243849 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ��38�V CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTI ENE L FORM PRESENTED BY ,��illiai_ E. Carlson � i.�v 13 1969 COMMISSIONE � � J`�NEAS, Ordinanc �-o. 3250 authorizes a.nd �rovidos �or na;:•nent z"or overti=ae vror�_, and i��R�.;t1S, 'che Coru-,. ssioner of �.iblic 5�:�'�ty has autl.orized otrer��ine rrork �n his de�rtr,ient (General Adr,iinist ation, �uildin,; i`ain'�onance) durir�,_; �the period from T��ay 3, 1969 to S:ay 16, 1969, the f ore, Ue i� �SOLV�D, t:�a�t th pro�:�r Ci�;;r o��icers �re h3rob;r authorized to natr -�he eraplowrees ,;rho perforn:ed such �v rtir.ie vror�. in accoraal�co �r-it:1 the provisiors of C�rdinar�ces T�To. 6i�46 and �`'o. 3250 MAY 1 3 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas N ys Carlson ��� ; � ^"" � , �::i�:. �. Approve 19�_ Meredith �n Favor Peterson �"'`°� Mayor Sprafka �A � �1����, Tedesco gainst ��`��`�,��:�s�Q ..«����,{� Mr. V�ce P.resident`�' � °� Pue��st+f� MAY 17 1969 , o