243835 OR161NAL TO CIT CLBRK 24�835 CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ES LUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONE Victor J. Ted.esco DATF April 29, 1969 RE50LVED, that an extra in the amount of $544 be allowed under Contract o. L-7129-2 between the City of Saint Paul and the Thor Construction Co. , said contr ct for the General Cor�s truction of the Langford Park Recreation Build.ing, Saint Paul Minnesota and said extra to cover the following: Cost of d.r ving piling in excess of 45a long, as follows: 4 - 60�0'� long pilings -- 60'OBe Ad.ditional footage �3 — 55t�ec ee 6r __ 60t0°e er er 18 — 50�Orr ea ce __ 90t0'r �e se Total 210' 210'0°t lineal feet at $2.40 per foot p- $504. 00 Moving test piling 40. 00 Total Cost $544. 00 -said wor having been requested. by the Commissioner of Parks and, Recreation and Public Bui d.ings, and. agreement mad.e with the contractor, and a memorandum of said. agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. Charge to PIR 6000- 03 to be reimbursed from 9767-603-007. MAY � � ���� COUNC LMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y eas Carl on a s !�A� 1 ' 9!��99 pprove 19— Mer dith � Tn Favor Pete son Spr � / �lctie� Mayor Tede co � A gainst � / :[�'':�'a�t�c�" ;a`�"yine ..�. m�r. �>>r� �:�r._; :�:,�.; p. e '1�1�[ISI�E� MAY 17 1969 ��