243840 ♦OIlI61NAL TO CITY C BRK e , Li3tJ�� • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0. �-� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE C U��L SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF ��r- RESOLVED, Upon the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Gode, by Gordon. R. Struck, owner of the subject premises, zoned in "C" Residence District, under said Zoning Gode, described as Lots 1 and 2 except the west 40 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, Merriam Park Second Addition, at the southwest corner of Marshall Avenue and Dewey Street, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, that the provisions of said Zoning Code, in respect to density requirements, hereby are determined an.d varied, in their application to said real estate, as and to the exten� necessary therefor, and that a permit hereby is granted unto � said appellant , and his successors in interest, in respect � of said real estate, for the construction of a seven-unit - apartment building to be constructed thereon, all in accordance with plans therefor dated Received February 5, , 1969; and that otherwise, said appellant-permittee, and his successors in interest, shall make due compliance with all applicable ordinances , state statutes and rules and regula-- tions of public authorities having cognizance. F�(� PROYED Mst ' Gou MA�,- � ; 1969 COUNC MEN Adopted by the Councii 19_ Yeas Nays Carls n �,�:? ` � '��,� Approve 19�_. Mere ith � ^ Tn,Favor ,� - Pete on Spra a � �CtlA� Mayor Tede co A gainst .,r_ ��,,,���El� ��id��a�,�Yrn = Mr. Vice Pr ident�� 'PUeLISHEr MAY 17 1969 0 r •� • � Harr:y E. a�shall w�'T'' �F� Albert e. Oisoa ' City CZ k and y`''��% CounciZ Recorder Commissioner o Registrati.on a � _�,°. aro `rJ, ^C OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OP RECORDS ������ �88 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 5510� April 10, 1969 Mr. Joseph P. Summers Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution grantin� the attached appeal of Gordon R. Struck to relax the density re- quireznents of the Zoning Code on Lats l ffid 2 except the west 40 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, Merriam Park Second Addition, at the south- west corner of Marshall Ave. and Dewey St. V ry truly yours, `' , ��� City lerk � ng �+ � � � � � � � ��R � 1 ���9 �ORpI)R/�T�iQ`'! ��'-1�:ti='-'- \ O � � BOAR OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMM RCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 April 8, 1969 Mr. ry E. Marshall Cit Clerk Room 386 City Hall ard Courthouse De3r Sir: This is written in response to the appeal of Gar�don R. Struck to rela the density requirements o� the Zoning Code on Lots 1 ar�d 2 exc t the west 40 fe�t of Lot 2, Block 2, Me�riam Paxk Secord Addition, lxa ed on the southwest corner of the int�rsection of Marshall Av�nue ar�d ewey Street. This matter was considered at the March 20, 1969 Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported the site is occupied by a large frame six nit dwelling in neecl of rehabil.itation. The area requi.red for a sev -unit apartment building is 10,500 square fe�t. This property has an ea of 10,260 square feet, 240 sqvare feet or 2.29$ short. It was not that the Comprehensive Pl.an re.commended a density of 15 dwelling uni per acre ar�d this proposal represented approximately 30 units per cre. It was noted that the existing d�teriorating building con ining six units raeul.d be replaced by a new building containing onl one more unit ar�d would provide off-street garking. There were no bjections raised at the me�ting by the area residents. It was the fittiin� of the Board of Zoning that the r�quest to rel x the density requirem�nts was r�asonable arxi that the new structure w�a im�ove the area. Cons�quentl.y, the Board voted unanimously to rec erd app�oval of the appeal. Very truly yours, ��k!