243810 _�i
� 24�810
File No. Saii4
In th Matter of- aecoastrxctia� th� sideaalt on l�th siias •f A�btiry �t. frea
si�a� ♦ s. ca Z'�rsas ��e. a:d b� i�iss all other p�sk nhich i� zac�ssary asd
inciiait 1 to cc�plete �sii i��ev�t.
under Pre inary Order 248Y51 approved �lril 18, 1!i! ,
The C uncil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance
upon the bove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. at the said report and the same is`hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
is hereby rdered to be proceeded with.
2. t the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is
t� raco �rnat ths s i�awalk oa tio tli s iles of Asln�r�r �t. l�re� ti�ti A�re. tm T��as
�va.' asd y ioi� all other M�rk ahich is aacessasy aai iaeiiantal to awrplete_ said
i�pr�r t, sxes�t whare goe� s�i ssi�giciait �rsi sidaralts sw �z3st.
with no a1 rna.tives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $'�-SR�e {* ft. f�r 5' �ralk '
�4.36 !er lis. tt. f�r 6' �nik
Resolv Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the `il� day of
, at the hour of 10 o'c�lock A.M., in the Counc�l, Chamber of the Court
House and ity Ha11 Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finxnce give notice of
said meetin to the:peraons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of
hearing, th nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
COUNCT Ex MAY 1 � 19�9
Adopted by the Council - .
Yeas Carlso Nayg �Y 1 3 1969
Meredi h
Peters n ''
Sp�afk Tn Fanor +�-�
Tedes � /@t1'e� Mayor
���. , 39E n Against
Mr. Vice Preside t ��� �B���HE� �f� 1 / �069
6-68-82d �� B.1 �%i/� 1,1/1I J