243834 OR161NAL TO CI CLERK ( � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��OU L RESQL�U�TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ��u� DATF ��1►S, 4rdinance D�o. 32�0 suthorised. and pravides Faac pay�n.eat foa� o�t3aae �ar�k, and �S, �,e Cc+m�iss3anes of Park� and xecreaticu aad Public Hn3ldinga has anthc�rized rnrerti.�e �rc,�k ia h3.a departatea�t dur3ng the periad from May 3, 1969 thrca� �say 16, 1969s ther�fcire, be it 8�9�, That the prop�6er city o�ficera are hereby anthorized to pay the �playeea who perfa�ed auch cr�e�ti�e sro�k 3s� accordsace �i.th the prcrv3.aioa�s of Qrdinanc�s Ko. 6!�l�6 a,nd. No. ,��5�. MA� '� j 1969 COUN ILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays , , �� .L ' �4�!a Car son Approved 19—_ � Tn Favor Mer ith e rso � Mayor Against ; / �rltt�u - d sc ✓ •�4�.- , ...... . .� ::�i: • ' � .. . �,ir. i ica �re 'dent �B��SHE� MAY 17 1969 ��