243811 . ' ,_ , ''' COUNCIL FILE N0. �,, INTE EDIARY ORDER - By F�e rro. asa`s In th Ma,tter of rae�aatrr�atia= tke siiavslk �s L�� si1�s �f �lrur� _�. gr� I.afni Ava. t� lair Ai�. awi tiy i�iz� all other �rt whic.l� is �aa�ssar� adi is�i�i�s�al e� : a�lats esii i.�rs�rnest: � ;under Pre 'minaxy Order 243�4! apArove� �lril li, 1!i! " -, The ouncil of the City of St. Paul having re¢eived the report of the Commissioner o€ Fina�ce upon the bove improvement, and having conaidered said report, hereby resolves t 1. at the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said impronement is hereby rdered to be proceeded with. - 2. at the na�ure of the improvement which the Council recommends is to ` truat t1�a a�.�aralk � iw� siies "o! �s'Iwrp St. fr�a Lafoiai �ire. t� li�lts �ve. �ai 'h► d i� all •t�sr wr�C wiiial� is seaassar� ui i�esidestal to c�lst.� �sii i��; .� ,;::t�j�: > lswr�aati , a:eqrt �sre �i as� ss�liciest p��si aiiawaiics �w► s�ist. • 3.3►6 �sr iia. it. f�r S' walk with no ternatives, and that the estYmated coat thereof is � 4.Z• per liz. !t. fer i' w].U€ ' Reso ed Further, That a public he�ring be had on said imprnvementon the i�t� day of -at the hour of 10 o'cicek A.M., in the Conncil Chamber of the Court - House as� City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of : said meet ng to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chaxter, stating the time and p�ace of ��� h�uri� e na,ture of.the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COU'1V ILMEN MAY �, � 19� �� Adopted by the Council . Car s�� • NaYs MAY 1 3 : _ �:, � 19�9 �Ile ditr+ . Approve Pet rsv�� � $pr f ka T„ Favor ` , r � df!#�qq Mayor . �, _. .� i,_ �i :: . � . . . . . ;.. . . . ...,.:u..�:.;.x�... ...�o..._.....,.. .::39. A ainst Mr. Vice Pr aident g � ��� ��Y �7 �969 8-68-4][ R�1