� oaaupiad�'Nfhat businese .�.���� How long 9. �Are p mieea naav unocaupied�p Ho�v� long �acant Frevious use • T,.��_ _ _. 10, Ara y u a new rnmer_(�j,ei� _ Have you been in a s imilar bus inea s bef ure ?y�� _zr- .,.�.._._ '�ihere qPhen /g � � �c �l9 � ? l 11. Are y u going to operate �his businesa per�onally If no , xho will op�ra�e it 12. Are y u i� an�r other business at the p�esent t3�us ry��+ _ �. _ __ ..., 13. Have here been any Qarnplaints a�ainat your opera�tzan of thia type oP place m� 1Plien 1Pfhere 14. E�ve ou ev�er had ar�r licenae-revoked�_�Rhat reae ox� asad date 15. Are y u a aitizen of the United StatesUD� Native � Na�uralized r��__. 16. Whe�e re you, bar� . Date of bir'th 17. I am ��rried, y (w:iPe's) (husband�s) nam� and address ie 18. (If m�rried fem�1e) �y ma iden name i� 19. Hoar 1 g have yo� li4ed in St. Paul �� � l q (� 8' 1^. , 20, Have ou ev�er been arrested � .Violation af wha�t crimina�. la�r or ordinan.oe 21. Are y a regis�hered voter in the Cit�r of St. Pl�ul � ea No, (Ane�r fu�.1 ax�d oom Ietel . These a �licsation.s are thorou hl ohealflad ax�d an falaif csation �11 b� s�ause for denia . .. �' R 22. Number of 3.2 p]aaes within t�ro bloaks 23. Cloaeat intoxicating liquor pla6ee On Sale OPf Seile 24. IJeareat �huresh Neareat School 25s Number of bootha Tablea Chair� S`tools 26e 'IP�t occupation have you followed for the paat five �sarso (Gi�e name$ o�' employ�srs and dates ap employed.) � 27. Give� z�mea and addreasee of t�wo persons, reaidents of 3te Pl�ul, Minn„ who can giae 7.11f'o2�t�at1 OOriaePTl.�.ri� yOUo � Name �,s.���I�� �;�r o� ���� Addre a s Q-u-� Name �ddreas � �,�.�, .Q�htJ _ 3ignature of pp ioan State of Min.r�esota� �as C ounty of f�ma 7��.� � being firat duly a�rorn, deposea and say� upon c�,th t he ha� read the foregoing statement bearing hia signattzre and 1�oTra the Qantenta thereof, and that the aems is ti�us of his o�rn. l�ov�ledge except as to thoee me►ttera therein stated upan information and belief and as to thoae matters he believea them to be true. ����HY J. MUNKELWITZ ��+Y�'ubiic, Ramsey County, Minri, ��$��ommission Expires Oct. 25, 1970 SZ� � Of �pplicant Subacribed and axorn to before ms ' this a � day o 19 b 9 e d�.�6s No x°y Publi , ey Countya Minneso My Com¢ai.saion expires � fl -aS�-I�� T� ' (Note� These statement form,s are in duplicate. Both csopisa must be ful].y filled outa notarized, and returned to the Lio�nse Divis ion0�— Jan. 7, 1969 (� I ---.�.__ � �______-__--__._._- �� -,� ��� �. � __�� ,\f Hon. illia�u L. Carlson, ��'"-'` ' � i� Camsr of Public Sa�"ety, %�� � � Tenth and Miru�esota St�., r ,/ St. u1� M�.nn. `���� /,/ ��.,� iJ Mr. Uaniel P. McLaughlin Dear ir: �,.....�� `� ,-.-._'._�,.. � The City Cou /1 today\r�orm�l appxoved the appli�ation of Re Stoke� �'or a h �1 (38 R J, Food�tuff� Vending A�a.chine Locat on and C�.�arette icenses at �23 Fer�nia Avenue, known as the P�xxk ne Iiotel. �� �/l � Wi1�:'yo��leas `���e%the custora�ry reso.lution? '/ % 1 ' i Very truly yours, j � ? � � f \� � ' �� ��._%, � City Clerk hp �._'_�'