�r�CJ rl� � �£'eter J. ietta Secretar PJM: v ATB Z.F. #6719 �..-�� � �� � � � � 80 � . . , • � �� �6 `= � S69 . � �S�s . .. _ 4�1 R. Lynnhurst Ave. St. Pea�I, l�ia�a. 65104 �'f/�►ruary b, 1969 'Pk� norable Ya�ror aad City Couaail c/o C ty Cl�rk Boom 6� City Ha11 and Courtho�e $t. ui, ltian. 5b102 G1ent 1 ; lppli tios is hexawith re�pectf�ally submitted for psrmie�aian to aomntruct a► ne 7-ronit spartmeat building at the following describ�d location; ts One(1) and 'lh►o(2)� except the Xe�t 40 feet of Lo� Two(2), a11 in loch T�ro(3). �econd bddi�ioa lterria�a Per]c to the City of St. Pau1, Thia oce.tioa is _an t�la,e 8outhwe�t cerner of the interaection o� Nwr�ahall Ave. and wsy St. �t pr .aent there is a sia-�mit apartmeut building oa the �it��r, approxime�tely 70 y old, in a d�teriorafiil�g condi�ion and a ilefisits detrimeat to tlae sei onc�ofl. Our in�tention ia`to raze the old building and to erect a aew 7wni a�tmen� bu�:2d3ng anc� a 7-�ta�l garage on tbe sits. $xtra plaaning and ense will be underts�3an to iaet�rporate aonvenience s�nd d�sign iata the ldia,� tc ao�aplemea�t �aother fine apartment building recently con�tr�cted ia t seame block. '4�a se of this appeal ia to ask for e► relaxation of th� dsnsit� raquir�-- me �� i�r� 65�4 �1qv,are Seet in exaeas of that required Yor 6 nnita, making a d�e ciency of :s�16_aquare feet in the tctal laad ar�a to presently �a}.ify for 7 u� �. Per.miesion to construct the 7 unita is needed to keep lt�nd costs per unit ore comparabls r►ith currant lsnd co�ts for m�ltiple dwellin�e, thu� maki con�truation coata more feaeible. ll�o, 8 ?wnit plan will enable uo to c atruct a more workable floor p�au to include convenience facilitiea for the enants� au�h aa a,dditfo�al ctorage. utility ancl recreational area. Ordi ce Legialative Code, Chapter 64. Seation 03, Paragraph i �e►ke� provi�- ion r thi+� �ppeal. I a�m �ta�hiag 3 aite plane of the proposed Qonstx�ctiion. Your atten�ion and con� eratton in tb3� matter will be greatly appreciated. xesp c��'ully yovrs, � ' --a-*-✓ �'f.�ti c� � !-' u � E}ord & 3truck ��i �� �;tt �^ ,d � � }1 �� L� Tele one NoB. - s44--�r1s2 F E B 5 i96s s�5-�s38o CiTY F'i.�i����V�ii€� �3����D �' '1/linn�� ZC���t�� �ILE ��'"��� � _� ; � �. �, y • BOXRD'0�` 7A I.NGJ REPORT AND ACTION March 20� 1969 Pl,at Map 19 � Acting u or Legislativa Cods Chapter 60 thru 6� Fil� No, p�ssed Au ust 22� 1922 as mmonded to April 6� 1968 6719 ' Also � 1. APPLIC NT'S NAME : Ga�dor R� Siruck � ;- 2. CLASSI ICATION s I.�Am�ndm�nt Q Appasl QP�rmit ❑Other 3. PURPOS s Relax density requir�menta 4� LOCATI N s Sii Corne� of intea�seotion of Marsl�sll Av�ue snd Der►sy Street 5. LEGAL ESCRIPTION s Lots 1 ani 2� e�spt the Msst 40' of Lot 2, !l�rriati Park Second Addition 6� PRESEN �ONING � "C" Residanae 7. PURSUA T TO Zoning Cods Chapt�rs 64 Ssctions .03 . Para�,t►aph� i 8� STAFF NVESTIGllTION � REPORTt Dat�� 3/11/69 By= CLS A. ZONING ADMINISTRATORs No action 8. s o� cor t is aite C. s To develop the tite witli a 7-unit apartm�nt building D. APPEALs This site is d�ficient in l�t ar�a for s 7-unit apartmsnt n� E. P'RESEN STANDARDS� A 7-unit spartn�nt buildir►g r�quiras 10,500 squsrs feet of ares � F. s �i' s�site is 10,260 squara f��t in ar�a,short 240 square !