242423 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL K 24�423 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ERAL FORM COMM 59�ONE "lilliam �;. :arlson DATF I'.larch. 4, 1969 �'�i � S, Ordi ance i�To. 3250 a�a-thorizes and providos for pa��ient for overti::� yrork, and ��L1�EAS, the onm-�is�ioner of I'ublic �aze�y has authorized overtirr.e vrork in his depar�ment (General 'rLdmi istra�tion, Buildin; Ts;ain�box�ance) durin� the �riod from F'ebruary 22, ].969 to �':�rch i, 1 69, �herefore, be it :�SOL�i�L'D, tha i:he proper C�itv� officers are herebv au�horized �o pa�t �he emplo;�eos vrho performed suc overti_��o zvor�> in accordance vrith the provisions of Urdin�nces T�o. 6446 and Iv o. 3250. �IAR 4196� COUNCIL EN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � carlso 4 1969 Dalglis pproved 19—_ Meredi h �n Favor Peters n Sprafk C ayor A gainst Tedeac Mr. President, yrne �UBLISHE� �R 8 1969 O