243819 i
. , 2438��:�
. File No. si�7,1
In t M�tter of ric�a trisctias tlta s ilaralk ea tb� s+��inrea� s i�� •� M��1s Slvd.
t;M th sonth liss of �t 7, ilk. 13, Sabsrbu IIil�s to th� tier�th liss o! sl���t =e.
asi �r ins all sth�r �tt whieh i* �ec�ssar� asi isc�irteital t� co��lst� said is-
under'Pr liminary Order Z�' Z� approve� �ril li. 19f!
The uncii of'the City:of St. Paul having received the report:of the Commissioner of. F�nance
upon the above impro�ement, ai�d having considered said.report, hereby resolves:
- 1. hat the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,�cLthe said improvement
is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ��.�
2. hat the nature of the improvement which the Council'recommends is �
t�► re' truct ths sida�alt o� tlu� swtlnrsst si�s e� l�iwatids 31�i. f�a t�s s�xt.ti liu
�� iwt , �11�. 1S, =��r1�aa Hills �� �h� �u��. li�e �t �hirt S�. s�i ti�r:�Nar� all
. .� , .
�1a��r �rbicti i� �seusas�r ud ia�ciiltstal t� e���ta saii i�r�r+�r�s�, ��ip� _. `;`�
�ase � i :a�� suffiaiu� ��rai ailaralks sw �ist.
;�vith no ternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof ia � �•SO ��a lii. tt. ��r S� wlk
. �er u. ft. #�r �' walt
Res ved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1�� day of
- J�uas 1 f! at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M:, in the Council Chamber of the Court
House City Hall Buildi�g in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
. sa.id mee in� to the peraons �nd in the manner provided by the Ch�rter, stating the tune and�place of
hearing, he nature of the i�provement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
COiJN LMEN Adopted by the Councii �Y �. � i9�9
Ye.as rison Nay�
.Approv MAY 1 3 1969
M redith „
P' ter5on
S rafka �n Favor
�, � � �t�lA�' Mayor
i�ir �T��� ���a�nt��'� : against tdtl�He� MAY 17 196�
B.s�.Q� � ��
Dist. No. 3
SW. S. Mounds Blvd.- Lot 7 to Short St. �ee: �p-�/
/ � 7��1 ci���
``��' � `�i� 243819
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April 22nd. 19 69
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To the C mmissiaaer of Finance of the City of St, Paul:
The Com� ssioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order
of the C uncil known as Council File No. 243244 approved April 18th. 19 69
relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on the southwest side of Mounds Blvd. from the
south li e of Lot 7, Blk 15, Suburban Hills to the north line of Short St. � and
by doin all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement.
aad havi g investigated the matters and things referred to therein, herebq reportst
le The estimated cost thereof is $3050 per lin. ft, for standard sidewalk 5 ft<
wide and $4020 per line ft, for standard sidewalk 6 fte wide,
2e A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is t►ereto attached and made a
part thereofo
3e Initiat�d by the Commissioner of Public Works X
4o Improvesient is asked for upon petition
. �
Commissioaer of Pub c s
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