°eat or 2.29$. � G. Gs The !`rontsge slong Marah�ll Awnue is zoned "C" Res3danc�. To the sou s zon�d "A" Resid�r�ce a� to the north is zoned "B" Rea3dence. H. COtlPRE ENSIVE PLANs Tha Conaprshansiva. Plan racamn�ds R-5 clasaification for this ar , �te ng units psr ac:ra. I. SITE C NDITIONSt The aite is occupied with a large frame dr►elling in need of re on. Tha site is slightly abovs the s�eet grade along !larshsll Are ue atd De�rey Street• J. AREA C NDITIONSs To the north are miaoed resid�btisl u�ma. To the east ia a 7-unit a traent ing aad one-family reaidences. To the south are one and t�o-fasily {. res dential uses. To the weat are �ix,ed residantial usea. � #. ; ��: �: R r,, Council Lettar 9. BOARD TION; To Racom�eond D Approval U Denial �tad Mo od bys Gauger Y�as Nays Date of Hearing � X Atnea `� S ondad bys Danna Coh�n � X Danna (Alt) Council Action . X Gadl�r X Gaugor Sacretary's remarkss Maiotta D�ste McPartlin (Alt) X Manaur (Alt) LEGAL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET t' �� .- : . . -,.. -. . . ,�_.. .R�� �k � •� ♦A1� I i.�� 4C �`• "' •'� �i•-..`i �-ifl.. i 1 � ''l � ���0•�iOi O � fl�� � . �'O O V. ' .���'���.::. :� } •� � � � ' ;1� �' 1 � � 1 � �� ; � ����! � � � � � � f � i ' i °-- � � � � � ' /I ••s � � � , ; � L1�� �__.__ _- 1� � � _._�._��:.�r �—i.�.�.—_��j_ � �� �(_„_.-ti,r. ! � � � � ; _. � --____. � � .__"".-i . �. � � i , . , _' --�-�-�---....,,. � � i i � „ � ) j o ! 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'—..,- - �- —..._—_l--- ( + I i 1 ��� U�1 - '( ��1 ^ �S���; �:.: ,� _ , ---r- - - -----.- - ��--'-- C 2'� � r" �--,j � ..=_..i 5� . . { '` � �� �. ' , � , , , • ! i � , � � C` 1 \� � t �� { � � _ I ! � � �_. � � 3, � � ..._ �CO/„IM�RG1At C C ,l..J;C ^, O � O CJ � C!C?� �'' Y � IC� Q � i�� � 'r e � ^ 12 ' . , �� , w> ,�. v p�p ,� c, 'o�. -- __ _ ` ` ' ��� � � `� .. __ :_. � � �.. `.-.. �._ .r. 'rr r arr � � � f 1�t�Ljl� g 1�i ! �ordon R. _Struck ��.�7�'ND . , � . � PU -�'-Z��SG Relax density requirement ��j�� U�� ��, ; o o�v�-�a►,�i�Y .- PS�C5EN1' Z N1NG ����� Residence , ' `�"' T1�r/0-�Ar��lLY "� , ; _ � YHRC E- FA��ILY 'PETITION IGNERS ' " - FOUg-rAllf,l L.Y � � �:� _ � I�1�U LT I- Fl�l��l I LY ;; �� o enCO'�i�i�RCiAL� � FI�.0 No # ?19 . r�oR-�w n n► �I�DUSTRIAL � � _ . e. �� �.� ���� :� .�� �' -�� ,z�. � � � �/ � VACANT �;� ,.>a.a,�.� � ' _,�> � . ¢�'�'��'� ?z.�uc.��,.��ft�iSlcMn+1l�,�.��< 't.�ta^1i^,�„.�.:��..rr.,...�4.�_ . . ;:;��'`� , ° � .. .. v .. . �, CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 March 28, 19b9 ity Clerk File X680, Page Y u are hereby notified thaC a public hearing will be held in the uncil Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of S . Paul at 10:00 a.m. on April 10, 1969 on the appeal of Gordon R Struck to relax density requirements on the following property: L ts 1 and 2, except the west 40 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, Merriam P rk Second Addition. The property is located on the souChwest c rner of Marshall Avenue and Dewey Street. F r further information contact Planning $oard, Room 1010 Canmerce B ilding or phone 223-4151. JA1rD:S J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance O