243844 243844 co,��� xo...�..._... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ancl PRELIMII�TARY ORDER. ; Theund ' edhereby proposeathemal�ingof thefolYowingpubliaimprovement by the City oi 8aint Psul�vls.: � Gra e & Surface with bituminous material the a11ey in Blk. 7, Oakijille ' ..Par ._from Weide St. to Arcad.e St. A1so construct a sewer in the a11ey � ,,,_,.for sto�m wate�_,gu,��qses:_,,,,�C��8,Q�,_, , ; ..... ................................................................_�....._.... Dstsd this. 13th......day og..............MaY..............---....... . . 19 69. ....................... ............ ..�.��.._ ... ...... i unoilman. I I : PRELIMINARY OItDEIt. WHER,E , A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: � .. ._..Gr, e..&.Surface w3.th .bituminous material the .e11ey in.Blk: 7, Oak$ille._.._�_� .... . . ..... ..... .. „_...............Par ,from_Weide.St;.._to..Arcade,St:,,_,,Also.construct.a_sewer,in_the__alle,�r�__�..� ....... . . ...-- -- -_ ._ ........... ..... .. .---- for storm wa�er purposes. (G1890) � .................•-------....---------•----._..........._.................____..........................._....._................._....._......................................................._ 6sving beea p nted to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.............................................................................._...... t6erefore, be it . ftE$OLVE , That the Commiaeioner of Publia Worke be and ia herebq ordAred and direoted: 1. To inv igate the neaeasity for, or desirability of�,the making of eaid improvement. , 2. To inv igate the nature� extent and eetimated coet of eaid improvement, and the totsl coat thereof. 3. To f s plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. • 4. To sta whether or not eaid improvement ie asked for on 9�,he petitio�of three�r more ownere. b. To re rt upon all of 4,he foregoing mattere to the �mmiesioner of Finanoe. Adopted by tbe Couaail..._.-•.................. '��``'..:...:........�.:::..`1................ Yses Cou cilman Carlson MJ�� A .:° j�6' �PPto�►e�.........................._..........._.__.._.........-•-•^-- ;� �+. He-1-l�nd � � Meredith Peterson Tedesco ...... ... '•---........ ......... ._....... 19��, ���n��°B�cs�u. �iCt��tt� Msyor. . .w .. � ^M v 6 � �� ')��Y �1': �:�i!..,� � ... . .. . � �� U �e��sHE� �IAY 1 `7 196